On 24 Sep 99, Paul Dwerryhouse <paul@xenu.ee.mu.oz.au> had
questions about SAMBA digest 2246:
[snip]> My config has:
> os level = 65
> protocol = NT1
> domain master = yes
> preferred master = yes
> local master = yes
> wins support = yes
> Is there anyway I can force the machine to absolutely, positively be the
> master browser and never, ever give it up? [I always thought the idea of
> elections amongst computer equipment is pretty ridiculous].
They do come up with some real winners, eh?
> Otherwise, does anyone have any idea what's going on?
AFAIK, your settings should work. You could try raising the OS
level even higher, but the sure-fire way is to disable Master
Browser elections on the client side. I'm not an NT guy (the
setting is there somewhere) but on win9x you can disable Browse
Master participation in Network Properties/File and Printer Sharing
Sorry, I just looked all over our NT4SP3 Wkstn machine, but I
couldn't find that setting anywhere (but I know it's there, because
I made them turn it off when we first set that machine up). I have
the exact same settings as you do (above) and all but one of our
windoze boxes have Browse Master disabled. My samba server is
always the browse master, so everything works fine (except when
windoze has a brain-fart).
Stephen L Arnold http://www.rain.org/~sarnold
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