Displaying 20 results from an estimated 135 matches for "differenced".
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2006 Nov 30
bug in arima? (PR#9404)
I don't think arima works exactly the way one would expect when there is differencing. What I think should happen is that by
default the mean of the differenced series is estimated and if include.mean=F, then it is not. This is not what happens. Instead
when there is differencing the include.mean argument is ignored.
Now I guess, someone could argue that the mean of the original series doesn't exist when using a model with differencing. In this
2009 Apr 02
[R} seasonal differencing
Hi all,
I was wondering how to construct a seasonal differenced time series
I used the following code to construct a 12 span seasonal difference
seasonal<-diff(V2, lag=12, differences=1)
is this correct?
thank you in advance
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Mar 05
Time Series - ARIMA differencing problem
I have been using this website (
http://www.stat.pitt.edu/stoffer/tsa2/Rissues.htm ) to help me to fit ARIMA
models to my data. At the moment I have two possible methods to use.
Method 1
If I use
arima(ts.data, order=c(1,2,0), xreg=1:length(ts.data))
then the wrong value for the intercept/mean is given (checked on SPSS and
Minitab) and
2000 Nov 30
means in arima0 (PR#754)
Full_Name: Arto Luoma
Version: 1.1.0
OS: Windows 98
Submission from: (NULL) (
In arima0 it is possible to specify whether the mean of the original series is
included in the model or not. However, it is not possible to specify whether the
mean of the differenced series is included. It seems that it is not included.
However, if differencing is used to eliminate trend, the mean of the differenced
series is not zero. In my opinion, this leads to errors both in estimation and
prediction problems. The uncertainty in the estimation of the mean of the
2010 Jul 06
Differencing with auto.arima and xreg
I am having some issues with differencing using auto.arima when also
specifying an xreg dataframe.
The xreg dataframe contains dummy variables that specify time periods that
had a promotion running.
When I model diff(y) with order (1,0,1), the coefficients for these dummy
variables are very different than when I model y with order=(1,1,1). I
think when modeling diff(y) the coefficients
2002 Nov 18
Prediction from arima() object (library ts) (PR#2305)
...rary ts(), it appears differencing is only
accounted for in the first step of prediction and so any trend is not apparent
in the predictions. The example shows the difference between the predictions of
an arima(1,1,1) model and the backtransformed predictions of an arima(1,0,1)
model fitted on the differenced data.
total <- c(750, 775, 971, 1099, 1344, 610, 910, 1056, 1589, 1006, 1469, 1598,
876, 1104, 1197, 1062, 1783, 1554, 1400, 1340, 1013, 1031, 1030, 860, 943, 1542,
1400, 1301, 1443, 1057, 1296, 710, 1038, 1447, 694, 889, 1459, 957, 1284, 1520,
1172, 1826, 1751, 1968, 933, 1409, 1889)...
2009 Mar 08
ARIMA second order differencing problem
I have been using this site (
http://www.stat.pitt.edu/stoffer/tsa2/Rissues.htm) to help me with some
ARIMA modelling in R.
Unfortunately the methods mentioned do not appear to work with second order
differencing; arima(*, 2, *).
I have used some dummy data to illustrate my point.
When I use the xreg=... method, the estimate of intercept is *way* off. This
can be seen by the high s.e but I
2014 Oct 30
libvirt with VirtualBox - possible to specify path to snapshot folder in domain.xml?
I'm using libvirt withVirtual Box. I have installed libvirt 0.10.2 and Virtual Box 4.1.Is possible to spesify the pat to the folder I want my differencing image created in in my domain.xml file? When I define my vm (virsh domain.xml) with my domain.xml and use the readonly tag, Virual Box creates a differencing image (default in users Vitual Box VMs folder). I want to specify in my
2011 Jul 07
Discussion on time series analysis and the use and misuse of Differencing
How does the R module ARIMA account for unspecified deterministic structure
such as seasonal pulses, level shifts, local time trends and regular pulses
without needing to ask the user to intervene to specify this?
I have attached a Makradakis paper which hammers Box-Jenkins approach to
this problem of nonstationarity. I have also included a recent discussion
from stackexchange which you might
2007 Oct 12
Differencing data by groups
But, I want to calculate a depth-weighted mean for salinity, temp and oxygen
for each EventNum. The depth-weighted mean is calculated as
Xbar = Sum{depth_interval*temp}/Sum(depth_intervals)
Where the depth interval is the differenced depths (i.e., 0.103-0.056 for
the second row of data).
I cannot seem to get diff to work the way I want it to - advice appreciated
Thomas J. Miller, Ph.D.
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Solomons, MD 20688
Tel: (410) 326-727...
2009 Jul 09
Differenc in exclude v 2.6.9 and v 3.0.4
I'm finding a fairly major difference in the behavior of
include/exclude between 2 version of rsync:
opensolaris running rsync version 2.6.9
Cygwin running rsync version 3.0.4
Run from Opensolaris using version 2.6.9 and pulling from a windows XP
box with this cmdline:
(Note: cmds are wrapped for mail)
rsync -nvviirp --inplace --include="Temp/**/" \
2015 May 21
Fix for bug in arima function
...commit changes ... after also adding a proper
> regression test.
Be careful here! I was just about to say that the diagnosis is dubious, and that the patch could very well be wrong!!
AFAICT, the issue is that n.used got changed from being based on lm(x~...) to lm(dx~...) where dx is the differenced series. Now that surely loses one observation in arima(.,1,.), most likely unintentionally, but it is not at all clear that the fix is not to subtract length(Delta) -- that code has been there long before the changes in 3.0.2.
I'd expect that a safer fix would be to add back the orders of the...
2015 May 21
Fix for bug in arima function
>>> regression test.
>> Be careful here! I was just about to say that the diagnosis is dubious, and that the patch could very well be wrong!!
>> AFAICT, the issue is that n.used got changed from being based on lm(x~...) to lm(dx~...) where dx is the differenced series. Now that surely loses one observation in arima(.,1,.), most likely unintentionally, but it is not at all clear that the fix is not to subtract length(Delta) -- that code has been there long before the changes in 3.0.2.
> well... yes, but as you say for the case of the original lm(...
2015 Apr 20
Fix for bug in arima function
There is currently a bug in the arima function. Namely, for arima models with differencing or seasonal differencing, the innovation variance estimator uses the wrong denominator whenever xreg is non-null. This is the case, for example, when fitting an ARIMA(p,1,q) model with a drift term (common in financial applications). I reported the bug (and a fix) at
2004 Sep 27
optim error in arima
I'm fitting a series of ARIMA models to a data set to compare fits. After taking the logs of the data and then differencing them to induce stationarity, I execute
arima( y, order=c( p, 0, q ), seasonal=list( order=c( P, 0, Q ), period=7 ) )
for various values of p, q, P and Q. For one set of these values, I get
Error in optim(init[mask], armafn, method = "BFGS", hessian
2013 Feb 05
data that has the transformation:
Say; l.dat<-log (series)
d.ldat<-diff (l.dat, differences=1)
and you fit say arima model.
predit.arima<-predict (fit.series, n.ahead=10,
xregnew= (n+1) :( n+10))
How could I re-transform
"prediction$pred" to the level data since it has been differenced once? I know exp (prediction$pred) will bring the inverse of the log
transform but what about the differenced transform? This is my question.
I would be very grateful if you could help me with
this.Thank you very much in anticipation
Mr. Mahmoud Coker
Senior Manager
Bank of Sierra Leone
2002 Jan 09
How to obtain the series of residuals from fracdiff
I'm using fracdiff package to estimate the parameters of a
fractionally-differenced ARIMA (p,d,q) model, and it works fine, but I wanted
to have also the filtered series and the series of residuals.
I understand these are calculated in the subroutine fdfilt, in the program
fdcore.f, but I can't manage to get them out.
Any suggestion would be much appreciated
2011 Nov 28
blktap_2.0.90-1_amd64.changes is NEW
(new) blktap-dev_2.0.90-1_amd64.deb extra devel
Xen API blktap shared library (development files)
The Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) is an open source enterprise-ready server
virtualization and cloud computing platform, delivering the Xen Hypervisor
with support for a range of guest operating systems. This package is part
of it. It implements the userland part of the blktap driver.
Virtual Hard
2008 May 15
plotting predictions
I have the following model:
I would like to know how to plot the correct predictions in the original units because I am trying the following code but it is not working.
I believe that there must be something to account for the differencing.
2008 May 15
How to remove autocorrelation from a time series?
Dear R users,
someone knows how to remove auto-correlation from a frequencies time series?
I've tried by differencing (lag 1) the cumulative series (in order to have only positive numbers) , but I can't remove all auto-correlation.
If it's useful I can send my db.
x <- # autocorrelated series
new2<-diff(new1,lag=1,differences = 1)
acf(new2) #