> Hello to all-
> 1. When I run a regression which implements the
> augmented Dickey-Fuller
> test, I am confused about the names given to the regressors
> in the output.
> I understand what "xGE" stands for in a standard "lm"
> involving an
> independent variable GE for instance, but if I lags and or
> differences are
> included in the model, what do the following "output" stand for:
> "xlag(x,-1)GE"
> "xD.GE"
> "xD.lag(diff(x), -i)GE"
> "xD.D.lag(diff(x), -i)GE"
> Thanks for the clarifications -- I don't want to
> "misspeculate" on the
> actual interpretations, here...
Hello rwatkins,
I assume that you are referring to the function:
function(x, L = 2, int = T, trend = T)
#Construct Data for Augmented Dickey Fuller Model with L lags.
#This is a modified version for R, in which the command rts was substituted
by ts.
x <- ts(x)
D <- diff(x)
if(L > 0) {
for(i in 1:L)
D <- ts.intersect(D, lag(diff(x), - i))
D <- ts.intersect(lag(x, -1), D)
if(trend == T)
D <- ts.intersect(D, time(x))
y <- D[, 2]
x <- D[, -2]
if(int == T)
summary(lm(y ~ x))
else summary(lm(y ~ x - 1))
As you can see by the code the lagged differences of the series are produced
repetitively in the for-loop; the function argument "L" sets the
number of lagged differences of the time series to be tested for unit root.
After the for-loop the one period lag of the original variable is included
to "D" as first columne. In case of a trend inclusion, this variable
included as last columne:
xD.lag(x, -1): is the one period lag of the original series;
xD.D.D.lag(diff(x), -i): is the one period lag of the differenced series;
xD.D.lag(diff(x), -i): is the two period lag of the differenced series and
xtime(x): is the linear time trend.
Pls. note, that you should include as many lagged differenced x series
(function argument "L") until the residuals of the test regression do
contain any significant autocorrelations (check their acfs and/or pacfs).
> Also...
> 2. When an Engle-Granger test is run on multiple
> independent variables,
> only one cointegration vector is returned. Can one tell
> "which vector" --
> or what two variables' relationship -- is being identified for the R
> output. Likewise, if I run a Johansen test, does R "tell me"
To which function are you referring in particular?
> specifically
> which pairs of variables are cointegrated or do I just get the rank?
> Thanks to all for your time and consideration.
If you apply the Engle-Granger Two-Step-procedure in case of more than two
I(1) variables and if more than one cointegration-relationship exists you
are estimating a linear combination of the latter. In case you apply a
Johansen test (rank- or trace-test) you are only testing the space of
cointegrating vectors. In order to draw inferences about the
cointegration-relationships you must test these specifically.
As a suggestion for reading and further elaboration let me allow you to hint
you to the following literature:
Hamilton, James D. (1994). Time Series Analysis. Princeton N.J.: Princeton
Engle, Robert F., and Clive W. J. Granger. (1987). Co-Integration and Error
Representation, Estimation and Testing. Econometrica. Vol. 55, pp. 251-276.
Johansen, S?ren. (1991). Estimation and Hypotheses Testing of Cointegrating
in Gaussian Vector Autoregressive Models. Econometrica. Vol. 59, pp.
Johansen, S?ren. (1995). Likelihood-Based Inference in Cointegrated Vector
Models. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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