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2003 Jul 10
Channel Bank configuration
Hello, I don't have any experience with channel banks and would appreciate any feedback on my theory outlined below: We have a single T1 entering the building with channels 1-12 being voice lines and 13-24 being a 768k internet connection. This T1 terminates to an Adit 600 (T1-1). Here's what I know. Channels 11-12 go out the Adit 600's 25-pair connector to a wiring block (and eventually to 2 fax machines - I assume this is to have the fax machines bypass the currently installed phone switch). The data comes out the Router card on the Adit and into ou...
2004 Apr 15
TE405P + Adit 600 and FXO module - should this work?
Folks, I'm experimenting with bringing multiple (8) analog lines from our local telco into a Carrier Access ADIT 600 channel bank with an FXO module, then having this talk to Asterisk via the T1 TDM controller on the ADIT and a TE405P card. I don't know if this will work well (ie: give me decent echo cancellation, call disconnect supervision, caller ID etc) but I haven't had much luck getting this co...
2006 Jun 03
ADIT 600 <=> Asterisk Help
I've been reading the Google searches trying to understand how to tie together Adit 600 to Asterisk to provide 2 way service. I'm about blind from reading. I assume, the answer is using MGCP between the boxes. However, the examples I found don't really explain fully enough to know how to modify examples to work for me. I'll have in the ADIT with T1's. There i...
2005 Jan 27
Adit 600
Has anyone had any success using the Adit 600 with the CMG card talking MGCP to asterisk? I want to have a central asterisk server with 10 Adit 600's at various locations providing 24 FXS ports.... Thanks, Isaac
2005 Jan 28
adit 600 fxo ports immediately "answers" outgoing calls (even if not connected to line)
I have an adit 600 with an fxo card connected to a digium T1 card. If I try to make an outgoing call and the T1 cable is disconnected, asterisks returns congested like it should. But, if the adit 600 is connected to the T1 card, the adit 600 immediately "answers" the call even if there are no physical...
2005 Mar 08
Adit 600 for asterisk
Ok, I've pretty much decided to try the Adit route. Somebody who has experience with these tell me if I'm missing something. I have 15 incoming PSTN lines. T1 is not an option at current location. I want to put in an Adit 600 with 2 8-port FXO boards. The adit will then connect to * via a digium t1 board. I configure zaptel.conf for...
2003 May 31
CAC ADIT600 / T400 config
I know a few ppl have those CAC Adit 600's with t400 I can't seem to get my second span up on the T400 connected to the second spand on the adit (A:2) A:1 seems ok Can someone post they zaptel.conf span defintions And maybe a "print config" from the adit 600 cli I think my issue is timing srcs the coding, framin...
2004 Dec 09
possible OT - ADIT 600 question
Say I get an ADIT 600 with two FXS8A and one FXO8A from ebay. a. Is it good for Asterisk? b. How do I connect the extensions and lines to it? Do I need a special jack? Can I get that jack in every corner? c. where can I find help for configuring it? d. what kind of backup does it have? Does it need to be reconfigu...
2004 Aug 24
Asterisk with Adit 600
Hello, I am connecting Asterisk to an Adit 600 via a T100P. Unfortunately I am not able to get any lights on the T100P and the Adit 600 only shows red. I have already modprobed the t100p. Has anyone successfully connected these before? I've tried both a cross-over cable and a standard cat 5 cable, but I can't seem to get them t...
2004 Dec 09
Adit Asterisk Cabling Connundrum.
...tor them plugs into the switch and extends to another punchdown block that I believe carries the lines throughout the office to Cat 5 plug in which the individual phones plug into. Do I plug the ampehnol connector that represents the incoming trunk lines into the 1-25 pin amphenol connector on the adit 600 and then run an amphenol connector/cable from the 26-50 pin of the Adit 600 to a RJ11 patch pannel? Any clarification would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Richard __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more. h...
2004 Apr 07
Problems with ADIT 600 - latency, loss, etc
I'm emailing this as the customer in this case, since my carrier appears to be completely unable to solve this. A brief rundown of the problem: - We have several voice lines going through the ADIT, of course into a VoIP type of arrangement. - Voice traffic will become choppy, even drop calls completely, at random but quite often. Modem calls (which we needed unfortunately) are a joke. - Packet latency on the data side will be fine one minute, then high the next. As I type this email throug...
2004 Dec 09
[OT] Adit 600 Question
Hi, I'm using an Adit 600 Channel Bank with *. I love it and it works really great for my FXS lines. One problem that I have with it (It's really not a problem yet, but it's a potential one) is that I've scoured the manaual for the Adit to see if there's a way to dump out a config file from the bank so i...
2005 Jan 21
Adit 600 as VoIP router (MGCP) and Asterisk
Got at suggestion from CarrierAccess to use the Adit 600 as an VoIP router using MGCP IP protocol, instead of controlling it through an E1. Have anyone tried this configuration? How does MGCP works? I've tried to search for it on Google, but I only find the protocol specification for it. Is Asterisk fully capable of this? I can't find any doc...
2010 Jul 26
Adit 600 over MGCP.
Hi, Anybody out there running Adit600s? I have in my care an Adit600 channel bank connected to an old (version 1.0.6) Asterisk instance with MGCP. When trying a more recent Asterisk (, Stock current Debian) calls fail. I have attempted to add the "slowsequence = yes" line to mgcp.conf. (It seemed...
2009 Mar 03
Asterisk analog DID with Adit 600
...I'm doing wrong. The Executone DID card provides battery to the telco, when the telco wishes to dial a DID it goes off-hook, waits for a wink from the Executone and then dials the last three digits on the number with pulse (as opposed to DTMF) signalling. What I've done is purchase an Adit 600 with an FXO card. I've set the Adit T1 controller to use E&M signalling and the FXO card to use DPT signalling. I've set asterisk to use E&M in both dahdi/system.conf and chan_dahdi.conf. If I dial the port connected to the DID card it goes off hook but when the Executone w...
2004 Jun 28
Adit 600 - Getting Dial Tone
Hello, I have an Adit 600 (3 FXS cards) hooked up to a digium T1 card in my asterisk box. I 'connected' the slots to the a:1 T1 interfaces via the command line. The slots (3 fxs) are configured with 'ls' signaling. I configured the T1 card with the same line settings as the T1 interfaces on the adit a...
2007 Sep 03
ADIT 600 & CMG <=> Asterisk question
I've searched but can't find an answer as to how many MGCP paths can a single ADIT/CMG card support? It appears it's only 24 ports, maybe 48. What I'd like to do is install 6 Telco T1's into a single (or more) Adit 600 and route inbound calls towards asterisk. Can I have more than one CMG in a single chassis? Or maybe you know of a better way to connect T1's t...
2004 Apr 22
Problems with ADIT600 and T100P
I am having trouble getting my T100P and ADIT 600 talking. I have 2 FXO 8 port cards in the ADIT and a T1 controller card. I have a T1 x-over cable connecting two together. Here are copies of the relevant bits of my zaptel.conf and Zapata.conf Zaptel.conf span=1,0,0,esf,b8zs loadzone=us defaultzone=us Zapata.cfg context=default si...
2004 May 18
ADIT 600 Manual
I am trying to find a manual for the Carrier Access Adit 600. Does anyone know where I might be able to find one? Thanks -Jon -- Jon J. Brandon
2005 Feb 21
Adit 600 MGCP configuration
I've finally got my Adit 600 and are configuring it right now. But I have to say, there aren't much documentation for it. I've setup MGCP and Asterisk seems to find it. But all channels (40 FXS channels) are "Down"! But the MGCP itself is "Up" according to the statistics. I can't find any do...