Hello everybody,
I am currently trying to set up a Samba PDC with OpenLDAP.
I am trying to do this with Ldapsam_Editposix (got it from
http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Ldapsam_Editposix ) instead of the
I followed the instructions and everything is set fine. I imported the base
structure from the given ldif (edited it to my domain), but when I try to let
the command "net sam provision" create the necessary groups and users
it just fails with "Unable to allocate a new gid to create Domain Users
group". It does nothing. I tried "net -d10 sam provision" but it
shows no more errors. It just says, that the connection to ldap was successfully
established and then throws out the error message (as written).
What prerequisites are there to make this command work? I would really like to
use this feature as I would like to administrate the Domain with the NT4
ResKit-Tools srvmgr und usrmgr.
Thank you
Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger geh?rt? Der kann`s mit allen: