Rogerio Mendes
2003-Jan-19 16:40 UTC
[Samba] nbtstat -A returns "host not found"
Greetings, I am running samba 2.2.5 win RedHat 8.0 Linux machine Windows 2000 machine has fixed IP Windows XP machine has fixed IP Linux machine has fixed IP on eth0 (local network NIC) and dynamic IP on eth1 (NIC connected to ADSL modem). I can ping ( linux machine) from all machines I can ping ( windows 2000 machine) from all machines I can ping ( windows XP machine) from all machines I can mount windows 2000 shared folders with command bellow mount -t smbfs -o username=administrador,password=123 //winbox/pub /mnt/win2k but what I want to do is to access files that I have in the linux machine from windows. I'd do that using "net use K: \\linuxbox\first" but it doesn't work command nbtstat -A returns host not found but ping winbox pings ok the command nbtstat -A returns the shared resources on the Win XP machine ok and viceversa bellow it is my smb.conf. I've made it as simple as possible ;*******************section global***************** [global] interfaces = workgroup = RIVENDEL server string = Teste Samba Server netbios name = Linuxbox security = share netbios aliases = elrond wins support = yes ;*******************section firstshare***************** [first] comment = Our first samba share path = /samtest writeable = yes guest ok = yes smbclient -L linuxbox returns the output bellow added interface ip= bcast= nmask= Got a positive name query response from ( ) Domain=[RIVENDEL] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.5] Sharename Type Comment --------- ---- ------- first Disk Our first samba share IPC$ IPC IPC Service (Teste Samba Server) ADMIN$ Disk IPC Service (Teste Samba Server) Server Comment --------- ------- ELROND Teste Samba Server LINUXBOX Teste Samba Server Workgroup Master --------- ------- RIVENDEL LINUXBOX Please help R / / M