please have a look to the following mail from Gerald Carter
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Carter []
Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2002 3:40 AM
To: Klopf, Tom
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: [Samba] patching howto for samba?
On Fri, 31 May 2002, Klopf, Tom wrote:> I've downloaded the patches released for 2.2.4, but, alas, I don't
> how to use "patch". Could someone point out a good how-to for
using gnu
> patch on redhat 7.3 ?
# cd samba-2.2.4/source
# make realclean
# patch -p0 < $filename
# ./configure --with-whatever-options
# make
-----Original Message-----
From: Trevor Fraser []
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 10:39 AM
To: Samba
Subject: [Samba] Applying a Patch.
Hello all.
I sent a message to Jerry and the list, I see it didn't appear, must have
made an error. Maybe that's good, I shouldn't hassle Jerry about minor
I've never applied a patch. What does it entail, I'm sure being a
scientist isn't part of it? I been to the site and seen the patches, they
look like scripts that can be run, is this the case? How? Do I just type
# ./patchname ?
Please can you give me an outline of what I must do.
Thanks, Trevor.
=================================One volunteer is as strong as ten hired men.
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