Rails - Oct 2008

Friday October 31 2008
10:44PM 0 Running commands like ar_send mail from a HTTP request
10:17PM 4 DateTime in Linux
10:14PM 0 odd IRB behavior w/ InstantRails
10:01PM 2 looking for a somewhat old quote
7:24PM 0 Loading fixtures and counter_cache
7:00PM 3 Formatting of Date on Remote-Server
6:37PM 1 application URL
5:34PM 5 form.text_area, how do you empty its contents?
3:55PM 0 Abysmal Rails and Ruby 1.8.6_p287 performance on x86_64 Linux
3:55PM 10 Strange dependency error after going Ruby1.8.6, Rails 2.1.0 -> Ruby1.8.7, Rails 2.1.2
3:45PM 0 version_fu and text fields
3:44PM 3 Date_select vs wrong date weird behavior
2:43PM 0 Error while installing juggernaut gem
2:38PM 1 changing from Rails1.2.5 to Rails2.1 and also to latest Ruby
2:13PM 1 polymorphic join, object.destroy issue
1:05PM 0 Hi Everyone..
12:36PM 7 Resetting the template or class cache in Rails 2.2.0
11:31AM 1 Introducing testing in the middle of development, advice?
10:38AM 5 production and development mode
9:38AM 6 link_to submit form value 2
9:08AM 1 How to write test cases for rake tasks.
7:59AM 4 HELPERS_DIR is missing
7:55AM 10 datetime vs timestamp
7:40AM 6 rspec issues
6:49AM 0 OT: El Dorado, Substruct, Tracks and Beast, One-Click Deployment to Morph AppSpace
5:12AM 0 Get an object other than primary key ID
3:53AM 0 Modularising and DRYing up code
2:38AM 1 Capistrano question
12:11AM 2 Multiple Paginate
12:08AM 4 retrive data from table
Thursday October 30 2008
10:35PM 1 Filtering records using a <select> control
10:09PM 0 Ruby Developer(s) Needed
9:55PM 7 Help with an RJS
9:31PM 1 JOBS - RoR Web Developer - San Francisco
9:05PM 1 file upload Routing problem
9:03PM 4 Easiest RoR - PDF solution (based on HTML and CSS)
8:31PM 1 Help with Regex
8:30PM 7 2 apps with 1 one database.
8:00PM 0 Ruby on Rails Dev [Latin America, Eastern Europe, India]
7:04PM 1 Error trying to create a static scaffold
6:28PM 3 Speak at Acts as Conference 2009
6:25PM 4 Interesting Topics in Email
6:20PM 8 The Forum Hunt continues...
6:10PM 2 Non-index method doesn't display the viex correctly
6:08PM 0 [JOBS] SE London: Looking for a mid-level rails developer for a temporary contract
5:30PM 0 What do you think about...
5:02PM 0 PostgreSQL schema_search_path ignores case
4:41PM 0 Rails 2.1 Caching and time_to_live
4:37PM 5 about test database
4:29PM 2 Rails authorization
4:24PM 1 Need Help Convincing Java Developers To Use Rails
4:22PM 2 Rails console
3:31PM 0 How would you handle this?
3:19PM 2 How to Pass a Large Array from one Action to Another
3:07PM 4 RJS Files, Conditions and REST
2:41PM 0 Testing a production environment
2:28PM 2 Missing the Rails gem on ubuntu
2:14PM 9 X is not missing constant Y
2:01PM 0 dynamic secured proxy
1:35PM 9 ActiveMerchant and Encrypted Paypal Standard Checkout
1:23PM 7 Updating children in a has_many relationship
1:12PM 2 convention for multiple id reference
12:36PM 0 REST in rails 1.2.5
12:05PM 4 get the id of the last record from a table
11:42AM 6 read last entry from data base
11:28AM 0 Query & compose an array
10:13AM 9 mysql gem issue..
9:59AM 0 Blog::Post(Table doesn't exist) ?
7:43AM 1 redirecting to an external url
6:49AM 4 Problem with sqlite3
5:02AM 5 select helper
4:48AM 1 Nested Resouces,not getting parent id(project_id) from form
3:43AM 4 namespace helpers
3:33AM 4 how do i set the boolean value true
3:23AM 1 acts_as_list issue
3:06AM 1 ActionMailer
1:48AM 4 How would you model this? Thanks for any suggestions!
Wednesday October 29 2008
11:22PM 0 digest
11:13PM 0 RJS problem after upgrading to Rails 2.0.2
10:36PM 3 page.replace_html : How to update a DIV using a button
9:19PM 5 Foreign key question
8:22PM 6 Setting session to nil when window is closed
8:08PM 2 Not able to install rDoc in Rails
7:17PM 6 HashWithIndifferentAccess in testing
5:19PM 0 ActiveMerchant / ARB Code Advice
4:33PM 1 Examples of forms using nested resources?
2:53PM 1 disable protected attributes for create or save
2:40PM 1 How to react to a key press in rjs file?
2:31PM 10 Long running query causes Mongrel/Rails to block completely?
2:31PM 5 Polymorphic Associations with inheritance
1:09PM 2 SQL in rails
12:40PM 0 [ANN/ADV] Intro and Advanced Rails training in Florida in January
11:35AM 3 RSpec and Testing for the presence of css class
10:51AM 2 AJAX and REST: rendering partials
10:34AM 1 using text helper in a model class
10:02AM 3 Stack level too deep
9:27AM 11 RMagick Image text question
8:31AM 1 Escape pipe symbol in textile table
7:55AM 1 iframe
6:43AM 3 Problem creating Hello World app in Ruby on Rails
5:19AM 4 store session variable in a table
3:24AM 1 Problem of Active Resource in production mode
Tuesday October 28 2008
10:19PM 2 Acts as tree and belongs to
10:05PM 1 Script/Runner
9:51PM 2 rubygems-update 1.3.0 causing rake task problems?
9:51PM 1 backgroundrb misbehaving again
9:31PM 0 File upload via non-browser REST call (using attachment_fu)
9:27PM 2 perooidically_call_remote
7:53PM 3 attributes on join model
7:51PM 5 intranet applications
7:23PM 2 Rmagick wouldn't load on server for windows
7:21PM 6 Random SystemExit. ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid
7:07PM 0 oracle_enhanced adapter 'uninitialized constant' error
6:53PM 4 cloud computing and Ruby on Rails
6:26PM 2 Scaffolding and dealing with generated actions in the controllers
6:07PM 5 Page does not seem to be reloaded on prod server
5:51PM 1 Simple Routes Question
5:46PM 7 How to override one method of AssetTagHelper
5:43PM 2 Iterating through all model records without pre-instantiating them
5:09PM 5 send_file example code -- permissions?
4:19PM 1 Sudden failure of redirect in ActionController +verify+
4:06PM 0 paginator
3:42PM 1 Writing Tests & Assertions?
3:30PM 1 Old Rails app: can't find file_column gem?
3:17PM 2 Passing a function with arguments to another function with arguments that is a loop
3:16PM 1 to_xml associations and :only
3:07PM 0 [JOBS] - Ruby on Rails in Annapolis Junction, Maryland - need to be CLEARABLE
2:43PM 3 Old Rails app: strange problem with getaddrinfo
1:43PM 3 RESTful resource with multiple view representations
11:23AM 1 So how does everybody else deal with changes in Rails?
11:17AM 1 Actionwebservice: order of parameters in SOAP message
10:48AM 2 (Newbie) routing question
10:14AM 3 Problem starting WEBrick
9:30AM 1 Can not install sqlite3-ruby
7:33AM 3 Ruby application talking to Java application (IPC suggestions please)
2:42AM 3 List of a Model attributes
1:49AM 2 Reading n writing object attributes
1:49AM 4 "Remember Me" feature
12:33AM 3 Backwards N+1 problem
12:31AM 7 aasm callback order?
12:10AM 0 How to pass time interval from Rails to a scheduler?
Monday October 27 2008
11:51PM 0 How to set up tiered access privileges?
10:44PM 1 ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch - unsure how to proceed
9:00PM 2 I can't start my app in production mode
8:44PM 3 Cookies and IE7. Circumvent 4KB limit?
8:38PM 3 The Bests Ruby on Rails Development Blog
7:04PM 1 Email gateway and integrated with rails?
7:02PM 3 Chat Client integrated into Rails
6:07PM 6 Rails 1.2 isn't detecting the PostgreSQL 8.3 adapter (ruby-pg)
6:01PM 2 email address as users nickname
3:31PM 1 Any Malline users out there?
2:34PM 0 When do we nest class?
1:05PM 4 How to retrieve console input in a ruby class
10:44AM 8 pagination in ajax
10:33AM 5 Functional test behaving oddly in a manually working model
10:32AM 2 REST, routes and algorithms
8:56AM 5 Disable validation on edit
8:51AM 10 TeachMate.org goes opensource
8:38AM 6 acts_as_authenticated now at github
8:37AM 0 rename file using file_column
7:14AM 2 Question about Rails behaviour
2:06AM 8 why can't johnny download?
1:24AM 1 array in the link
12:59AM 2 IRB error message (dyld: NSLinkModule() error)
Sunday October 26 2008
9:29PM 2 Add value to select box
7:07PM 0 Rakismet plugin
6:30PM 1 Metaclass/Singleton class question.
5:47PM 2 many to many through and named_scopes
3:45PM 2 Export to Excel - large file
3:45PM 2 How to handle web browser's history in Ruby on Rails?
2:15PM 5 Rails 2.2.0 and Gettext incompatible?
12:33PM 3 Ajax Failure Idiom
10:11AM 3 Undefined method f_title
9:21AM 3 Creating an escaped JOIN?
5:55AM 3 emacs rails setup
5:52AM 2 migration is setting order incorrectly 2088...._create_user.rb instead of 001_create_user.rb
4:58AM 2 generate Model or Migration not getting 001_create.rb
4:31AM 2 use Prawn to generate pdf
1:54AM 3 Rake problem with binary tables
Saturday October 25 2008
11:52PM 1 Manipulating/Accessing objects that are :polymorphic => true
10:57PM 1 Returning a variable to before_filter
10:25PM 1 Gem update problem - (gem update --system)
10:06PM 3 config.send()...
9:35PM 3 Ruby console problem
7:37PM 3 connecting to mysql on locomotive
6:32PM 2 Update action | NoMethodError | nil.to_sym
5:30PM 7 Routing of result not clear in ActionMailer
5:14PM 1 attachment_fu replace thumbnail
4:38PM 0 Error installing gem
3:50PM 1 how to make a private attributes in STI?
3:19PM 1 Phone number not coming through: noob
2:24PM 0 Thank you Master Cheung for helping me graduate!
2:05PM 2 what is "!map:HashWithIndifferentAccess "?
9:01AM 1 Composing several named_scopes into another
7:38AM 1 Sending emails in the background
5:11AM 0 Rails 2.2.0 and i18n issue / caching problem
5:08AM 0 Weird named routes&pluralization problem
4:53AM 6 [Help] How to render or replace a partial page having <script> tag?
4:31AM 2 Script/Server working but Script/Console not working
3:21AM 3 MissingSourceFile in LookController#index
12:05AM 0 observe_field producing nothing on view
Friday October 24 2008
11:08PM 2 Rails 2.2: ActiveRecord in thread doesn't run if action has completed
11:07PM 4 AR object return nil on save
10:57PM 1 Session Variable in Application.rb
9:58PM 2 Verify that an email is sent?
9:23PM 4 'each' loop 2 times trough all records
9:15PM 1 [JOB] - Milwaukee/Chicago Area Short 2 day contract...
9:05PM 0 Sipper 1.1.3 Released
8:06PM 1 [mysql gem] Failed to lookup Init function
8:05PM 2 HTML Forms
8:00PM 2 typo install problem - what is plug in 'all' ?
7:48PM 3 Looking for doc on Find method
7:41PM 1 Troubleshooting Long Requests
7:17PM 0 Newbie question: Transferring values to a text field
7:03PM 0 Newbie question
6:36PM 3 how to get root path with link_to ?
5:59PM 1 User editable webpages
4:37PM 1 Wrong number of arguments (2 of 0)
4:31PM 2 Rails problem
4:14PM 1 rescue_from and assert_raise
3:52PM 5 DRYing/shortening form processing
3:45PM 1 AJAXy Timeline (e.g. election.twitter.com)
2:41PM 9 Sort an Array of ActiveRecords objects by created_at
2:41PM 4 third-level domain
2:31PM 0 Conversion of &apos; to ' in text in rails.
2:16PM 5 HABTM on 3 tables
12:44PM 2 Re: installing msql 5.0 into instant rials - InnoDB error
11:36AM 5 has_many :through, with condition
11:08AM 0 Re: installing msql 5.0 into instant rials - InnoDB error
11:00AM 0 Uberkit checkbox
10:52AM 1 HTML from view into controller
9:56AM 1 Re: tiny mce - different options for different actions in same controller?
8:54AM 0 MissingSourceFile/no such file to load -- scrubyt
8:30AM 0 WEBrick server problem
7:59AM 0 How does rails decide which template file (rjs vs html) to use?
7:31AM 4 Railscast 75, Observe_field and Shopping Cart
6:33AM 3 UTF-8 compliance in Rails
6:07AM 0 equality
4:22AM 0 Easily finding attributes from Ext.grid.GroupingView's xml calls
2:23AM 5 Best approach for importing data from a file
1:53AM 5 Passing more than one parameters to redirect_to
Thursday October 23 2008
11:58PM 2 Syncing offline data to Rails app
11:04PM 1 script/dbconsole not working
9:40PM 5 Generators not working under Rails 2.1.2?
9:24PM 0 Ruby on Rails project in Bay Area
8:58PM 2 Unblock the websites you love!
7:02PM 12 page.select when element has multiple classes
6:12PM 2 Migration error
5:15PM 0 Hartford.rb October meeting: 10/27
5:05PM 1 Modifying a class method's state
4:15PM 2 PostgreSQL datatypes equivalent when scaffolding
2:28PM 0 Re: Problem installing Rails 2.1.1 under Suse LINUX - Help needed!
2:09PM 0 Re: Problem installing Rails 2.1.1 under Suse LINUX - Help needed!
1:26PM 0 actionmailer doesnot send mail to the same domain user
1:13PM 0 Redirect bug with restful-authetication plugin
1:06PM 1 Redirect bug with restful-authetication
12:33PM 0 Autocompleter in textarea on character event
12:26PM 1 Re: Returning a record's ID before the record is made?!??
12:23PM 4 How to pass parameters to after_update callback?
11:37AM 1 How to use an EXISTing DB-Schema in my Rails APP..??
11:30AM 2 cPanel RoR with mySQL database
11:27AM 1 sending a response back to a PHP site from rails application
10:48AM 2 Using SMS gateway to receive Text messages for a RoR app.
10:26AM 3 can load gem with irb but application fails
9:25AM 0 Contacts gem and mailing solution to handle email bounces
9:02AM 0 Parsing podcast rss problem
8:51AM 0 rails application working, rake tasks not
8:31AM 0 Re: irb command window
8:24AM 4 Soap4R
8:14AM 4 has_many relationship able to be placed on one to others?
6:26AM 7 encrypt password on the browser
6:17AM 0 A has_many :bs; what is the Rails idiom to save @a and @.bs in one transaction ?
4:47AM 0 Mass emailing
4:02AM 8 Problem running back-to-back migrations
3:47AM 5 Contact Page with ActionMailer
1:48AM 0 Sorting and presentation problem
1:29AM 2 AttachmentFu Reprocess all assets
Wednesday October 22 2008
11:41PM 14 Strange saving problem
11:27PM 3 catch-all routing
9:52PM 1 How to alter Netbeans IDE so it considers files with a '.red' suffix to be Ruby files?
9:36PM 2 How to easily cache single AR object?
7:37PM 1 js solution to sort/edit tables with ajax
7:37PM 7 Rails app failing because I upgraded Rails
6:20PM 6 application helper methods in mailers not available?
5:17PM 1 link_to_remote :confirm => as JavaScript function (dynamic)
3:59PM 4 Re: Testing time-dependent named_scopes
3:56PM 1 recreated app and now it can't load OpenSSL
3:36PM 3 Revising named_scope semantics in associated classes
3:36PM 1 Reading Recommendation on Database Design?
3:35PM 5 3 different areas, 1 yield?!
2:40PM 2 setting session id for first visit
1:58PM 0 Re: Liquid_markup for rails
1:38PM 0 Broken Gems on Windows (still)
1:35PM 1 Re: Returning a record's ID before the record is made?!??
1:32PM 4 Running Multiple Rails Apps in Developer Machine
12:03PM 0 Re: Rails 2.1, version_fu, ActAsVersioned and => "undefined method `find_version"
11:59AM 0 capistrano without ssh (local)
10:41AM 1 latest rails version
9:53AM 5 multiple file upload
9:44AM 1 simple dumb rails from datastore question
9:35AM 2 RoR on Vista 64bit
8:12AM 1 Sending thousands of email with ar_mailer
7:55AM 3 Rake task vs script/runner
7:27AM 3 Doubt in web space Allocation
7:06AM 0 Problem adding the OpenWFEru scheduler code in Initialzers
6:38AM 6 Creating Unique Votes
6:15AM 2 using methods in /lib while in script/console session
4:46AM 0 active_adaptor (MissingSourceFile)
4:36AM 1 How to send instant message to skype
4:33AM 0 need so instant message to Skype and google talk
4:14AM 4 Help with regex needed
12:19AM 3 Problems redirecting from form_remote_tag
12:16AM 1 Rails + Mongrel - autorestart on segmentation fault crash
Tuesday October 21 2008
11:35PM 3 I don't get why my model isn't saving - assistance requested
9:44PM 3 Re-using session data over different domain names
9:35PM 0 Re: Hard-coding IDs
8:40PM 6 detecting width overflow in serialized column with mysql
8:21PM 3 European Date Format (newbie!)
8:01PM 4 Misconfiguration on different machine
7:58PM 7 Boolean database + Site Design/Architecture Question
7:56PM 2 Using an associated model in an attribute setter
7:53PM 0 Re: Counting / Aggregation Queries
7:48PM 3 version_fu in Rails 2.1.1
5:48PM 2 Re: Hard-coding IDs
5:38PM 0 Re: Hard-coding IDs
5:21PM 3 Different behavior between production and development environments?
5:08PM 0 Help with Ruby on Rails
4:58PM 5 Cleaner way to build a "one or the other" validation?
4:48PM 0 Ruby on Rails Internship - Austin, TX
4:38PM 0 Facebook App
3:14PM 0 Re: skip all filters for a method
3:06PM 1 uninitialized constant error, help me
2:16PM 6 preventing the user from navigating away without completing a selection (not a form) link_to
12:57PM 2 Include rake migration in a plugin
11:42AM 2 Preventing nil data in views
11:08AM 1 How to force a lock_version increment
10:50AM 6 SQL OR in Rails
10:13AM 3 Help in this code..
9:09AM 1 Secure static html pages with Mongrel cluster on apache in
7:08AM 0 POST request with custom headers
7:08AM 10 Can not figure out why validation fails
6:25AM 2 WEBrick error - exceeded the maximum permissible length
6:03AM 0 forum integration in rails application
3:38AM 0 Is there any plugin for generating ods openoffice file?
3:09AM 5 Run rails on cd
2:34AM 2 about local time
2:33AM 15 So many users, so little time - looking for a better way
2:20AM 1 Half baked "backgrounder" idea
12:38AM 0 Data modeling references
12:12AM 2 Many to Many Question
Monday October 20 2008
11:06PM 0 Taking advantage of template generation from within a model?
9:30PM 3 LIBXML and LibXSLT
9:16PM 9 observe_field
9:12PM 0 Ruby on Rails Developers Needed in Atlanta (JOBS)
8:48PM 0 CGI and NET::SSH in the same script problems
8:37PM 4 Can we create FTP users within Rails?
8:19PM 1 Absolute Value Percentage Difference Question
7:31PM 4 Action profiling
7:17PM 3 group by datepart(day,created_at)...
6:58PM 0 Problem with exception notification with Rails edge....
6:52PM 0 finding software versions below a given version
6:51PM 2 rails gui?
6:35PM 0 Log in with facebook (but no facebook app)
6:30PM 1 Get a collections parent model.
5:59PM 4 test fixtures order
5:40PM 0 A little help cleaning up SQL query.
5:39PM 0 Re: functional est for attachment download
4:39PM 0 I'm tapped
4:11PM 0 Several newbyish questions about Rails
4:00PM 0 get total of values in array
3:40PM 2 @collection.each{|item| ...} => item = nil ???
3:37PM 1 Design decision: Dynamically adding data question.
3:36PM 2 "Temporary failure in name resolution" for requests but not from console
3:00PM 0 Chrome and text_field_with_auto_complete
2:56PM 0 [JOBS] Project: Site Search
2:45PM 0 Page print for lightwindow
2:14PM 11 sorting in different ways (with the same index action)
2:04PM 1 where is the difference between >system "script/myscript"< and >script/myscript< (via shell) ?
1:13PM 0 Doubt in disk quota
12:41PM 0 ApressDailyDeal - Practical Rails Plugins
12:40PM 2 migration from an existing database
12:13PM 7 Log analyzer
12:09PM 1 integrating forums(rails/php/any) into rails application
12:03PM 2 facebook integration in rais app?
10:38AM 0 Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch Maybe cache
10:03AM 4 How to add a dynamic data in erro pages
10:00AM 3 whether Merb 1.0 offers an alternative to Ruby on Rails
7:51AM 1 make accessible object..
3:35AM 4 Ensuring both objects in a one-to-many association are not saved without the presence of the other
1:30AM 1 Good caching books (esp. memcache)
12:59AM 0 error with the DB?
12:44AM 2 Site Search
12:20AM 1 server not starting
Sunday October 19 2008
11:10PM 0 render file in a new browser tab
10:50PM 1 Need Feedback Please
10:12PM 0 accessing bcc recipients in ActionMailer view
9:51PM 0 Apps for Democracy Contest $20,000 in Prizes
9:06PM 3 How do I only show items that belong to a certain user?
8:30PM 2 ActionWebService
7:47PM 0 inconsistency in calling to_xml on STI returning <record>
6:19PM 1 multi-select category listbox
6:17PM 3 Destroy Action
4:27PM 3 Trouble validating associated objects
4:03PM 0 Database architecture for a multi-organization application
3:43PM 3 Advice on model design
2:01PM 4 Regular Expression Grouping
1:26PM 0 nilesh invites you to join Zorpia
11:36AM 3 error_messages_for question..
9:48AM 0 How to pass controller instances class to UserNotifier
9:28AM 2 how to do unit test whic allows null in the column
5:34AM 1 Using captcha
4:24AM 1 Does anybody out there use Litespeed?
1:26AM 0 Adding attributes to subclasses created using polymorphic associations
Saturday October 18 2008
11:05PM 0 Passenger won't allow ActiveRecord to be extended ?
10:50PM 3 map.root doesn't run controller logic?
9:36PM 0 Using view from different controller
9:34PM 0 To access to documents from UNC Windows routes
8:28PM 0 Link_to + PUT + restful routes problem
7:47PM 4 SVN help...
7:12PM 3 How to capture generated HTML and sending it in e-mail
6:46PM 1 Is Rails 2.2 done?
5:55PM 1 IE doesn't take parameters generated by rails Firefox does
4:45PM 2 Sanitize add more tags
4:44PM 2 Re: TextMate Bundle using Gedit
4:15PM 6 update _attribtutes fails to update, please help!
4:14PM 0 Table trouble
4:12PM 11 "www" redirection
3:01PM 0 is acts_as_commentable suitable for me?
1:35PM 4 Extended tutorials?
12:30PM 0 better_nested_set getting error
12:19PM 4 Import of YAML files during rake?
12:15PM 0 tracking received emails like basecamp or github
10:21AM 5 render :update / page.replace_html problem
9:57AM 0 Re: TextMate Bundle using Gedit
9:08AM 1 press enter to login
8:49AM 1 What is the better way for Scheduling?
6:01AM 0 How to pass something to a model with has_attachment?
4:39AM 1 Question on model and fields in form
1:08AM 1 new to this group
12:53AM 4 Convert Illustrator file to HTML or CSS for programming on Ruby?
Friday October 17 2008
9:36PM 1 Re: Documentation for building an XML-RPC service with Rails 2
9:13PM 2 3 / 2 is 1?
8:40PM 1 ActionMailer template gets nil param from non-nil deliver_
8:07PM 0 RoutingError from css background image url
7:11PM 0 Prawn 0.2.1, 0.2.2 (Fast, nimble PDF generator for Ruby)
6:18PM 2 DB strategy - Lock Table?
4:52PM 1 Looking for any e-commerce frameworks
4:22PM 2 Invalid Response From an Upstream Server
3:01PM 1 Cutting Edge Technologists wanted
2:31PM 5 form_for() question
2:13PM 0 RFP for development & design of New Website
2:05PM 1 Generator attributes
1:23PM 1 Re: Group Authentication Plugin
11:40AM 6 best way to validate input values..
11:12AM 1 Re: acts_as_versioned issues
10:58AM 1 How to best start from scratch implementing a ERM diagram?
10:49AM 4 Where to place the session variable to access it in model
10:27AM 2 activerecord :include
10:03AM 2 SOAP4R connection to a secured link(https)
8:27AM 0 Add fixtures Class mothodes
6:42AM 1 link_to + image_tag
6:09AM 1 redirect for render_component
3:34AM 2 How to deal with these 3 model's association?
1:33AM 0 Changing error message
1:32AM 0 Pragmatic's Adv. Ruby on Rails Studio in Denver (November 17-19)
12:14AM 4 Moving from mod_proxy_balancer to HAProxy; any guidance?
Thursday October 16 2008
11:38PM 5 Generating a random number
9:09PM 4 Removing values from a select (drop-down) box
8:26PM 4 InstantRails and SQLite
7:45PM 2 Re: Importing / Parsing Large Excel Files ?
7:29PM 3 Searching parent objects and associated objects with one search
6:57PM 1 Running SQL file from inside rake task
6:47PM 2 Use of button_to to access action "new"
5:47PM 2 Local path to public directory
5:37PM 0 Active merchant
5:24PM 1 Seach users to invite, how ineficient is what I use?
5:16PM 1 Modularize application
4:56PM 3 Mixing joins and include conflicts
4:20PM 3 RESTful question
2:33PM 0 [Announcement] Billing Module for your SaaS web application is here: ServiceMerchant
2:22PM 1 Modularisation: Using helper generating HTML output vs. using partials
2:04PM 1 running several rails apps..
1:33PM 3 block default validation
1:12PM 0 rails Validation on update
12:35PM 2 Hot cache
11:26AM 1 Behaviour Accept header vs. respond_to
11:23AM 1 testing question
9:49AM 2 Read files from two servers
9:37AM 3 Order Values in a Select Box Using select
9:27AM 5 2 Models: Same name, different namespace => Problems
9:26AM 2 rails and security
8:24AM 6 how to make an ajax call to redirect
7:37AM 0 Community design
4:55AM 1 RoR in Netbeans - Rails console not working
4:48AM 3 rspec fails when assigning to an ActiveRecord field
1:22AM 3 xml missing template
12:57AM 2 Re: Associated Models and :dependent => :destroy
12:30AM 1 How do you associate "Notes" to many models?
Wednesday October 15 2008
11:01PM 2 Radio button issues in a list
10:24PM 0 Re: Zooppa.com - You have been invited to join!
10:00PM 9 Rails sessions working intermittently in IE7
9:59PM 6 Handling nil.errors in error_messages_for
9:57PM 4 Keep getting "Undefined local variable or method" when creating a new rails application
8:45PM 2 How can form data be used to make an XML file?
8:33PM 2 repond_to? bug, really strange
6:34PM 6 How to Catch a Status 401 with htpasswd?
5:43PM 2 Could not find RubyGem - because it's not a gem
3:34PM 1 Re: Problem with new action
3:20PM 2 ruby on rails tweaks
3:15PM 0 hi
3:11PM 2 avoiding "ruby script/server" and eliminating ":3000"
2:44PM 4 Small regular expression question
12:35PM 3 login from token
12:24PM 2 how to configure a server with new development environment
11:56AM 2 Adding an id to form_tag
11:37AM 1 why do I get 1 as id for all locations??
11:22AM 4 Inventory/warehouse management, order picking etc...
9:41AM 1 conditional join selection with active record
9:05AM 3 using ferret indexes
8:53AM 0 Combine date and time in mysql
8:33AM 1 Re: redirect does not show error_messages
7:48AM 2 More than one check boxes and selecting all the check boxes
7:28AM 2 active record validations by Eshwar
6:49AM 2 Move from PHP to Rails
6:22AM 1 SSL With Ajax call
4:03AM 0 Problem with parsing xml
2:48AM 1 check for which page the helper is in
2:19AM 0 error installing RadRails
1:11AM 3 Http Digest Authentication
Tuesday October 14 2008
11:59PM 5 Online Storefront Credit Cards
11:02PM 0 NetBeans can't find OracleAdapter
10:38PM 1 Integrating Rails with other technologies
10:30PM 3 Using Rails purely as a RESTful web service (no or little HTML)
10:26PM 3 Has and belongs to many, join table id included in query
10:26PM 0 Referential integrity in Rails
10:08PM 4 Ruby on Rails Development Services
9:37PM 0 validate field with radio_button
9:25PM 3 ActionView: render a layout not in app/views?
9:08PM 7 stray questions
9:03PM 1 find_by_user_id_and_id question
9:00PM 6 Disabling XML character escaping for to_xml
8:46PM 6 Use a string as template for mail body
8:45PM 0 Attachment_fu, db_file and Windows
8:15PM 2 best-practice for programmatically using rxml generated from controller/view? (or 'how can I view a view from a model')
7:57PM 1 Fixtures, testing and namespaces
7:15PM 0 Filemanager for tinymce
5:55PM 4 Ruby and MySQL backup
5:44PM 2 Searching - weird behavior with certain letters
5:25PM 2 link_to_remote
5:20PM 4 Latency Question
2:27PM 20 has_many :through a belongs_to association
1:47PM 3 Server settings for BackgrounDRB?
1:16PM 3 Trying to replace some .find calls with better code
11:56AM 1 Tinymce plugin problem in Opera and Google Chrome
11:39AM 4 replace_html not working
10:55AM 1 Starting Server gives an error
9:51AM 1 Ruby on Rails Web Development
9:40AM 3 Polymorphic problems
9:25AM 0 How to make customized forms?
9:22AM 0 Ad server en Rails
8:41AM 0 Activemerchant and UK Maestro (formerly Switch) problem
8:09AM 1 To all TextMate users that wants to run tests with cmd + r in Rails 2.1 and above.
5:54AM 7 Rmagick
5:48AM 1 Google Maps Plugin
12:58AM 0 questions about generating customer_code when creating customer
12:01AM 2 Does not validate presence of entry fields
Monday October 13 2008
11:54PM 7 xml file download prompt instead of displaying in browser?
10:10PM 1 ActiveRecord and null string in Oracle
9:53PM 2 Qustion on rails new threading feature
9:35PM 2 Users generator?
7:53PM 10 Shibboleth
7:35PM 6 ruby on rails newbie please help cgi problem
7:07PM 0 SSL Slow Loads with ssl_required
6:36PM 4 file missing
5:01PM 3 Time Zone
4:55PM 0 Ditto! Any solutions?
3:01PM 4 Searching on two table fields
12:31PM 1 open a modal window for registration
12:23PM 5 Database connection switching at runtime
12:15PM 0 Focus problem
10:31AM 1 How to update the extra field of relationship table when use have_many :throuth effectively
9:32AM 3 Problem in Restful Routing
9:14AM 2 Patching auto_link for @username link conversion
8:35AM 0 Spennende prosjekter i Norge og internasjonalt
7:35AM 1 nested class?
5:38AM 14 Association Methods
5:18AM 3 HABTM & CheckBoxes
4:49AM 3 list of features to be concluded for create a Rails Demo ?
4:35AM 1 newbie question about running mysql
3:56AM 0 require not working in .rhtml file
3:19AM 1 how to create test data using migration for file_column
1:38AM 0 [JOBS] RoR Contract Opportunity
12:34AM 0 JOBS - I'm looking for Senior/Creative RR developers
Sunday October 12 2008
11:30PM 1 Routes problem.
6:52PM 3 Internal server error after editing environment.rb
6:02PM 2 Change link_to routing http://domain.tdl/static/application
4:31PM 5 Multipart email, how to bypass the bug?
3:48PM 3 Single Rails App - Several Subdomains
3:02PM 3 newbie help
1:29PM 0 How to test with RSpec a Rails plugin using “link_to” and “current_page?”
11:25AM 0 How to build search form dynamically
7:01AM 4 Re-using crontrollers with non-http requests
6:54AM 0 utf-8 encoding in URL params
6:26AM 1 Any status of the book "Agile Testing With Ruby and Rails"?
6:09AM 3 how would you know how to call this rails method (select_all) this starting point of it's Rails API description?
5:38AM 11 <false> is not true failure in unit test
12:21AM 0 Advice: should this New Media Art project use Ruby?
Saturday October 11 2008
11:19PM 3 huge performance issue with ActiveRecord::Base exists?
10:39PM 1 convention for checking rails environment
8:19PM 0 cant get to child div id for highlight effect
8:13PM 1 How to highlight or get the child div id?
7:24PM 1 trying not to duplicate actions for ajax
7:22PM 4 check for valid email address
7:09PM 0 Thinking_sphinx set weighting
6:04PM 2 profile importer
5:59PM 2 Model.create ?
5:54PM 2 Graph view
5:17PM 1 ActionController::MethodNotAllowed: Only get, put, and delete requests are allowed.
5:16PM 5 Rails + Apache2 + Balancer Manager - PHP doesn't work
4:55PM 0 http autentication and restful_authentication
3:40PM 7 Plugin Installation Help
3:39PM 1 http://localhost:3000/index.html does not open my home page
2:45PM 1 Hpricot problem
2:40PM 1 Test Coverage Tool for TDD?
1:46PM 0 sortable_element isn't doing an ajax request
1:03PM 2 to understand the flow of application in ror
12:47PM 3 calling form_remote_tag in a helper
11:47AM 3 How to go back to the Home page
11:31AM 0 How to Redirect Rails application from HTTP to HTTPS using lighttpd for WinXP
10:54AM 1 config/initializers
9:53AM 4 Are references and Foreign keys the same thing?
9:52AM 2 Any ruby script to import contacts
9:15AM 1 Virtual attribute setter method in model, how to write a scoped query?
8:42AM 8 Future of Ruby as well as Rails
7:36AM 0 Prototype WTP 0.2 released,this release for Prototype 1.6.0
4:42AM 5 Conditionally assigning html id to link_to (tabbed interface)
4:33AM 8 Observing few fields in a form - Best Practise?
4:25AM 0 charts in rails
3:33AM 1 Too many marshall dump/load calls?
2:49AM 1 Re: time_ago_in_words is off by a day
12:34AM 2 problems with validates_format_of
Friday October 10 2008
11:29PM 0 RSPEC and Custom Validation date fields
10:59PM 0 form_for yags questions
10:31PM 3 Rails does not see installed gem in production.
10:28PM 1 background jobs
8:41PM 0 Keeping a Running Total
8:20PM 0 Error when trying to setup Heroku to edit locally
8:08PM 2 routes from restful_authentication, wtf?
8:03PM 4 Model references fail in the initializer
8:01PM 3 The maximum value issue
6:39PM 1 PostgreSQL gem for Ruby (pg) problem!
3:12PM 5 Last piece of the pie! javascript no longer works after page.replace_html
2:43PM 3 http_authentication
1:57PM 1 MYSQL group by and order by query
1:09PM 3 Allow a "$" in a price field
12:45PM 1 reply quoting in comments
12:44PM 0 Cached pages and content negotiation
12:33PM 1 How to put exit like in php in Rails View
12:29PM 17 authenticity_token sent, still InvalidAuthenticityToken
10:55AM 0 ar_sendmail in daemon mode - on ubuntu
10:34AM 1 emails from rake not being sent as html
10:11AM 1 ho to convert submit button html code to RoR
10:01AM 2 Deploy RoR app on CPanled Hoster
9:34AM 2 Determining which controller to write the code into!
9:31AM 1 Form works with POST but not PUT
9:17AM 1 would you help about const_missing error...
8:07AM 15 session question..
5:43AM 2 question about .send()
5:38AM 6 how to get value from partial
4:36AM 0 craken cronjob management
4:31AM 1 How to close a popup and execute an xhr call to update the "opener" window?
3:06AM 2 Another "I'm I right" question...
2:56AM 4 Am I doing it the right way?
2:30AM 4 ajax complex forms: checkbox weirdness
2:10AM 5 Simple app - problems w/ routes
1:27AM 1 Re: Script to obtain dom
12:47AM 10 select another value in a combo box with a button click
12:22AM 2 Add hash to serialized column
Thursday October 9 2008
11:30PM 4 Save selected checkboxes after remote_function call
11:14PM 4 rails API best practices
7:20PM 1 Changing <head> in a view
6:58PM 1 restful views
6:50PM 2 has_many validation the Rails way
6:25PM 2 validates_presence_of and a blank form...
4:36PM 2 Automatic loading of parent association weirdness?
3:30PM 1 How to get the urls to public folder
2:43PM 2 unknown action - incorrect route
1:34PM 3 paperclip - deleting a photo from a form
1:31PM 3 Tableless models in Rails
12:08PM 0 How to consume a nested singular resource?
10:16AM 0 InvalidAuthenticityToken with w3m or lynx
9:14AM 17 Pagination
9:05AM 1 what's diffrence between ({:these=>"params"}) and ({"these"
8:36AM 1 When i use rspec(with built-in mock framework) ,errof occurs
8:01AM 2 Updating plugins
4:50AM 1 redirecting to uploaded files directory
4:44AM 0 How to use Rails' exception handling mechanism in a background thread?
4:10AM 2 No Method Error when using a plugin
4:10AM 1 Keeping Admin Code Seperate
2:13AM 2 Serving a PDF document
2:09AM 2 updating attribute in model
1:44AM 1 :find conditions using hour value of saved DateTime object
1:28AM 14 passenger dedicated server
1:06AM 1 Finding out how many assets each user has
1:01AM 1 Why find_by_sql works and find(args) doesn't
12:02AM 0 ActiveRecord adding quotes where it should not using JDBC Oracle Driver
12:01AM 2 acts as ferret
Wednesday October 8 2008
11:45PM 0 IE issues (go figure)
11:40PM 2 new controller actions and url_for
11:40PM 1 rake db:migrate hanging w/ oracle
11:37PM 2 Beyond Scaffold
10:17PM 9 Plugins and the test environment
9:16PM 2 CookieStore::CookieOverflow
8:07PM 2 Javascript help
7:47PM 1 gem 1.3.0, netbeans 6.1 "Missing the Rails gem"
7:44PM 4 Weird Deprecation Warning
7:29PM 5 schema.dump chokes on RAW type
5:24PM 3 Managing Plugins/Gems for a specific app
5:12PM 23 How to let a user render a partial?
4:39PM 1 Memory leak problem
4:33PM 5 URIs are transformed from view to controller
3:36PM 2 Problem with DateTime in query
3:34PM 7 Using an ActiveRecord class method within an ActionMailer object
3:22PM 3 display a form with selected values from URL
2:52PM 0 Plug and play installation for zena CMS
2:32PM 4 Getting value from time_select
1:56PM 3 use of custom routings
1:32PM 11 Using image_tag and send_data
12:44PM 3 ActiveRecord::Calculations::ClassMethods>>count doesn't behave as in Rails 1.1.6
11:45AM 1 Manuals?
10:56AM 2 private method `gsub' called for 2:Fixnum
10:04AM 0 undefined method `add' called for #<ActsAsFerret::Remote::Server:0x7f5be279ea38>
9:43AM 0 undefined method add called for ActsAsFerret::Remote::Server
9:21AM 18 strange observe_field/partial functioning..
8:51AM 0 submit_tag and input type="button"
8:48AM 0 measuring a user's storage (in the db)
8:33AM 0 BetterNestedSet and Rails Caching
5:04AM 0 RangeError (bignum too big to convert into `long'
4:48AM 0 Import scripts
4:36AM 6 Re: Best Way to detect if you are in a migration?
4:11AM 0 Re: Best Way to detect if you are in a migration?
3:58AM 2 how to divert routes resources in rails 2.1.1 ?
2:18AM 2 Exception handling is driving me nuts.
2:07AM 6 Polymorphic Associations in Rails 2 not configurable
12:53AM 4 Self-referencing model
12:51AM 1 Inflections
12:24AM 7 ActiveRecord filesystem based backend
Tuesday October 7 2008
10:01PM 6 Hpricot loop question to read table row values
9:51PM 11 'Admin::UsersHelper' is already used problem
9:26PM 0 Web Engineer Needed in DC! Willing to Train Ruby
9:05PM 6 https problems
9:04PM 3 Update only selected columns
8:10PM 6 form_for with RESTful route calling the wrong action
8:05PM 2 Problem with collection_select
6:19PM 6 Pass option value to InstanceMethods define_method
6:06PM 3 What Blog Engine Is Best?
5:20PM 10 Recent Upgrade to 2.1.0 not working IE7
4:52PM 1 WEBrick - Illegal instruction
4:33PM 2 Model.create(!) doesn't add to database, no errors..
4:10PM 1 how to integrate existing rails project into a new rails project
3:55PM 1 has_many :through selections based on attributes of the :through table.
3:35PM 2 Restriction in form Validation
3:33PM 0 uninitialized constant ActiveRecord
3:31PM 2 unitialized constant ActiveRecord
3:08PM 0 Grouping controllers into modules
1:35PM 4 Moving from one dns domain to another
1:18PM 0 Rails Dev w/Design Skills Needed
12:32PM 3 Login and logout doesn't work in different actions
12:31PM 10 monit newbie problem
11:34AM 4 Where do I add my class in RoR
11:22AM 2 redirecting .php / .aspx requests ?
10:10AM 8 How do i enable SSL?
9:14AM 1 about displaying chinese in mysql
9:09AM 1 how can i call multiple action in one form
8:50AM 3 [JOBS] I am C/C++ guy and a Ruby newbie I am looking for a job in Ruby/RoR
7:21AM 1 One clic application for rails on OSX
6:57AM 4 [question]How to install rubygem-cobbler
5:58AM 1 post, get
5:13AM 0 retrieve selected value from <%=select()%>
5:11AM 0 Rails Deployment Using Passenger (Problems)
4:51AM 0 livevalidation
4:14AM 0 Rails deployment - application urls
4:03AM 0 attachment_fu: saving content in multiple models ?!
3:04AM 0 draggable prototype error
2:38AM 6 Memory Leak
2:14AM 0 associations not saved in migration
1:30AM 5 Array to_xml
12:06AM 7 Rails production version not accessible from other machines
Monday October 6 2008
11:28PM 8 .htaccess rewrite
10:36PM 2 has_many_through with conditions on another table (:joins)
10:30PM 0 Mistaking with polymorphic associations?!
10:28PM 0 How manage bounce emails with a different email?
10:20PM 0 Disabling a form if a url param is not present...
10:12PM 6 OT: What happened to Rspec Google group?
9:06PM 9 Should I create foreign keys on my database?
8:53PM 0 Hosting Opinion
8:31PM 6 Namespaces for admin fucntionality, worth the effort?
7:39PM 0 Apache2 + ISPConfig + Ruby on Rails
7:31PM 2 how do I get a Time for today at a specific hour?
6:59PM 2 Filter inheritance
6:25PM 0 File Upload directory permissions
5:33PM 2 Problem in link_to
5:02PM 2 textilize with --- (3 dashes) removes text
4:57PM 1 Ajax Star Rating in Rails 2.1
4:50PM 3 Question about validations
4:36PM 3 How to integrate two rails project
4:17PM 0 find/sql help - I'm confused
4:10PM 2 private method `equal?' called for {}:Hash
3:56PM 1 Accessing Oracle Package in models
3:36PM 11 the performance debate
3:31PM 1 Issue with Routes
3:16PM 1 Problem with naming a field age?
2:24PM 3 Need translation of sql query to :find equivalent
1:56PM 0 form_for, attributes mapping for a Search model...
12:19PM 4 Listing and Updating Plugins
11:58AM 1 HTTP to HTTPS for some pages in ROR
11:28AM 0 checking input data in the form when button clicked..
11:16AM 9 datetime select
11:15AM 3 any advice re best way to make money as a RoR developer in your spare time???
10:53AM 1 ActsAsConfigurable?
10:52AM 4 what is Driver & what is Adapter ?
10:27AM 3 in_place_editing won't update, keeps saving...
10:23AM 1 Free Ruby In Steel IDE includes free Visual Studio
9:15AM 1 Problem with Check box tag
9:04AM 0 [internationalization] Multiple strings in one DB field
8:09AM 9 zena CMS first public release !
6:51AM 1 ROR application in any language(eg German, English, Spanish etc)
6:43AM 9 HABTM & Many through association.
6:37AM 1 Strong Rails developer available soon.... Referral Incentive!
6:21AM 7 a small doublt
4:25AM 2 Session destroy link won't work
2:39AM 1 Amended: Rails console, saving objects
2:22AM 1 Rails console, saving objects
1:23AM 2 Letting a user choose pictures
12:50AM 2 redirect to another controller / action form a controller
Sunday October 5 2008
11:00PM 3 BackgrounDRB Configuration
5:21PM 0 admin interface ideas
3:01PM 4 difference between model and scaffold generators
2:41PM 1 Multiple tenants on Rails
2:18PM 0 Dynamic menus
12:12PM 2 create contact form
12:03PM 0 act_as_flaggable
11:41AM 2 updating referenced table
11:32AM 2 Rails Partial Tests
11:08AM 4 Helper methods from controller
10:32AM 0 Polymorphic with multiple associations to same model
10:14AM 9 change event in one combo box to update another combo box
9:59AM 0 Pictrails 0.5.0 released
7:46AM 3 Rails installation
2:49AM 4 Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player cause double send_file downloads?
2:12AM 2 Going from Test::Unit to TTD with rspec
1:51AM 7 I want to run my Rails 1.2 site in Rails 2.1
Saturday October 4 2008
11:37PM 2 your discipline
10:59PM 1 Turn-off/fool etagging?
8:45PM 0 $1,000 referral incentive: Rails Developer available for contract or full time work
7:39PM 17 mac vs windows - why is windows soooo slow?
7:37PM 3 const_missing
6:26PM 1 What's causing "support for RegExp patterns is deprecated" error?
6:11PM 4 How to format text in the mailer?
6:03PM 2 refactoring support
5:24PM 2 Help with debugging - undefined method `' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) ?
3:36PM 4 controller instance variables
2:39PM 2 what is the difference save() vs save!()
2:29PM 2 where's the source to www.tumblr.com? it be Rails?
1:59PM 0 inheritance models and data model
12:14PM 3 Ruby for a simple web app?
11:48AM 2 Nested resources deletion
10:07AM 1 Ruby reference documentation
7:27AM 5 Ruby on Rails based Applications Development Methodology by HiddenBrains.com
1:23AM 1 NoMemoryError (failed to allocate memory)
Friday October 3 2008
9:58PM 1 Newbie Question - Ruby terminal emulator for windows
9:32PM 3 count number of lines in a file with file.open
8:52PM 1 Using text_field_with_auto_complete with afterUpdateElement
8:11PM 1 Improvements for rails development on linux with gedit
7:15PM 0 Best practice for common functional tests?
7:13PM 4 Find last record updated
6:57PM 1 problems running an older (1.1.6) rails app under 2.0.2
6:22PM 0 Knowing your 412 from your 414
5:27PM 4 Why PostgreSQL doesn´t appear on the project?
5:04PM 0 Transaction Result?
4:08PM 2 active record losing connection, in non-Rails script
3:46PM 1 migration
3:29PM 5 Confusion about HTTP header content during functional tests
2:43PM 1 Installing ruby on linux
2:37PM 2 Filter chain halted as [:check_authentication] rendered_or_r
2:16PM 4 Action Mailer >> Hiding Receipients in the email templates
1:00PM 1 Sharepoint problem
11:18AM 6 large cookie error
8:45AM 1 How to specify a particular action for a resource
8:12AM 5 Javascript/Prototype helper and redirect_to
7:18AM 1 rails-1.2.3 to 2.1.1 give memcache-client error
6:43AM 7 form_remote_tag and :with
5:14AM 3 Help me , which book is good for ror 2.1.1
3:34AM 4 undefined method `merge' for "/":String
2:20AM 1 Easier way to pull associated records of has_many associated
2:02AM 1 has_many association. Is this possible??
1:04AM 1 fragment caching with search box
Thursday October 2 2008
11:21PM 2 Problem with unpacked gems and Kernel#gem
10:43PM 0 Gruff bar charts and zero data
9:37PM 5 Warning messages on gem:unpack after updating to rubygems 1.3
9:22PM 0 <attribute>_changed? oddity
8:57PM 2 alternative to "script/plugin install -x" that works with git
8:52PM 3 AJAX not Working in Production
8:36PM 1 'new' sql injection attack
6:58PM 4 Grouping data for charting
5:52PM 11 Removing Non Alpha & Numeric Characters From String
5:50PM 1 multiple belong_to associations & build
5:07PM 0 Bad MIME type in IE7 Validator w3.org
5:04PM 1 squirrel and acts_as_rails
3:39PM 2 Ajax call once on page load
3:18PM 4 Simple testing question: Handling login in functional tests
3:14PM 1 migration how to?
3:08PM 1 wrong respond_to format used
2:43PM 5 Rails looking for development db in production
2:21PM 4 link to remote + update
1:57PM 0 No such file or directory
1:15PM 2 Adding an action to a ressource
12:43PM 0 HABTM and order by
12:10PM 0 auto_complete and protect_from_forgery
9:18AM 0 Updating multiple records at once with update action
7:07AM 0 Re: How to export data in pdf and excel format ?
6:12AM 6 STI problem
5:33AM 14 New to Rails.
5:20AM 0 Cant save a record project-user-role
5:03AM 3 active record multiple table insert
3:10AM 1 multiple associations in select list not working
1:55AM 4 Manual Ordering in Models
1:52AM 2 How to handle asset groups within groups?
1:41AM 1 acts_as_taggable_on environment issues
12:22AM 1 How to use ActiveRecord associations to select from related.
12:09AM 1 How do you validate the availability for a "block of time"?
12:06AM 1 [Question] How to show models attributes' value in validation message?
12:05AM 1 Comparing created at
Wednesday October 1 2008
10:40PM 0 Adding a table modifying the data I fetch
10:36PM 0 problems select list generated from tables
10:31PM 2 convert html to plain text in ruby
10:05PM 3 Ruby Manor tickets now available
8:55PM 0 [bug?] rails form_for
8:17PM 10 Recaptcha (or other captchas)
7:37PM 1 ffmpeg audio not working
7:14PM 2 erb strangeness
7:07PM 0 active record sum vs find
6:52PM 1 how to install plugin
6:40PM 2 Robust xhr command queue
6:34PM 2 Why doesn't named_scope sort properly?
6:14PM 1 Re: How to export data in pdf and excel format ?
5:29PM 2 klass is the Class of the model from a controller context?
5:04PM 5 sub-layouts
4:28PM 0 Ruby on Rails Jr Developer/Tester - Austin, TX
4:10PM 1 Rspec and restful_authentication
3:59PM 4 edge rails: `scan': undefined method `empty?' for nil:NilCla
2:57PM 3 Models with attachments and one AttachmentsController: how?
1:34PM 2 Multiple Forms One Model
11:00AM 4 map.resources doubt
10:27AM 0 odbc data source name not found
9:59AM 9 Find with floats
9:57AM 1 How to generate DOC files in Rails
8:25AM 3 using ruby on rails to call the web service in java
6:55AM 1 Printing in rails
6:42AM 0 how to set utc
6:32AM 5 ar_mailer issue - emails not getting saved into DB
5:35AM 8 Ruby on Rails on shared host
4:29AM 7 observe_form question
4:13AM 8 statistics table via a trigger
2:50AM 1 JSON + Rails + Javascript