When the world was young, Paul Sherwin carved some runes like this:
> I suspect a number of the reported performance problems in this list
> are related to this - people tend to stick Linux and Samba on an old 486
> then use this to serve an office full of brand new PIIs running WNT.
> Why the performance figures for the 3c509 were so much better I haven't
> clue, unless the fact that it was an ISA card slowed the data rate
> sufficiently to minimise the windowing problem?
I hate to disagree (wait a minute - no I don't) but I like the fact
that a real OS (like linux) can clearly show when you have a bad
piece of hardware (whether failing or marginally designed). You
may be right about some of the performance problems (in a sense)
but the fact is that it's due to bad hardware, NOT just because
you're running linux on a 486. If the 486 hardware is good, then
there should not be any problems such as you describe. Certainly a
486 running linux will not be able to serve an unlimited number of
samba connections, but that's not what we're talking about here.
An example:
At work we have a mixture of newer Dell PII-266 machines running
(of course) win95 (with DEC 21040 based PCI NICs) and a similar
number of older machines of various types (486-pentium) with all
different ISA NICs (eg, WD 8*13, ne2000 clones, Intel, SMC, etc -
even a real Novell ne2000 card). My linux boxes are a 486-100 and
a 586-100. We even have a half coax and half UTP ethernet setup.
Performance is pretty consistent across all machines (around 850-
950 k/sec for both smb and ftp). The best throughput I measured
was an ftp transfer between the NT box (PII-450) and my 486 linux
server; about 980 k/sec. Besides the samba stuff, that box also
runs apache, MySQL, etc. I have seen nothing in this environment
that supports your analysis shown above. Nice try though ;-)
I stand by my evaluation of the RealTek 8029/WinBond chips as crap,
while the DEC and AMD chips are known to work fine (and the price
difference is negligible). I'm not asking for bleeding edge,
overclock-your-300a-to-450MHz performance. I'm only asking for
nominal 10 Mbs ethernet performance; if they can do it over the ISA
bus, they can certainly do it over the PCI bus...
Stephen L Arnold rain.org/~sarnold
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