Displaying 20 results from an estimated 82 matches for "cointegrating".
2008 Dec 16
Cointegration and ECM in Package {urca}
Dear R Core Team,
I am using package {urca} to do cointegration and estimate ECM model,
but I have the following two problems:
(1) I use ca.jo() to do cointegration first and can get the
cointegration rank, alpha and beta. The next step is to test some
restrictions on beta with blrtest(),bh5lrtest(), and bh6lrtest(). But
none of them can add restrictions on all the cointegration
2012 Jan 15
A question about cointegration - How can we find the standard deviation in the cointegration relationship ?
I am using urca package to run cointegration. I would like to find the
standard error in the (normalized, Johansen) cointegration relationship. How
can I do it?
As far as I know, The function "cajorls" in the "urca" package provides
the normalized cointegrating relationships. Nevertheless, it does not
provide the standard deviation of the coefficient for each variable in the
relationship. E-View does it.
If anyone can provide the info or some example codes regarding this
issue, that would be highly appreciated.
View this messa...
2006 Jun 29
Cointegration Test in R
I'm using the blrtest() function in the urca package
to test cointegration relationships.
Unfortunately, the hypothesis (restrictions on beta)
specifies the same restriction on all cointegration vectors.
Is there any possibility to specify different restrictions on
the cointegration vectors?
Are there any other packages in R using cointegration tests?
Thanks and best regards.
2009 Aug 31
online classes or online eduction in statistics? esp. time series analysis and cointegration?
Hi all,
I am looking for low cost online education in statistics. I am thinking of
taking online classes on time series analysis and cointegration, etc.
Of course, if there are free video lectures, that would be great. However I
couldn't find any free video lectures at upper-undergraduate and graduate
level which formally going through the whole timeseries education... That's
why I would
2007 Aug 08
cointegration analysis
I tried to use urca package (R) for cointegration analysis. The data
matrix to be investigated for cointegration contains 8 columns
(variables). Both procedures, Phillips & Ouliaris test and Johansen's
procedures give errors ("error in evaluating the argument 'object' in
selecting a method for function 'summary'" respectiv "too many
2012 Apr 27
panel cointegration
Hi - i am looking for a package with which I can perform panel cointegration
tests. Old threads suggest plm and urca package, but I don't find suitable
tests in these packs. Somebody knows more?
best regards, Philipp
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/panel-cointegration-tp4593443p4593443.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2004 Mar 25
S+Finmetrics cointegration functions
Dear all,
S+Finmetrics has a number of very specilised functions. I am
particularly interested in the estimation of cointegrated VARs (chapter
12 of Zivot and Wang). In this context the functions coint() and
VECM() stand out. I looked at package "dse1", but found no comparable
functionality. Are there any other packages you could point me to? In
general, are there efforts for
2001 Feb 15
cointegrating regression
Hi all,
Can I run a cointegrating regression, for example
delta Xt=a1(Yt-1-cXt-1)+E1t
delta Yt=-b1(Yt-1-cXt-1)+E2t
with R were
Xt and Yt are non stationary time series at t
a,b,c are parameters and E1t and E2t are error terms at t.
Yt-Xt is stationary
Any suggestions are welcome.
Best regards,
2012 Feb 05
fractional cointegration
...ion model using a
seemingly fractionally integrated multivariate time series. The
*fracdiff *package
provides tools to estimate degree of fractional integration. But
*fracdiff *can't
help me to:
1. test equality of two degrees of fractional integration, say d1=d2?
2. estimate a multivariate cointegrating error correction model, like*
ca.jo *function in* urca* does for standard cointegration.
Can anyone suggest me if there is a way to do these in R please?
Thanks in advance
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2005 Nov 19
cointegration rank
Dear R - helpers,
I am using the urca package to estimate cointegration relations, and I
would be really grateful if somebody could help me with this questions:
After estimating the unrestriced VAR with "ca.jo" I would like to impose
the rank restriction (for example rank = 1) and then obtain the
restricted estimate of PI to be utilized to estimate the VECM model.
Is it possible?
2009 Mar 16
Cointegration Vectors
I am trying to test the cointegration among 5 time series, grouped in pairs. I would like to save in a table the cointegration vectors for the 10 tests.
I used the urca package, but I dont know how to extract the data only for the cointegration vector.
Thanks in advance for help !
2010 Aug 23
Fitting VAR and doing Johansen's cointegration test in R
Could someone please tell me the R codes for fitting VAR(p) (Vector
Auto Regressive) models and doing the Johansen?s cointegration tests.
2011 Sep 28
cointegration test
Dear All,
I am looking for a cointegration relationship between Spot and Future Price
of commodites. The problem i am facing follows:
1. After estimating by Engle-Grranger Method, i found that the residuals are
stationary at their level I (o), which is required to fulfill the
cointegration test. But the autocorrelation problem arises, as DW statistics
is signficantly low 0.50-0.88 for various
2008 Mar 20
Cointegration no constant
I am trying to estimate a VECM without constant using the following code:
sjf <- finland
sjf.reg<-ca.jo(sjf, type = c("eigen"), ecdet = c("none"), K = 2,spec=c("transitory"), season = NULL, dumvar = NULL)
While the cointegration test does not use a constant, it is used in the cajools which I do not want. I am sure I am
2007 May 25
How to obtain cointegrated relationship from ca.jo in urca package?
I can plot the ca.jo package to view the cointegrated relationship for each eigen value. Or I can use the normalized eigen vector to reconstruct the cointegrated relationship series. However, since the package can plot that for me, I wonder is there any specific slot/method in the class from where I can invoke to get this relationship instead of doing a duplicated work? Thank you.
- adschai
2010 Mar 27
Error lm.fit(...) - pairs cointegrated trading
Hello guys,
I'm trying to do a pairs trading cointegration analysis on two stocks (AXAP
and AXANY), but I get an error that I don't understand...
Here's my code:
setwd("S:/Users/Alexis/Desktop/Essai") #chemin du dossier contenant les
donnees <- read.csv("Data_R.csv", head=T, sep=";", stringsAsFactors=F)
dates <-
2003 Jun 10
Regression output labels
Hello to all-
1. When I run a regression which implements the augmented Dickey-Fuller
test, I am confused about the names given to the regressors in the output.
I understand what "xGE" stands for in a standard "lm" test involving an
independent variable GE for instance, but if I lags and or differences are
included in the model, what do the following "output" stand
2007 Mar 14
Question about testing cointegration using Autoregressive distributed Model (ADL)
Hi,I'm just wondering if there is any package for testing cointegration with ADL model. I saw a bunch of packages and list of email thread. There seemed to be no such a specific method. I am following this paper on how to test using ADL but I don't have a tool. http://www.wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de/~hassler/ha-wo.pdfAny help would be really appreciated. Thank you.Taco
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2007 Jun 02
Question regarding Johansen's cointegration testing
I have a couple of questions about johansen's test, in general:
1. I was able to obtain error correction term (ect) from cajorls$rlm$model properly. According the my ca.jo object on 2-variate series, the test suggests that the integration rank is 1. Which means that my ect should be stationary. However, I did test stationariy on ect and it shows non-stationarity and my acf still shows
2009 Sep 02
Cointegration/urca package
I estimate vector error correction model (vecm) model. I have only one cointegratio relationship. I write :
joh.vecm.rls <- cajorls(joh.vecm, r=1)
The output estimation is :
lm(formula = substitute(form1), data = data.mat)
up.d expl.d upd.d r.d
ect1 -1.34e-01 4.55e+02 6.91e+00 2.43e+03