Raffhell wrote:> When I launch a wine app, often the monitor starts to flicker. This can be
very annoying... What could be? :|
I've noticed some games switching to an interlaced mode when they really
shouldn't be (like Call of Duty 4). That could be what is happening. It will
show up as something like "1080i" mode on your monitor/tv. If it's
a crt monitor you should see an increased number of scanlines.
On CRT monitors it could be switching to a lower refresh rate than normal, say
60hz compared to 85hz.
Finally, are you sure it's not "tearing" rather than
"flickering" as that can occur when Sync to VBlank is not enabled in
nvidia-settings (or equivalent ATI control panel). And this option doesn't
seem to work with all games under wine (such as The Witcher 1)