I need some help to configure Samba. I have two computers on my LAN, one running
WinXP, the other running RH 8. I've tried to configure Samba, using both
manual text mode and WebMin/SWAT. But nothing seems to help.
I can see both computers in Network Neighbourhood (My Network Places), but I
can't access the Linux box. When I try it, I get the following error
"Linuxbox is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this
network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you
have access permissions.
The network path was not found:"
It seems like I messed something up about security level, passwords, users or
something like that. I just can't see what I'm missing. I made changes
in "hosts" and "lmhosts" on both computers, and I ran a reg
file called WinXP_PlainPassword.reg. That reg file is supposed to fix the
registry so I wouldn't have any problems regarding passwords.
I have to mention that the XP computer works as gateway, since a thunderstorm
killed my router a couple of months ago.But if I can get the Linux up and
running I want it to be gateway, also because I want to host a couple of web
sites on it.
I hope some of you guys out there are able to help med. Preferrably online (ICQ
or the like) since I believe that method would be better than sending mails back
and forth a million times. If somebody would want to, it's possible to mess
with my Linux box through WebMin.
Kind regards
ICQ UIN: 10492476
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