Hi James,
> I'm looking for a version of LINUX other than Ubuntu that can be used
with a
> Mac.
> Suggestions, please. ?Keep the torches off.
I've run Fedora 13 on a macbook pro. i also know someone who has
gentoo (not that you probably want to do that) currently running on
their Macbook. I bet Arch works fine, and many other distro's too.
I tend to think that any distro (with a little help/coaxing) should
probably be able to run on a mac,
as Linux in general, can be run on apple hardware... as long as there
is Driver-support for your machine....? also, what is a Mac, other
than a "glorified PC". I don't think the determining factor of
or not linux will run on your mac is going to be distro-specific.
If the distro supports everything needed (which is mostly at the
kernel level, and thus distro-neutral, and as long as it's installer
doesn't get in your way - i think this should be pretty simple.
I know when i did it, it was pretty easy - like setting up any other
PC, aside for one minor-issue i had, but i can't even remember what it