Perhaps you should forward your concerns to the OpenLDAP developers list
and hopefully they can work out something to streamline the process.
Perhaps they are already working on streamlining the system and require
some help in tightening up some of their ideas.
I am sure that they would welcome any suggestions that you may have.
Of course, some of the issues that you have experienced also appear to
have come from Samba's implementation of chatting with LDAP. Perhaps
there are some things you could forward to the Samba developers that
could also make for a much easier to operate Samba/(Open)LDAP experience.
Robert Adkins II
IT Manager/Buyer
Impel Industries, Inc.
Ph. 586-254-5800
Fx. 586-254-5804
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim [mailto:jcllings@tsunamicomm.net]
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 8:12 AM
To: samba@lists.samba.org; Robert Adkins
Subject: [Samba] Re: frustration samba and LDAP
> So far, it has been my experience that learning (Open)LDAP is really
no> more difficult then learning Microsoft's Active Directory system. The
> only major difference that I see is that (Open)LDAP appears to be
easier> to recover, if there happens to be corruptions and such.
Actually, I'm going to side with him. Figureing out the setup has taken
me just under 6 months which is way too long. IMHO, the problem isn't
that the system is complex, exactly. Rather that it can seem so complex
that one constantly winds up second guessing. It has too many
components to keep track of and integrate (ACL's, smb.conf slapd.conf
ldap.conf ldap.secret, search syntax etc. etc..). Despite thier
individual complexity I've felt that they are collectively complex. If
one isn't good at decomposeing problems into smaller domains, then one
might be in trouble. Also there is the problem of thinking in an extra
dimension for an object orientated database system when most of us are
trained to think in relational terms. Couple this with the lack of an
easy to use and understand query language/syntax (i.e. that we are
spoiled by SQL)...
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