Displaying 20 results from an estimated 61 matches for "offspring".
2017 Nov 18
Hi all,
I am reading a huge data set(12M rows) that contains family information,
Offspring, Parent1 and Parent2
Parent1 and parent2 should be in the first column as an offspring
before their offspring information. Their parent information (parent1
and parent2) should be set to zero, if unknown. Also the first
column should be unique.
Here is my sample data set and desired output....
2007 Oct 26
[Fwd: Re: subsetting]
...ame as
Second, I want the focal individual to be born by a mother that
reproduces for the first time.
So the /parents /of the focal individual should have year ==
The problem for me, I think, is that in my data set with several
generations, an individual can be both offspring and parent to other
offspring at the same time (e.g. id=3 in test.data). In the 'offspring
role', to select a individual from which I want the measurements, I
would use year==year.hatch. However, for the /same/ individual in the
'parent role', to pass the 'parent test',...
2008 Oct 20
valid users and file permissions
...sions better. I have a
share which is not behaving as I expect.
path = /home/shares/family
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 0775
force group = parental
guest ok = No
valid users = @parental, @family
writeable = Yes
in Group parental are mum & dad; in group family are mum, dad and offspring.
With file permissions of 0664 and force group parental, I would expect
the offspring to be able to browse the share but not write to or delete
from it. Unfortunately, they can both write and delete.
How do I achieve this please?
2009 Oct 21
re ferring to data of previous rows
...n the following dataset I would like to insert a new column that refers to
the data of the previous row.
My question is whether the probability of a female (Id) changes if she had
given birth to a pup in the previous year. So my dataframe consists of the
column Id, year (2003-2007 for each Id) and offspring (=of; 1-0):
Id year of
1 2003 1
1 2004 0
1 2005 1
1 2006 1
1 2007 0 with 1= female (Id) gave birth to offspring (same year)
2 2003 0 and 0 = female didn't pup
2 2004 1
2 2005 1
2 2006 0
2 2007...
2010 Jan 10
How to control number of significant digits (figures) in y-axis?
Dear R users,
I encounter a problem regarding number of significant digits on y-axis.
Below is my basic code:
auto.key=list(space="right"),layout=c(9,1),xlab="",ylab="Offspring number",
>From this code, you can see there are 9 small panels in a single row. Thus,
there is only one...
2003 Dec 10
oggenc of wav file loses one second at end of track.. why?
it through oggenc. Originally the wav was 25 seconds,
the ogg is 24 seconds.
This happens at various quality levels, and I saved
several copys of the file on a webserver at
If anyone wants to confirm my observations.
The command lines were:
oggenc -l offspring -a offspring -q 9 "01 - Time to Relax.wav" \
-o "01 - Time to Relax-q9.ogg"
oggenc -l offspring -a offspring -q 4 "01 - Time to Relax.wav" \
-o "01 - Time to Relax-q4.ogg"
This happened at other -q settings as well.
c:\>oggenc -v
OggEnc v1.0.1 (libvor...
2006 Dec 02
Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect in: chisq.test(x)
I am getting "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect in:
chisq.test(x)" with the data bleow.
Frequency distribution of number of male offspring in families of size 5.
Number of Male Offspring N
0 518
1 2245
2 4621
3 4753
4 2476
5 549
Total 15,162...
2004 May 12
non-interactive call to R (running an R package as a stand-alone application)
Is there a way I can have R automatically execute the commands in a source file without ever having to use R interactively? If so, what arguments should I pass to the UNIX call to R? I need to do this to run several R jobs in parallel.
An alternative may be to have R and an R package behave as a stand-alone application that can be called from the UNIX command line. Is there any documentation on
2005 Jul 08
Overlying a Normal Dist in a Barplot
Hopefully someone can shed some light on these questions as I had
little luck searching the archives (although I probably missed something
in my search due to the search phrase). I estimated multinomial
probabilities for some count data (number successful offspring) ranging
from 0 to 8 (9 possible response categories). I constructed a barplot
(using barplot2) and I want to "overlay" a normal distribution on the
figure (using rnorm (1000, mean, sd)). My intent is to show that using
a mean(and associated sd) estimated from discrete count data may no...
2010 May 16
I am sampling two random columns from females and two random columns
from males to produce tetraploid offspring. For every female I am
sampling a random male.
In the end I want to write out a a matrix with all the offspring, but
that does not work. I get always only the offspring from the last
females. There must be a mistake in my script:
moms<-read.delim("females.txt", stringsAsFactors=...
2008 Sep 05
using nls to fit a curve to data
I am trying to fit a curve to data. My command line is:
I get the error message:
Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], names(ind), env) :
Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the model
In addition: Warning message:
full preci...
2009 Jun 26
Matching data to a new column
...'I.D' 'age' 'mothers I.D'
01 5 03
02 6 06
03 16 NA
04 8 06
05 3 NA
06 17 NA
I need to create a new column for 'mothers age' which puts the age of the individual with 'mothers i.d' into the row for her offspring (so individual 01 would have 16 in the mothers age column, as thats the age of individual 03)
Hope that makes sense, any help appreciated,
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2005 Jul 01
loop over large dataset
...eprodictive process (i.e.
meiosis, sexual reproduction).
My code is someting like:
off = function(sire, dam){ # simulation of reproduction, two inds
sch.toll = round(runif(1, min = 1, max = 2))
dch.toll = round(runif(1, min = 1, max = 2))
s.gam = sire[,sch.toll]
d.gam = dam[,dch.toll]
offspring = cbind(s.gam,d.gam)
# offspring
for (i in 1:dim(new)[1]){
if(ped[i,3] != 0 & ped[i,5] != 0){
zz = off(as.matrix(t(new[ped[i,3],])),as.matrix(t(new[ped[i,5],])))
new[i,1] = zz[1]
new[i,2] = zz[2]
I am also attribution a generation index to each row with a trivial
for(i in a...
2011 Apr 16
lme4 problem: model defining and effect estimation ------ question from new bird to R community from SAS community
sire 1 BLUP "broad 2.2037
sire 1 BLUP "narrow" 2.1609
sire 1 BLUP with dam1 2.1002
Data details:
The data is animal science data in which five sires were randomly sampled
from the population and were randomly mated with two dams.
Two offspring per sire dam combination were measured. Average daily gain was
recorded. We are interested in breeding value of ith sire(means that which
gives offsprings with higher gain
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2002 Jun 13
A random insertion position in a vector
...hat we did solve but I
am not happy with the solution. I feel there should be a better way
of doing this.
Briefly, he is simulating births and deaths in a linear array of cells.
Births and deaths are required to alternate.
For a birth, one of the cells is selected at random to be the parent.
The offspring cell is generated according to some rules based on the
type of the parent then inserted into the array either to the left or
to the right of the parent. The left/right choice is random.
The part that took us the longest time was deciding how to insert the
offspring cell into the array in a way th...
2008 Nov 14
Generating unique permutations of a vector
Hi all,
I try to generate sets of strategies that contain probability
distributions for a defined number of elements, e.g. imagine an
animal that can produce 5 different types of offspring and I want to
figure out which percentage of each type it should produce in order to
maximize its fitness. In order to do so, I need to calculate the fitness
for all potential strategies. As an example, if I assume the probability
levels to be 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, I can generate all possible
2010 Jan 10
How to control spaces between axis, tick and label in xyplot or xYplot?
Dear R users,
I encounter a problem regarding space control in xyplot. Basically, I want
to control spaces between label, tick and axis. I remember there is a
function called mgp in general plot. Is there a similar function for xyplot
or xYplot?
Below is my basic code:
auto.key=list(space="right"),layout=c(9,1),xlab="",ylab="Offspring number",
By the way, since there is no x-axis, I just want to control space
parameters in y-axis. Does som...
2007 Aug 29
Recoding multiple columns consistently
...n record if its
parents were not known.
Missing parental (sire and/or dam) identifiers can occur.
I need to export the data for use in another program that
requires the pedigree to be coded as integers, increasing
with date of birth (therefore sire and dam always have
lower identifiers than their offspring) and with missing
values coded as 0.
How would I go about doing this?
And a second, simpler related question, if I have a column with
n different values (may be strings or non-sequential integers)
identifying levels (possibly with repeated occurences), how
can I recode them to be sequential from...
2005 Jul 21
vectorising ifelse()
...[i]>0, new[drow[i]>0,zappo[i]], sample(1:100,
1, prob =Y1, rep = T))
Where I am forced to check if the value of drow and srow are >0 for each
line... in practical terms, I am attributing haplotypes to a pedigree,
so I have to give the haplotypes to the parents before I give them to
the offspring. The vectors *zippo* and *zappo* are the chances of
getting one or the other hap from the sire and dam respectively. *gp* is
the vectors of non-ancestral animals. *new* is a two col matrix where
the haps are stored.
Federico C. F. Calboli
Department of Epidemiology and Publi...
2005 Jun 09
May I ask you a question about matrix population models?
...uot;matrix population models" and Rmetasim package,but I
find it's very difficult to understand this model fully and can't
find a good teacher.My question is that:Now I do some research about one
marine shrimp: Penaeus chinensis, it's life cycle is one year. after it
breed it's offsprings, it will died. This shrimp's life cycle is dicrete
,if i use project matrix or life cyle graph to express it,how can i do it?
Best regards