Yep, that was it. I knew it was something easy that I just
Thanks a lot!
On Oct 10, 10:49 pm, "Maurício Linhares"
wrote:> Look at your and see if it''s like this:
> Sun, 12 Oct 2008 02:45:42 UTC +00:00
> If you also have the "UTC +00:00", it means that you timezone is
> GMT (and I think that it isn''t your real timezone). For example,
> timezone is 3 hours after the GMT, so the right timezone would be
> something like this:
> Sat Oct 11 23:48:41 -0300 2008
> At your environment.rb file, look for something like this:
> config.time_zone = ''UTC''
> And change it to your timezone.
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 11:43 PM, Wayne M
<> wrote:
> > Maybe someone can help me; I''m sure I''m just missing
something silly.
> > I have a Task model that has a due_date. In my migration
it''s set to
> > a date:
> > :due_date
> > I want to display both the actual date and a friendly format in the
> > application, so in my view I have:
> > <p><%= time_ago_in_words(@task.due_date) %> (<%>
> @task.due_date.to_s(:long) %>)</p>
> > I have a sample task that has a due date set to October 12th, and
> > @task.due_date.to_s(:long) confirms this. However, time_ago_in_words
> > says that it''s "1 day", when today is the 10th and
it should be 2
> > days. In fact, I brought up a console and typed in,
> > and sure enough it says that tomorrow is Sunday the 12th, instead of
> > Saturday the 11th.
> > What am I missing? Should I be using a datetime instead (presumably
> > it has something to do with the accuracy), even though I
don''t care
> > about the time, only the actual date?
> > If it matters at all, I am using Postgres as my database.
> > Thanks for any help.
> > - Wayne
> --
> Maurício Linhares
> João Pessoa, PB, +55 83 8867-7208
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