Agreed, the first ones I read are the ones I've had experience with. I also
read other ones that I may know something about, or that look interesting.
I never read the ones that say please help.
-----Original Message-----
From: Trevor Fraser []
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 5:37 AM
Subject: [Samba] Subjects on a mailing list.
Hi Warren and all.
Nothing personal, just to make helping everyone easier, I'm using you as an
example. The subject: "Help please" doesn't mean much on a
"Help please" type of mailing list. Put a good subject on your mail,
try even looking at the archives for a similar problem and use the same subject.
I found this helped to get more response to my questions. You think to
yourself, "Aah, I know about that..."
It makes sense, doesn't it, especially on a huge mailing list like samba. I
personally look at subjects and first open the ones I'm fimiliar with. So,
for example, if I see "Samba PDC & XP", I straight away know I
might be able to help as, for arguement's sake say, I've done a lot of
work on the subject. This is only an example, but you get the drift. I wish I
realised this sooner, I would have got more response and less fustrated.
Anyway, just a thought...OK, a long thought!
Chow, Trevor.
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