I've researched on Google, Wine's wikki and Wine's forum, but I did not find how exactly does Wine to extract the icons from the exe binaries. The only thing that I've found are mentions to third party programs, but anything about Wine itself. May anyone bring some light about the subject? Thanks.
Wine actually does that? must be a Linux thing? I always have to manually pull them out using other apps for OSX.
Wine extracts icons using the windows API, which it also happens to implement. The code for this (based on windows libraries) is in winemenubuilder: http://source.winehq.org/source/programs/winemenubuilder/winemenubuilder.c
madewokherd wrote:> Wine extracts icons using the windows API, which it also happens to > implement. The code for this (based on windows libraries) is in > winemenubuilder: > http://source.winehq.org/source/programs/winemenubuilder/winemenubuilder.cthere is no winemenubuilder for Macs.. is why I haven't seen this I guess. Macs using vanilla Wine its all command line only. thanks for the info though.
Thank you very much, madewokherd. Do you know if this can be used through the command line? When one installs a win32/64 program, wine does extract the icons, but sometimes there is no installation program, which is one of the cases where one would like to use this extraction method.
Use icoutils: http://www.nongnu.org/icoutils/
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