On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 11:01 AM, **linda** <berichtjeaanlinda at
gmail.com> wrote:>
> Hello,
> I am trying to make a barplot with nested count data which is build like
> this: first there are several birds (n)laying 3 clutches composed of 2
> half of the second and third clutch received treatment and this treatment
> was tested to influence sex of offspring. I want a barplot showing counts
> for male and female for every egg of every clutch. can someone tell me
> to do? I drew a table of how i wanted it to look with:
> ftable(sex,clutch,egg,treat) giving:
> clutch egg treat #females #males
> 1 1 0 14 21
> 1 5 2
> 2 0 25 24
> 1 3 43
> 2 1 0 23 43
> 1 23 5
> 2 0 43 6
> 1 54 1
> 3 etc
> I would want to have clutch egg and treat all on the xaxis but not in
> separate bars but nested within eachother just like the table. Can someone
> tell me how to deal with this problem?
> thank you,
> Linda
Here's one approach:
qplot(egg, geom="bar", colour=treat, facets= clutch ~ sex)
Otherwise, you might try providing a minimal reproducible dataset, and
describe more clearly the graphic that you want.