Try the CUPS printer drivers for windows.. (version 5 ??)
they support page counting, coz it convert your printing page
to a pdf format.. and then you can see the number of pages
at one of the last lines..
easy to make a script who's filtering out the page numbers
and prosses it to the account..
Collen Blijenberg (MLHJ)
Thursday, March 4, 2004, 10:31:46 PM, you wrote:
ML> Hi, I'm running Samba printing services to share a printer on
ML> my Linux box with a network of windows machines. Everything works
ML> great. The only problem I am having is that I cannot count the
ML> number of pages printed by each user.
ML> My printers section looks like this:
ML> [printers]
ML> comment = All Printers
ML> browseable = no
ML> guest ok = no
ML> path = /var/spool/samba
ML> printable = yes
ML> public = no
ML> create mask = 0700
ML> print command = lpr -P %p -o raw %s -r -J "%m.%J"
ML> lpq command = lpstat -o %p
ML> lprm command = cancel %p-%j
ML> If I had a script or escape sequence that would specify the
ML> number of pages of the print document I would have no problem
ML> writing a script to keep track of everything else. The easiest
ML> solution I see to my problem is if samba has a nice escape
ML> sequence, like %P or something, or if there was a little script I
ML> could pass the spool document to and it'd tell me. Since I'm
ML> printing raw, and the windows drivers are pcl, I doubt there's any
ML> script that would work.
ML> Any help is greatly appreciated.
ML> Matt