Hello all.
The set up: - Kernel 2.4.18-3
- HP Office Jet K80.
- USB port
- hpoj-0.8 driver
I've been struggling installing and configuring the new driver for Linux/USB
printing, due to a couple of silly mistakes.
The question here is are there any differences in setting up a print server
using this new driver than the usual one?
I've set up the printer locally, (on the Samba server I'm going to use
as a print server too), to test if all is working, and I can print a test page
from printconf-tui. When I used printconf-tui, I specified "Local Printer
Device", do I leave this as is for my Samba print share, or do I use one of
the other options, like Windows Print Queue?
(or should I just go for it and see what happens.......)
Chow, Trevor.
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