I have this problem that renders all selectable or typed text completely unreadable. I've had it with multiple programs, but the biggest problem is that it renders Dev-C++ completely unusable. The text kind of looks like they're music notes or something...
robin1232 wrote:> > The text kind of looks like they're music notes or something...Did you install any music-related apps--one that might have added a font consisting of musical notes and related symbols? Wine gives preference to fonts in the wineprefix's fonts directory, so a strange font installed there by one app can end up being used as the default for everything. Try installing winetricks allfonts.
And how exactly do I run Winetricks on OS-X?
same way as Linux... get the script... and run it :-) easiest way is download it as a text file... rename it to just winetricks then do a chmod 755 winetricks so its an excutable, then you can type in "winetricks allfont" and it will do it. code.google.com/p/winetricks