CentOS - Aug 2008

Sunday August 31 2008
11:35PM 1 strange httpd error page using apache
10:29PM 2 rc.local
5:45PM 2 Help using ed [OT]
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 13
9:19AM 2 LVM and hotswap (USB/iSCSI) devices?
1:37AM 8 CentOS 4.7 status
Saturday August 30 2008
12:05PM 1 Changing swap resume signature location
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 12
8:08AM 2 S.M.A.R.T
2:55AM 5 Anti Virus and Anti Spam
Friday August 29 2008
9:26PM 2 Iptables masq traffic limiting
9:21PM 1 relocation, migration
8:29PM 1 DB stop&start
7:34PM 0 Slow perl on CentOS - ActivePerl as a solution
7:13PM 1 C 5.2 and VMWAre error
5:58PM 2 detecting boot order
5:47PM 0 HIP rpms for Centos 5.2
2:24PM 0 Re: Curmudgeoning (was Re: Problems with writing, Dual Layer DVD)
1:38PM 1 realtek 8211CL driver centos 5.2 x86_64
12:52PM 3 new software raid installs
12:45PM 1 Xen HVM and tap:aio
12:01PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 11
11:19AM 4 syslog-ng
8:18AM 1 Webalizer displays wrong year
7:50AM 0 lmsensors support in net-snmp
7:30AM 1 Configuring an Intel 3945 wireless card: partial success
Thursday August 28 2008
8:33PM 2 buildinstall problems
3:29PM 1 virtual machine question
2:57PM 2 unix2dos did NOT fix line wrap problem on PC
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 10
10:21AM 2 Problem with gnome with file type recognition.
9:23AM 4 How to enable bind to listen querys from all my network
7:50AM 1 CentOS Mailing list on nabble . why not ??
6:23AM 1 problem with slave dns servers
12:49AM 2 yum provides on centos 5.2
12:45AM 2 Strategy for using CentOS on laptops in an NIS environment
12:15AM 0 System goes into read only mode - not the same as posted earlier
Wednesday August 27 2008
9:54PM 2 Unable to install CentOS 5.2 on New HP Intel Core 2 Quad
8:13PM 0 RADVD address timeouts
5:38PM 1 Problems with writing Dual Layer DVD
4:34PM 1 nsswitch.conf, ldap, local groups problem
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 9
7:11AM 2 Logwatch doesn´t report on dovecot
Tuesday August 26 2008
10:57PM 5 restarting static-routes-ipv6
8:04PM 8 establish a 128 bit encrypted tunnel between centos 5.2 boxes
7:57PM 4 loading modules across reboots
7:43PM 1 OT: Port Scan
5:22PM 1 iptables question
4:54PM 1 specialix module
2:17PM 2 postfix install error: fatal file /etc/postfix/main.cf: parameter setgid_group: unknown group name: postdrop
2:09PM 1 Slow Xen on CentOS 5.2?
7:24AM 3 Help me
6:14AM 1 screen not sourcing .bashrc
5:50AM 1 data rate on NIC card
5:46AM 1 apache
2:23AM 1 (Global/Any) setting for "show hidden files?" - SOLVED
Monday August 25 2008
8:30PM 2 slow Perl on CentOS 5
6:33PM 0 (Global/Any) setting for "show hidden files?"
3:59PM 1 Second Xen NIC not being recognized?
1:41PM 0 syslinux and isolinux
12:14PM 2 how can I get the kernel source codes of CentOS5.2
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 8
10:31AM 1 virt-install error: "virDomainLookupByName() failed got unknown HTTP error code 400"
5:39AM 2 smartd
1:24AM 5 Yum corrupting RPMs
Sunday August 24 2008
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 7
10:29AM 3 Problems with perl upgrading CentOS 5.1 to 5.2
12:48AM 2 dynamic dns
Saturday August 23 2008
9:14PM 1 Getting IP in installer
7:40PM 2 Crash recovery
5:44PM 2 CentOS 5.2 + SELinux + Apache/PHP + Postfix
4:00PM 3 Lies wide open ...!
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 6
2:35AM 1 Adding new Hard disk to server with RAID-5
1:24AM 0 OT: Google Earth, v.4.3.7284.3916 (beta) on CentOS 5.2 (32 bit) (SOLVED)
Friday August 22 2008
10:15PM 0 CentOS position on systems intrusion at Red Hat
6:22PM 1 OT: Google Earth, v.4.3.7284.3916 (beta) on CentOS 5.2 (32 bit)
4:59PM 1 A couple of minutes on GnuPG and signing files
3:55PM 1 OT - Offline uncorrectable sectors
3:55PM 2 Various OpenGL apps crashing in CentOS 5?
3:43PM 2 RH's servers breached
3:23PM 2 system-config-kickstart
2:13PM 1 Growing RAID5 on CentOS 4.6
11:39AM 1 LVM not removing LV
2:26AM 1 Yum Issues with Dev groups
12:47AM 1 postfix mysql_pgsql update?
Thursday August 21 2008
7:13PM 0 kickstart error on 5.2 exception
6:09PM 0 VPN traceroute is not consistent/ Bind cannot transfer
6:07PM 2 Dell Perc snmp
6:06PM 3 What fires logrotate
3:23PM 1 Xen "bridged" networking config
1:37PM 1 YumRepo Warning: not using ftp, http[s], or file for repos, skipping - 5 is not a valid release or hasnt been released yet
1:30PM 6 Support policy CentOS 5
11:32AM 2 Per-user limits for port access
11:13AM 5 General Linux query
11:03AM 7 perl
10:49AM 3 Disk quotas for Sendmail
Wednesday August 20 2008
9:57PM 2 RE: Adaptec 2820 & 2gig+ partitions
8:45PM 1 qt3.3 is default in environment, I want it to be qt4
4:07PM 3 iscsi and the last mile...
2:47PM 1 Dual-QUAD Intel NIC which bonding is supported in CentOS?
1:53PM 0 extlinux on centos 5.2
11:50AM 1 Unknown mail transport error
11:23AM 6 Best way to migrate a server?
Tuesday August 19 2008
11:34PM 2 nash on centos 5.2
5:44PM 1 USB drive detected, but nothing gets mounted.
4:31PM 3 Where is cached memory going?
2:50PM 0 centos 5.2 booting thumbdrive
2:33PM 4 Simple IPTABLES Question
1:38PM 3 Is there a way to save the routing table permanently?
1:22PM 4 centos on intel D945GCLF board
9:25AM 2 USB Drive is detected and but the device "/dev/sda1" is not initialized
Monday August 18 2008
10:18PM 2 [Request] mod_auth_ntlm_winbind
8:00PM 3 Lightweight MTA for XEN CentOS guests
7:41PM 3 Problem copying files to flash drive
7:28PM 1 Win2000 / Win2003 ADS dnsHostName and servicePrincipalName
6:46PM 5 Boot CentOS 5 to command line
2:46PM 4 Disabling IPv4
6:17AM 0 OT NIS Question
3:52AM 2 finding older rpms
3:32AM 1 Rsync Setup
Sunday August 17 2008
9:40PM 0 Confusing output from pvdisplay
1:50PM 2 mirroring with LVM?
9:19AM 5 file manager over ssh
2:12AM 1 mirror.centos.org down?
Saturday August 16 2008
9:08PM 0 kickstart and 5.2 x86_64 giving errors.
3:30PM 1 FSID and NFS
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 5
4:21AM 2 xen and nvidia
Friday August 15 2008
7:30PM 2 gftp crashing on IPv6 to vsftp
2:45PM 1 Hard disk, format, filesystem
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 4
12:03AM 1 question between centos 4.6 i586 and denian edge
Thursday August 14 2008
7:46PM 1 Checking last shutdown state
3:01PM 1 [OT] VPN/DMZ best practices
2:26PM 4 Firewall/Proxy with time window access control
12:14PM 6 wireless laptop configuration
10:44AM 0 NFS not syncing until directory viewed.
Wednesday August 13 2008
9:54PM 3 DRBD 8.2 crashes CentOS 5.2 on rsync from remote host
8:58PM 0 Re: Boot from degraded sw RAID 1 SOLVED
7:21PM 0 rtc in /proc/interrupts
6:07PM 1 Boot from degraded sw RAID 1
5:30PM 1 support libipq?
4:40PM 1 udev rules for /dev/sd[a-z] ?
12:47PM 3 ks
12:12PM 0 libc.so.6(GLIBC_PRIVATE)(64bit) is needed but I cannot find it in CentOS 5.2
11:12AM 0 No subject
9:52AM 3 how to create whole image
7:59AM 2 Help setting up external drive via Firewire
4:54AM 4 What is vibr0 Network interface and what is it used for
1:22AM 1 Changing boot drives
Tuesday August 12 2008
10:54PM 1 Kerio Mailserver on Centos 5
9:15PM 1 Please help: The process of am-utils map key lookup
8:44PM 0 Looking for remote console on iPv6 without security layer
7:59PM 1 bind-9.3.4-6.0.2.P1.el5_2 and rrset-order: order 'fixed' not fully implemented
6:53PM 7 Missing fonts for tightvnc
1:38PM 1 Sendmail is not putting the full information in the received header anymore
12:56PM 1 mystery process "unit"
12:27PM 4 NFS issues
12:11PM 2 learning centos
12:03PM 2 WUBI like process for CentOS ?
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 3
11:33AM 1 SCO 7.1 on full virtualization mode
7:46AM 2 Sendmail with TLS, permission problem
1:11AM 4 Centos 5.2, Firefox 3, and IPv6
12:52AM 3 Suggestion on Network Management software with troubleticket system
Monday August 11 2008
7:00PM 4 df to get total disk usage on all filesystems?
4:49PM 6 Looking for linphone
6:59AM 4 Need to restart ypserv to update the nis maps
3:50AM 3 Question about Open SSH Public Keys
Sunday August 10 2008
10:04PM 6 gcc editor for newbie (Emacs or vim or ?)
6:39PM 1 Writable Centos LiveCD on Embeded Linux?
12:36PM 1 conntrack-tools and Session syncing
Saturday August 9 2008
11:25PM 2 can't access irc server on xen domU, please help
6:50PM 0 New kernel and keyboard shortcuts
3:28PM 1 centos 5.2 / sun java ?
Friday August 8 2008
11:58PM 2 Good reference for dkms?
8:34PM 0 Stopping setroubleshootd failed
7:55PM 4 vncserver on IPv6
7:16PM 1 Package request: php, pear: spreadsheet::excel::writer
6:53PM 1 can't get Ethernet SNMP information
3:33PM 1 Xen and bonding on Centos 5.2
1:07PM 1 Command line partition manipulation
12:38PM 0 sound
6:33AM 2 rebuilding the kernel.
6:15AM 1 MRTG Problem - no traffic recorded
1:32AM 3 ext2online / ext2resize
Thursday August 7 2008
10:51PM 1 CentOS 5.2 - Nautilus - file types are not associated with an action and icons are not displayed
5:06PM 0 CentOS as a desktop was Re: Slightly OT
4:30PM 9 CentOS5 running very slowly on a core 2 duo with 4 GB RAM
1:32PM 1 Mount a Xen disk image file
9:41AM 1 Firewire/IEEE1394 support on centos.plus repro and yum update
6:23AM 1 Kernel 92.1.10 build issue
4:11AM 0 TSPC RPM for CentOS 5
Wednesday August 6 2008
7:38PM 0 rsyslog and imuxsocks
12:02PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 2
5:48AM 1 Help: Server security compromised?
4:38AM 2 CentOS 5.2 -- how do I choose a wireless network?
Tuesday August 5 2008
9:26PM 1 OT: Digital Video Editor for CentOS 5.2 - Suggestions?
7:51PM 1 RPM Uninstall
5:03PM 2 remote install/upgrade of FC3 name server to CentOS 4 or 5
5:01PM 3 Yum
4:12PM 3 NetBSD on CentOS 5.2 Xen 3
5:35AM 3 rsync question
Monday August 4 2008
7:21PM 0 model_editor.py
6:00PM 1 pam max locked memory issue after updating to 5.2 and rebooting
5:00PM 2 Outbound connections not using primary eth0 IP
3:51PM 3 Whole disk encryption
3:00PM 0 GFS and Smaill Files
1:43PM 5 Reloading /etc/hosts
10:52AM 4 HP ILO Fence Configuration
Sunday August 3 2008
12:31PM 3 Questions on cpu frequency scaling AMD vs. Intel
Saturday August 2 2008
8:52PM 0 Darwin Calendar Server on Centos 5
6:55PM 2 Fetchmail pop server and clean spam messages
6:37PM 2 Isolinux disk error 20; AX=4280, drive EF
6:09PM 2 64bit vs 32bit
Friday August 1 2008
11:27PM 2 Using CentOS 5 as server; best way to setup NFSv4?
10:40PM 4 DVI + VGA?
7:27PM 7 Mirroring Hard Drive
7:14PM 3 'initrd' image of CentOS (domU) on Ubuntu (dom0)
6:11PM 2 SLightly OT - Seamonkey still crashes at random
2:46PM 2 Lost Sound after Firefox crash
2:29PM 4 Quation about CentOS 4 xenU kernel
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 1
11:01AM 0 gnome-session missing "--silent" switch
5:39AM 1 DVD Burner
12:43AM 2 Remounting a USB flash drive
12:23AM 2 BackupPC 3.1.0 on CentOS 5.2 triggers SE Linux denial