> Your message caught my eye. We support Samba but as much as we would love
the opportunity, we haven't yet migrated a Windows PDC. My advice to you is,
if you have 10 years Samba experience, you probably know as much as most.
Perhaps you might repost to the list, with some more detail (logs etc).
Cheers Andy (and others)
I will of course use this list to help me on the way, I was just hoping
for a quick fix on this one and the opportunity to watch someone else on
the job (I always learn from watching others)
My 10 years experience sounds great but in reality I only ever use the
default setup in RedHat (Fedora now). I change as little as possible so
that it is simple to resetup new servers when I need to. We have around
30 Linux servers in the wild and (as you know) they jut do the business
with minimum fuss.
Samba, Rsync, Postfix, Squid, DansGuardian, Dovecot, SpamAssassin,
ClamAV, MySQL, Plone, Python - It does it all for us!
Ah well, I am working my way through it and I am sure I will prevail...
Rolling up sleeves..