Rails - Nov 2007

Friday November 30 2007
11:43PM 0 formats available for controller
10:23PM 7 Basics on Installing a plugin
9:29PM 0 ODBC Error: Data Source Name not found
9:06PM 0 Apache Rewrites in VirtualHost Changing Rails Base URL?
8:28PM 2 Store Your Files Online 2 GB for free!!!
8:26PM 5 what is the ruby way to check for permissions?
8:08PM 5 why I can't use session in model?
8:07PM 13 Clarification needed between class << ClassName and class ClassName
8:00PM 2 link_to_remote ignoring :action option.
7:59PM 1 Optional Parmaters in a SQL Query, inline and sanitized
7:04PM 2 Returning an object that might be nil
7:03PM 1 Doxygen equivalent for Ruby-on-Rails?
6:58PM 3 I don't understand #{ }
6:43PM 0 only_path not working?
6:31PM 9 Trying to hire full-time Rails developer...
6:29PM 2 how to implement go to next / previous item?
6:25PM 3 scaffold leaving out column names ending in _id?
5:51PM 0 nested restful route param automagically populated on current page?
5:48PM 0 Ruby on Rails VTC training DVD
5:24PM 0 weird problem : "No such file or directory " of rhtml file on rails
5:23PM 0 cross sell products - Options_from_collection_select ?
4:55PM 3 Actual flow of a redirect_to
4:09PM 0 Array vs Paginate::Collection - weirdness!
4:02PM 1 Using Gems through proxy with authentication
3:13PM 2 Nested resources and _path methods
2:17PM 0 In_place_edit with submit the forum
2:13PM 2 Problem showing data - syntax error perhaps?
2:06PM 2 Callbacks vs Observer vs "Just adding to controller action"
1:19PM 0 Using cookies in a model
1:19PM 4 can this be written cleaner?
12:48PM 10 datetime question.
12:36PM 0 Screwed Special Characters in an utf8 String Read From Database
11:03AM 1 Unicode in Forms & Ruby Regex
11:02AM 2 Metric Converter, CM into INCHES
9:38AM 0 Plugin configuration
9:30AM 7 Survey, what is the scariest animal?
9:21AM 3 A bug of validates_numericality_of ?
9:00AM 2 find_by_sql preformance problems when ordering data
8:42AM 0 Trouble with plugin.
6:09AM 3 I have a small budget, where can I find a ruby programmer without breaking the bank?
5:42AM 1 501 Bad Recipient Address Syntax
5:11AM 4 Retrieve data from two Tables and validate
4:54AM 12 How about param_name instead of params[:name]
4:30AM 1 rake, capistrano and subversion on google code
4:15AM 4 Choosing a college degree
2:30AM 0 New open source web site development anouncement
2:25AM 1 Webrat 0.1.0 released - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
1:43AM 0 url_for not working when using aditional route parameters
1:27AM 0 Trouble sorting a list of DIVs using scriptaculous
Thursday November 29 2007
11:16PM 2 site still works without mysql gem installed
11:15PM 1 Basic relationship question
10:48PM 4 "build" is slow on large has_many association collections
10:14PM 7 Best hosting company?
10:01PM 1 Unit Testing - Examining Database Records
9:43PM 3 Weird bug with date_select
9:29PM 13 ActionWebService and Rails 2.0 RC2
9:27PM 13 Page loads very slowly on Dreamhost after some idle time
8:47PM 4 Someone explain this output? <%= 'Last Post'[:last_post] %>
8:33PM 0 Weird Rails 2, Candidate 2 error: welcome aboard app env. link broken?
8:20PM 3 Partial Static Site
8:19PM 1 Configure Apache in Mac Os X 10.5 to be used with ROR
8:14PM 4 Flickr API not working
7:38PM 1 Computed Columns?
7:31PM 1 SVN stuff
7:23PM 5 Method on a array of objects from the database
7:18PM 5 Problems with activerecord associations between tables
7:13PM 1 How to embed with_scope in ActiveRecord class defnition?
6:44PM 5 Dynamic JS or RJS ?
6:04PM 7 Sessions Not Working In Production Mode
5:32PM 26 MySQL Installation Issues
5:12PM 2 where does class file go
5:09PM 1 Migration Bug?
5:09PM 0 is mutex lock on mongrel needed for activerecord?
5:09PM 1 Ugly First Crack at some Metaprogramming
5:09PM 7 Front End to ROR. Did anybody like Joomla or Drupal?
4:39PM 0 prototype ajax request
4:35PM 3 Strange Array behaviour
4:10PM 6 Locomotive: Can not install mysql gem
3:58PM 0 Create linked image if user logged in, otherwise just show image
3:53PM 12 classic_pagination - svn connection timeout
3:43PM 3 assert_tag not working
3:28PM 2 render_404 and return not working but it works if I split it in two lines
3:04PM 5 Rails 1.2.6 mongrel script\server error
2:46PM 2 rails color picker?
2:30PM 7 Netbeans IDE --- anybody have bad experiences?
1:39PM 0 Model finder with parameters
11:24AM 3 Ruby Newbie-help regarding strings
11:13AM 0 undefined method more_results error when trying to execute a Stored procedure on linux
11:07AM 2 auto_complete like facebook inbox recipient select
10:48AM 2 railroad-database problem
10:30AM 0 looking for ROR experts in India
9:54AM 0 has_many_polymorphs for user owned tags
9:30AM 3 Need some hints on architecture
8:36AM 4 permissions for an sqlite3 db? rake aborted
7:16AM 5 rails version error - related to PATH?
6:54AM 1 rake fails; path to sqlite database file problem
6:16AM 11 What is the weakness of Ruby? How is the execution speed of Ruby?
5:48AM 4 collection.build or collection.create gives "ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)"
5:33AM 0 AJXA and page relalodin.....
5:14AM 8 Rails 2.0: Release Candidate 2
4:11AM 1 A Sexy Way To Break Up A Loop
3:11AM 0 Job: Video On Demand - Lead Web Tools Developer
3:06AM 2 help associating database tables
3:02AM 0 Taking key/value pairs and formating into string
2:42AM 1 tinyMCE issues
2:32AM 1 Scaffold question
2:22AM 1 Using :through and belongs_to
1:55AM 4 OCI/Oracle and too many connections?
1:51AM 27 Strip & Sanitize BEFORE saving data
1:00AM 1 How do you CRUD Acts_As_Tree data?
12:19AM 3 Rails version configuration
Wednesday November 28 2007
11:53PM 1 Ruby on Rail Job- Chicago
11:25PM 3 Problems using a string as an option
11:15PM 2 Identifying changes to activerecord tables from form input
10:46PM 3 overriding rest show route but not delete
10:46PM 2 Can't update ActiveSupport gem
10:27PM 1 Do changes on 'temporary' record - save back to table when finished
10:25PM 3 Adding a List to a rhtml file
10:19PM 2 Noob Subdirectory Question
10:16PM 8 include vs. require vs. require_dependency
10:09PM 2 Re: moving from rails 1.2 -> 2.0 RC
10:04PM 4 Converting times for db query
9:59PM 0 Routing error after upgrading from 1.1 to 1.2
9:52PM 0 remote call help
9:50PM 4 Validates allow_nil not working as expected
9:31PM 6 Create rails app fails
9:27PM 1 text_field_with_auto_complete and keystroke delay
9:17PM 6 Ajax and Rails basic application
9:08PM 0 redirect_to :host Security Error
9:02PM 5 methods in models dont work for views?
8:54PM 0 betternestedset outside of rails
8:14PM 0 Where to override ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter?
7:46PM 0 Rake session problem
7:34PM 0 Non-SQL conditions in finder?
7:24PM 6 Class variable does not retain its value in rails
7:12PM 0 OT: Re: OpenHash class I thought I would share...
7:07PM 1 How do I know when a file is fully created
6:50PM 3 accented characters in irb on the mac
6:38PM 5 Where do I start?
6:38PM 0 Multiple Custom Form Builders
6:19PM 9 Is the first Agile book still relevant?
6:17PM 2 Testing validity of URL
6:08PM 1 Help After Installing Using Fink
5:59PM 0 declaring property variable
5:29PM 1 Mongel stops on first request
4:54PM 2 How to insert conditional in a rjs file
4:47PM 1 Anything wrong with this? am I just making trouble?
4:00PM 0 build file? install rails app?
3:45PM 1 Double belongs to in AR?
3:43PM 0 OpenHash class I thought I would share...
3:37PM 2 Finding non-empty associations
2:54PM 9 Subtemplating with ERB
2:49PM 0 Stored Procedure problem on linux
2:44PM 2 How to find what Gems are Installed?
2:42PM 0 Testing and Fixtures with relationships issue
2:11PM 13 source not reloading on development env
2:00PM 5 Nested sets from database
1:44PM 1 Replacing the database in Active Record with RPC-based interface
1:21PM 3 Sending A mailinglist
12:51PM 4 Variable visible in all actions of the controller
12:47PM 0 dafault value of a textbox prompting user of what to enter
12:27PM 0 odbc-rails gem installation problem
12:22PM 2 Net::HTTP reponse method - custom timeout
12:19PM 5 Memory footprint
11:43AM 7 No shell access - how to run migrations on production db?
11:28AM 0 Help with "will_paginate"
10:59AM 2 follow_redirect!() doesn't exist?
10:23AM 2 Populating Select Box with Hash Array
10:12AM 0 reg : select_datetime
9:34AM 1 how can I connect with postgresql using rails ?
9:22AM 0 Processes run by rails ignore SIG_TERM
8:42AM 0 Agile RSS Aggregator in Ruby ==> rails
8:16AM 1 error when accessing
6:28AM 1 Detect environment in migration
5:58AM 1 Re: http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/tags/rel_1-2-6/activeresource' doesn't exist
5:23AM 9 Please solve my rails problem
5:17AM 0 scaffold error: try creating a table for your model
5:12AM 3 Javascript code blocks in RJS
3:52AM 10 Help with the Depot App
3:20AM 0 problems parsing data from deeply-nested forms
3:13AM 4 is there a Telnet Rails Application that someone has build/released?
1:14AM 0 Country + State/Province/County Generator or Plugin
1:00AM 11 script/server doesn't work
Tuesday November 27 2007
11:06PM 5 Strange ssl_requirement plugin issues
10:43PM 8 generating CRUD interface automagically
10:43PM 1 capistrano hangs
9:54PM 7 REXML::Formatters - where do they come from?
9:15PM 3 Disappearing decimals... please help!
8:30PM 3 Associations problem
8:19PM 5 Startup script
8:11PM 1 Need to Sort Array of Hashes using multiple keys.
6:46PM 1 O/T div.fieldWithErrors styling
6:42PM 5 request.env and accessing raw header requests
6:38PM 3 render question
6:35PM 1 Sessions across subdomains
6:18PM 0 Models with only one entry
6:13PM 2 Getting table field names from an object
5:57PM 2 Using ActionWebService with Edge Rails/Rails 2.0
5:42PM 7 A question about associations.
5:28PM 5 Simple ActiveRecord question.
4:57PM 2 Complicated find with habtm conditions
4:49PM 1 Outputting to web = Rails or web framework the best?
4:04PM 1 Bizarre interaction problem between acts_as_authenticated and a flash mp3 player
3:47PM 9 New to RonR...
3:41PM 0 Load error message and then load links
3:36PM 0 rss aggregator schema
3:34PM 0 exclude column from activerecord
3:04PM 1 routing
3:02PM 3 oracle legacy database with ISO-8859-1
2:03PM 6 Format for getting time to display as 8:30 PM not 08:30 PM?
2:01PM 3 JDJ coverage of RoR
1:12PM 0 Add to cart functionality(getting error)
12:44PM 2 replace link_to_remote bu button_to_function
12:32PM 2 failed to install acts_as_ferret plugin
12:15PM 0 Working with one model from another
11:41AM 1 Multiple Tables for ONE location
10:11AM 1 Moving my app with instant rails to another machine
9:27AM 3 "If the checkbox is checked, then do......."
9:09AM 2 aliases in ROR (for an instance)
9:04AM 2 Validation without saving
7:17AM 2 rendering this to the html page
6:49AM 19 Self destruct your application?
6:43AM 0 opensocial container plugin
4:23AM 3 Does Rails 2.0 *require* a db? Sure seems that way ...
3:28AM 1 Best Practice/Design: respond_to in action with only one response type
1:16AM 1 Plugin - How to access object from instance method
12:41AM 0 virtualization + libvirt (with ruby bindings) + swarm idea (from azureus) to migrate virtual machines?!
Monday November 26 2007
10:58PM 2 Environment Specific Data
10:33PM 4 Best Practice:: Filling Models With Data
9:55PM 1 Small problem with developing a plugin...
9:54PM 0 Survey Forms with Ruby on Rails
9:11PM 2 REST: Do I have to use the primary_key in the path?
7:57PM 9 Multi-tasking with RESTful controllers?
7:51PM 3 Alternative Download With Amazon S3
7:20PM 1 autotest problem, can you possibly help me ?
5:43PM 1 Validations - When do they get called
5:35PM 0 problem with menu functionality
5:19PM 12 .Net web services and integers
5:16PM 6 Model setters, override attribute=(attribute)?
4:42PM 0 Western New York Ruby User's Group -- TONIGHT!
4:11PM 3 How to set a time-limit for mongrel?
4:11PM 5 Credit card
4:04PM 3 Issue tracking system
4:02PM 0 BOINC integration
3:41PM 4 Flah Plugin Trouble
2:54PM 4 Method added in plugin is not immediately avail.?
2:10PM 0 Radiant CMS
12:24PM 1 has_and_belongs_to_many - Access to Linkingtable
12:19PM 2 Images and CSS are not used correctly; both are stored in public folder
11:23AM 5 Ordering by a child model count
10:55AM 10 Inserting multiple rows in the table at same time
10:45AM 0 redirect_to restful-ful resource create action
9:35AM 1 How do I submit a text field and return to a new page?
9:25AM 2 ruby-debug 0.9.3 and Rails 2rc1: falls directly to irb
5:11AM 2 starting WEBrick from a ruby script
4:18AM 7 before_validation attribute modification
4:17AM 3 Desperately need an advanced zip code database....
2:32AM 1 How do you display all entries of a user's children?
Sunday November 25 2007
10:16PM 3 Reflection - Defined methods in controller
8:45PM 5 Can't find rails after re-installing/upgrading Kubuntu
8:29PM 0 A/B split testing in rails?
8:18PM 6 View displays with no action
8:05PM 1 tabs
6:38PM 10 Alternate Style of Validations
5:05PM 2 overwrite_params
4:57PM 1 insert into database with one instruction
2:07PM 4 is notify resevered word?
10:50AM 9 Show DIV from controller
10:21AM 2 Action Controller: Exception caught
8:14AM 0 .::: Really Cheap airfair broker website, 75% off! :::.
7:51AM 3 Setting IM status messages
6:40AM 1 rails 2.0 strangeness. Default layouts not working, methods in application controller not visible
5:46AM 4 image_tag is missing "class=" attribute--how can I replace javscript behavior?
Saturday November 24 2007
11:41PM 2 undefined method 'act_as_tree'
9:22PM 2 Exception when destroying an object with :through association
9:17PM 2 packaging controllers in Rails
9:00PM 1 collection_select :onchange event
7:55PM 0 ruport-util 0.10.0
7:12PM 2 date_select validation of a invalid date
5:32PM 2 User registeration and submit information
5:12PM 3 how to create a custom validator
5:09PM 1 use default CSS class within Custom FormBuilder
3:39PM 7 can someone please tell me why these test are failing?
3:23PM 12 orphan habtm rows
2:28PM 1 concatenate first_name & last_name in select
12:01PM 20 Flash Message Problem need solutions
7:16AM 9 AR trying force NULL into datetime
6:20AM 8 How change records w/o loading them?
5:25AM 0 What is best way to get all records from ...
3:29AM 11 Rails 1.2.6 is out.
1:47AM 3 preferred way to do paginate today?
1:34AM 0 Caching and RESTful actions
1:12AM 0 Looking for Rails 2.0 (edge) nested ressource example
12:45AM 2 gem fails to build mysql
12:42AM 0 Listing documents in two different controllers - refactor?
Friday November 23 2007
10:40PM 0 JOB: Rails contractor needed in SoHo (NYC) 2-3 days per week onsite
10:23PM 0 BenchmarkForRails v0.1 (aka "it exists")
9:53PM 2 link_to post without javascript?
8:35PM 0 fileupload via ftp and attachment_fu
8:16PM 1 problem with data migration
8:01PM 0 Railspace paperback and pdf?
6:59PM 0 you have a problem about send & receive file ?
5:37PM 1 RESTful Design Question
4:19PM 0 Winter Sea
4:12PM 4 acts_as_taggable_on_steroids
4:08PM 2 Why will Event_list not display?
4:07PM 0 adding css class to option tags generated by collection_select?
3:40PM 2 Scaffold strangeness
3:23PM 2 ANN: Spraypaint - yet another tagging library for rails
2:53PM 0 Install Mephisto on DreamHost
2:48PM 0 Proper way to serialize?
1:49PM 3 How to generate c1 and c2 reports for Rcov
1:31PM 2 Create my own dynamic "finder" method?
12:38PM 0 acts_as_ferret Searching child models - no method error
11:21AM 7 database.yml and sqlite3 errors
11:19AM 3 call model method out of the controller => undefined method
10:16AM 8 Duplicate Data But Have The Primary Keys Change With A Click
9:59AM 5 Verifying if radio buttons are checked
9:17AM 0 auto_complete field problem ?
8:42AM 0 Restful droppable delete
8:01AM 0 404.html and 500.html not working
7:39AM 1 Sending email with the contents in the database
7:37AM 4 new rails edge project - step by step
7:05AM 5 Instant Rails replaced by the BitNami RubyStack
5:47AM 2 how to upload photos by using rmagick plugin
3:11AM 0 execution of system scripts from rails
3:01AM 1 RoR File Exchange Application?
2:29AM 2 Capture IP Address to Sessions
12:23AM 4 How to pin down location of views/shared directory ?
Thursday November 22 2007
11:54PM 1 has_many :through questions
10:47PM 0 Remote function and returning value
10:46PM 2 Remote function and template
10:40PM 2 & in link_to_remote... :with => "A=1&B=2" becomes &amp;
8:41PM 1 will_paginate w/ extra params
4:21PM 12 ExtJS and Rails examples
2:59PM 10 unwanted amp injected in url
2:48PM 11 Help needed setting up a simple app
2:29PM 0 uninitialized constant: GetText::Rails::Configuration
2:25PM 0 Calling an Oracle stored procedure from rails
1:50PM 1 Why is sentry's test fixtures nil?
12:09PM 7 Problem Installing RMagick with Instant Rails on Windows
12:05PM 2 abstract_class causes find to add "and foo."type" = 'Foo'"
11:59AM 0 Gettext and Mailer and localized templates
10:35AM 3 Performing arbitrary ruby scripts from rails
9:05AM 6 Postgres - how to connect?
8:48AM 2 Active Record Question
7:38AM 0 Opening for Experienced Ruby on Rails Developer @ Azri
7:29AM 5 Having trouble installing rails - SSL issues
6:35AM 1 Can't install sqlite3-ruby gem on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
5:14AM 2 connecting rails app running on windows and database in Linux...
3:14AM 0 ActiveRecord::Migration is a mix-in?
2:41AM 9 Model with two associations?
2:24AM 3 Need help to configure RoR to host on Linnux
1:43AM 1 Installation error
Wednesday November 21 2007
11:34PM 0 to_json syntax help
11:18PM 0 .htaccess configuration
11:10PM 0 Very weird - Type error where there isn't one?!
10:15PM 0 Shared hosting for mephisto blog + git/svn
9:30PM 1 Problem with route defaults and caching
8:45PM 1 Changing the URL if in nested resources
8:42PM 0 How to find current template
7:59PM 3 <meta name="generator" content="Rails1.2.3" />
7:54PM 4 Strange behavior in HABTM
7:45PM 0 problems with scaffold generated list
7:26PM 0 Expiring page caches with regexp?
7:25PM 1 iText, Rails, and OS X
6:38PM 0 Selenium on rails
6:24PM 1 Property file in RoR
6:21PM 2 Issue with params.merge
5:06PM 2 Sending whole rows of data from a form
4:34PM 0 testing with development data?
3:44PM 0 Replace default action "index" with another one?
3:43PM 1 two belong_to to same model
3:31PM 4 Get taken route's name in a view?
3:26PM 0 Regarding date_field
1:53PM 0 rails:freeze:gems
1:01PM 4 search
12:50PM 2 Same site, multiple branding. Putting out the feelers...
12:36PM 4 Builder::XmlMarkup adds <inspect/> on printing and <clone/> on saving
12:33PM 4 Scaffold: What's the advantage of actions create/update?
12:29PM 1 Apache queue
11:46AM 0 Add Javascript to :confirm in form submit
11:17AM 3 Cannot freeze gems
10:45AM 1 Integrating mephisto in to the existing rails application
9:51AM 7 how to use two submit_tag in a form ?
9:41AM 0 How do I put a date column from a collection as a header for a XHTML Table?
7:56AM 1 (unknown)
7:53AM 1 asynchronous data update
7:44AM 5 dynamic finders, params, symbols, confusion
7:11AM 0 will_paginate and render :update
6:38AM 1 AJAX with Ruby
6:33AM 1 How do I set a datetime field to "now"
5:34AM 4 Updating quantity of product (Shopping cart)
5:31AM 9 Best way to sanitize a decimal field (remove commas and $'s)
3:40AM 3 rake error
12:57AM 2 Warning: require_gem is obsolete.
12:50AM 3 update_attribute weirdness in edge
12:21AM 2 HABTM to call after_update ?
12:11AM 2 Page caching with custom route
Tuesday November 20 2007
11:53PM 3 HowTo: Display file being executed?
9:57PM 0 Google AuthSub
9:26PM 0 Adding :order to the find method using a self-referencing model
8:21PM 3 How to rename image file before saving it using file_column?
8:15PM 2 validates_length_of for NUMBER data type
7:50PM 18 Checking date of birth is greater than today
7:45PM 1 :allow_nil validation vs. blank?
7:09PM 1 administration of RESTFul-based entities (admin namespace)
6:27PM 0 Filtering routes?
5:59PM 2 Plugin: create instance methods dynamically in ClassMethods?
5:24PM 0 lighttpd+dispatch.fcgi *very* slow, even before app gets control
5:21PM 0 question about routes and generated methods
4:51PM 1 RDocs Issues
4:49PM 0 Initialization at app's start up
4:39PM 5 Does anyone have any good 'phone' validation routines?
4:23PM 2 Problems with find
4:15PM 0 requirement - Ruby on Rails
4:10PM 0 nothing rendered, but dispatch.rb returns the page
3:15PM 1 Validations
3:12PM 3 Plugin: can't call before_filter in ApplicationController
2:54PM 0 {HTML options} in collection_select that show pre-selected options?
2:16PM 0 add a template besides destroy.js.rjs
12:36PM 0 belongs_to into a list
12:27PM 1 Some architecture questions - need help
12:27PM 1 PDF:writer and Simpletable problem
11:59AM 1 multiple categories for a product
11:50AM 2 Other validations fail even if there is no validates_presence_of
9:49AM 2 Store percents > what kind of column type?
9:46AM 5 A bout Search engine friendly URL
9:37AM 10 How make AR attributes custom classes?
9:36AM 3 schema for straw (rss aggregator)
9:11AM 3 Table scheme question....
8:29AM 10 Shopping cart implementation
8:00AM 0 Problem while Reading Url in rubyrails application
7:01AM 2 Old file_column Causing Load Errors?
5:13AM 5 Remove from cart functionality......
4:30AM 4 link_to_remote style
4:10AM 0 goglider.com - Create free Blog or Forum with cool interface
2:21AM 1 Submit buttons with rollover images
1:59AM 2 Images don't display
1:49AM 1 email verifier
12:33AM 3 association :conditions & instance-variable evaluation
12:31AM 1 A little help with associations
12:26AM 7 Multiple associations with to_json
12:18AM 3 Drag and Drop dont work on IE7
12:01AM 2 After Filter Runs Even When Chain Is Halted
Monday November 19 2007
11:34PM 0 Trouble writing a plugin with view helpers
10:48PM 0 Routing with a shared certificate
10:33PM 2 Help with controller and view
10:31PM 3 link_to and GET parameters
8:52PM 4 getting errors and params back to view
8:50PM 9 image upload example?
8:47PM 1 One view, many actions...
8:31PM 2 How to handle multiple database in ruby on rails.
8:10PM 2 Difference between has_one and belongs_to
7:21PM 0 use render inside rake task
6:26PM 1 issues with us_states and selected
5:42PM 2 production.log not working after I deleted it.
5:30PM 2 Resident Memory Size Logging
5:29PM 4 GRAILS, great RoR competitor ?
5:21PM 2 login help - grouping records
5:04PM 1 authentification and two controllers.
4:51PM 0 How do I override the method render?
4:32PM 1 Capistrano in InstaRails bombs?
4:05PM 1 AJAX call - weird special character problem
3:52PM 0 does anyone how to customize search query>?
3:30PM 0 Need help for a table layout
3:21PM 0 Question - Help the noobie
2:45PM 11 find_by problems
2:27PM 0 REST: Listing resources filtered by their attributes
2:10PM 1 My own plugin: how/where to place configuration params?
1:05PM 1 mini_radiant
1:00PM 2 Multiple database in Ruby on Rails
12:34PM 4 problem installin rails
11:34AM 1 Creating remote backups of MYSQL Database using rails
11:01AM 3 How to convert long urls to short urls??
9:20AM 4 Check Global method exist inside a class method
9:05AM 8 Storing combo box data in the database
8:15AM 1 Install plugin "validate_attributes"
8:00AM 0 How deploy my ROR project to hostgator
7:31AM 2 Problem in has_and_belongs_to_many data retrieval
5:43AM 8 redirecting back on errors to multi-form pages
4:33AM 3 Flash[:symbol] with html possible?
4:13AM 0 Integrating radiantCMS
3:22AM 1 InstantRails running problem
3:19AM 0 Implementing Backpack/Lighthouse Email Input Feature
Sunday November 18 2007
11:59PM 9 Can someone tell my why my drag and drop doesn't work here?
11:36PM 0 Trouble overriding default accessor/mutator
10:49PM 0 Urgent help with rails, htaccess and shared hosting
10:24PM 2 ActiveACL and "already initialized constant OPTIONS"
10:20PM 1 Generating search conditions?
9:59PM 1 ActiveRecord query
9:47PM 1 validates_uniqueness_of question
9:14PM 1 prototype.js: Ajax.Request failing IE7 and working in FF2
7:46PM 0 Escaping html entities with in_place_editor_field
7:28PM 2 implementing remote document (through FTP connection)
7:09PM 0 Development of Ukrainian Ruby on Rails Conference in 2008.
6:52PM 3 class and Hash.from_xml
6:29PM 3 Ruby based forum for my site
6:09PM 1 error updating rails
4:21PM 2 unit test failure
2:08PM 1 Weird ever loop question
2:07PM 2 Rails 2.0 and nested routes
2:00PM 2 environment variables unknown in Model with Namespace
11:55AM 1 How do you number your posts (e.g. Post #1, Post #2, etc.)?
11:00AM 2 Rails tests with sessions
10:11AM 2 uninitialized constant
9:39AM 2 Aptana RadRails 0.9.1 Final Release
9:39AM 0 activerecord vs data mapper
8:28AM 0 html element map to AR model naming scheme help
3:04AM 3 Table for status
1:45AM 0 Importing CSV File Using rails
12:45AM 2 Variable inside of another variable
12:36AM 1 What progam?
12:21AM 0 ApplicationHelper problem nesting other modules to it
Saturday November 17 2007
11:18PM 0 Postgres sequencer and rails
10:31PM 1 Forget about burning CDs and using expensive overnight courier.
10:29PM 2 simple query..
10:01PM 6 How Redisplay Failed User Data in Form?
9:54PM 2 Method works but tests fail?
9:14PM 0 Substruct 0.95 RELEASED - E-commerce, CMS engine, etc...
8:57PM 0 need to give unique names to indexes in sqlite3
8:03PM 4 Best Practices for Views Noobie Q
6:56PM 4 Automated Mailer in Rails ?
5:58PM 0 Bug: Calling visual_effect within helper
5:24PM 0 respond_to with MIME type wildcards?
5:23PM 3 link_to vs button to and CR
4:43PM 5 Strange error with script/console
4:40PM 0 Layout not being applied
4:06PM 1 Dynamic fields in forms
3:57PM 1 Instant Ruby Error
3:50PM 3 Retrieve mails using POP
2:32PM 6 can't list db content in rails
2:00PM 0 [OT] Android programming
1:38PM 1 Ruby Newbie,Help on String.gsub()
12:36PM 2 ActionMailer 501: sender address must contain a domain
11:30AM 1 model relationship problem
11:13AM 0 Nested resources: controllers and form input names
11:07AM 0 problem with open_id_authentication_plugin and PostgreSQL 8.2
9:19AM 4 Help with associations
8:27AM 4 How to host Ruby on Rails app on shared hosting?
8:20AM 1 Adding a class to a generated input field
5:39AM 3 what happened to annotate_models?
5:20AM 9 has_many through Problem...
5:01AM 0 acts_as_conference Orlando, registration is open!
4:24AM 2 A global login form that works from ANY page
3:43AM 18 Syntax Problem
2:16AM 0 Letters with accent marks
1:17AM 0 rake errors
12:59AM 2 Pagination
Friday November 16 2007
11:59PM 5 Custom form builder methods won't render in partial
11:19PM 2 best way to close unclosed tags in user input?
11:17PM 0 form_remote_tag/partials/cycle
10:51PM 2 Basic question about logic in views
10:01PM 2 Difference between [0..0] and [0]
9:58PM 3 New Program Send Big File Fast and Easy Apply For FREE!!!
9:39PM 6 Rails equivalent to mysql date() function?
9:29PM 3 Setup Question
9:23PM 0 Do you have to install Rmagick plugin to use acts_as_attachment
8:21PM 3 Route Information
7:48PM 2 strange Mongrel 500 error
7:11PM 1 Going live--which mongrel version?
6:03PM 4 fixtures in edge and polymorphic associations
5:57PM 1 link_to_remote IE issues (:method => :delete)
5:24PM 5 find
5:03PM 1 HTML emails with inline images
4:34PM 2 Using helpers in controllers
4:24PM 4 Rspec / Duplicate Errors for same object
3:14PM 1 Temporaly silencing the rails log.
3:14PM 0 RoR Web service
3:06PM 2 Script in lib that uses active records fails with `method_missing': undefined local variable or method `acts_as_taggable'
2:57PM 4 encryption and credit cards
2:39PM 1 Web file manager for Rails?
2:10PM 0 ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper.sanitize docs
2:01PM 1 How will Rails 2.0 build prefix's into nexted paths?
1:32PM 5 Postgres and Ruby
11:40AM 0 Drop dwon list prob in creation & validation
11:35AM 3 Trivial syntax error: Unexpected ')'
10:57AM 4 Check File Uploads for Viruses
10:22AM 2 loading data from two associated tables
8:56AM 4 Newb - variable returns # sign?
8:15AM 1 How to check if a file is in the folder "/admin"?
6:57AM 0 leading CMS
4:03AM 1 Rolling Counts
3:15AM 0 Do I pile up mutiple cruds in one controller?
2:55AM 4 256MB of RAM enough for ruby on rails and mysql?
12:38AM 5 Why is Logging Silent about SQL Errors?
12:22AM 0 which javascript library?
Thursday November 15 2007
11:32PM 0 RESTful rails customized resource mapping concerning edit action and monolithic template
10:41PM 2 using a legacy table with a column named 'type'
10:32PM 1 Making a hash from AR data
10:12PM 0 habtm order_by
10:04PM 4 Using .find_by_sql for database/admin queries
9:25PM 0 Embedding a Widget
9:24PM 0 Openbase Adapter
9:16PM 2 Trap "We're sorry..." errors
9:01PM 0 Multiple saves within one controller method issues
8:38PM 5 Rails + Apache2 problem
7:12PM 0 posting a file to a controller action using wget
7:08PM 6 How to retrive the number of articles in a given month?
6:58PM 0 acts_as_conference tickets on sale tomorrow at 9am
6:55PM 2 passing parameters to private methods with before_filter
6:22PM 1 Help Requested: Online resource for RJS
6:04PM 4 acts_as_tree "soft destroy", ie. "move up" children
6:03PM 5 Rails 2.0.0 RC1 and activerecord-oci-adapter not found
5:55PM 2 acts_as_tree edit view?
5:42PM 0 Models -- Validation of Graph Characteristics
5:36PM 0 Looking for RoR photo publishing application for my website
4:54PM 13 REST: nested resources and attributes as resources
4:39PM 0 Is anyone using SQL Server under VMWare and doing development on a mac?
4:28PM 6 Link_to popup divorced from controller?
3:55PM 10 Automatically load JS file with View
3:44PM 0 jRails plugin: jQuery on Rails
3:19PM 0 Problems connecting to remote Oracle DB on windows using active record
3:13PM 2 dynamic models and activerecord
2:53PM 4 Experience using SQL Server and RoR?
2:23PM 3 table 'users' already exists
2:06PM 1 new friend
1:46PM 9 NEWBIE remove empty fields on Show screen
12:39PM 0 Legacy DB with multiple tables per model
12:03PM 2 How to deal with caches_page with two or more params.
11:27AM 3 partial update
11:25AM 14 calling to a specfic controler
11:24AM 4 get file content type?
11:05AM 5 Using memcache and file caching at the same time
9:55AM 0 Why everytime "IO#flush" take so long?
7:07AM 2 Please take this survey regarding your relationship with animals
6:54AM 2 site starter kit?
4:46AM 4 add and remove try but missing concepts
4:31AM 1 how to update nginx?
3:56AM 0 PostgreSQL Table inheritance in Rails?
2:58AM 5 Leopard : can't activate rails 1.2.3 already activated ...
2:07AM 0 ActiveSalesforce and Lead Conversion
2:00AM 2 xml to hash/array and back to xml again with xml-simple?
2:00AM 2 backgroundrb & attachment_fu
1:42AM 0 Send Big File Fast and Easy Apply For FREE!!! ( New Service From yousendit )
1:18AM 0 errors starting god
12:29AM 2 One RonR applications serving hundreds of domains...how do I point many to one DNS?
12:29AM 0 application layouts/helpers no longer working?
Wednesday November 14 2007
11:16PM 2 Globalize and acts_as_versioned
10:09PM 3 absolute urls in url_for vs. link_to
8:56PM 4 Resetting fixtures for each iteration within a single test
8:22PM 3 Order by date
8:08PM 1 building ruby for rails on ubuntu? all the little packages...
7:47PM 1 New Foxy Fixtures (Rails 2) & STI (Single Table Inheritance)
7:28PM 2 Webrick: does it honour ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'production'
7:15PM 0 Webrick: Getting stack trace in production
6:17PM 1 FUN with FLEX/RAILS
6:16PM 4 Do apps like basecamp, highrise, blinksale, etc. use caching?
5:56PM 3 how to install rails in home folder(/home/username) ?
5:36PM 3 validate_presence_of unit testing with if condition
5:08PM 3 Connecting to Oracle from an Intel Mac -- arch. conflicts
4:56PM 3 mongrel_rails_service is not recognized command error
4:45PM 2 Apache 2.2 ProxyPass static Resources + Mongrel
4:35PM 2 attachment_fu: setting the default image
4:16PM 3 How to read HTML from a password-protected page?
3:49PM 0 sporadic data retrieval failure
3:32PM 2 08 DEC date error ? :)
3:20PM 1 tbody problem on firefox!
2:56PM 2 rails incredibly slow, 30 seconds for rails -h
2:08PM 0 Problem time_select with fields_for
1:24PM 4 Tests doesn't clear my tables?
12:46PM 1 has_many_polymorphs and acts_as_list ?
12:17PM 3 How can I manage sessions file in tmp
10:55AM 15 How do you find relationships using has_and_belongs_to_many?
10:55AM 0 Problem while validation when using submit_to_remote.
10:14AM 0 Insert Records in Multiple Tables with One Form
9:49AM 8 Tool for testing application in RoR
8:52AM 0 Using postgresql in InstantRails
7:45AM 5 problem in file uploading
7:30AM 4 How ca I validate two correlated fields?
7:29AM 0 Generating the use statistics graphs
7:05AM 0 Generating the graphs
3:54AM 8 Hulu.com on Rails
3:49AM 6 a few add_index questions..
2:38AM 1 js-developer plugin
2:33AM 0 Getting Net::SMTPFatalError (550 Forged HELO: you are not jettobox.com when running ordermailer
1:16AM 6 My own methods on model + "extends" problem?
12:56AM 0 Expiring fragments from runners: best practice?
12:38AM 0 populating a survey and persisting the user's response
Tuesday November 13 2007
11:47PM 0 Undefined method in my plugin...
10:55PM 2 SVN import & add--way to exclude directories?
10:10PM 0 FasterCSV: ignoring returns within a db field
9:32PM 1 How to know which test is currently running?
8:07PM 7 Newbie - how to pass info from one screen to another
7:46PM 1 Reload specific plugins on every request in dev mode?
7:21PM 6 Imitate "Unknown action"?
7:08PM 3 Why does Rails generate random numbers: thing?1194897572 ??
7:00PM 1 How can I debug fragment cache or expire all ?
6:52PM 4 Oracle Mix, powered by JRuby
6:41PM 1 Using multiple Ruby versions
6:34PM 0 REST-based controller using HEAD to test for exist?/status?
6:23PM 0 how to use attachment_fu from the console?
6:07PM 0 Capistrano, Rails, Leopard: Upgrade has broken my capistrano rake.
5:47PM 6 file_column question from new ror user
5:09PM 0 capturing remote DB connect errors
4:07PM 4 has_and_belongs_to_many between the same model
4:06PM 1 Transmitting Data to Web Server - Post Method
2:58PM 4 Public folder simple question
2:58PM 4 Create databases on demand
2:42PM 5 Non Numeric IDs
2:42PM 0 Closing a DB connection using rails
2:32PM 0 [WorkShop] Procuro Palestrante em São Paulo
2:01PM 0 Open URI & web scraping. (Sorry for crosspost)
11:38AM 2 File Uploding coding problems
11:35AM 0 multiple database: one vs multiple mongrel + rails processes ?
11:33AM 0 COMP
11:26AM 1 submit_to_remote in _form.rhtml
10:51AM 1 Foreign key on the same table testing
10:32AM 5 how to prevent the browser to go back page ?.
10:32AM 0 Prevent logging of request
10:28AM 0 Help please - Trying to connect to a user defined database
10:02AM 1 Modularization of a Rails application?
9:39AM 0 Where to store select options
9:24AM 1 RMagick install on Media Temple grid (gs)
8:39AM 9 NoMethodError in / Nil Object error
6:26AM 2 md5
5:59AM 2 strftime and AM/PM
5:24AM 1 Controllers or Actions
3:28AM 5 composite primary key doesn't work
2:13AM 7 How to retrieve an object from form_remote_tag?
1:06AM 4 Where to override ActiveRecord
1:04AM 2 Trouble positioning partial in IE
Monday November 12 2007
10:49PM 2 RadRails versus ie & firefox sessions
9:46PM 0 Calling cocoa objects from my rails app
9:36PM 5 Recycled objects
9:33PM 5 Using MyISAM tables?
8:53PM 2 exchanging data between two rails apps
7:21PM 2 How to parse an incoming request
7:01PM 1 One view, many actions
6:04PM 7 Ruby on Rails tutorials for beginner
5:47PM 16 Sessions
5:44PM 0 fav2fav shared code - plugin?
5:25PM 2 MySQL updated data not showing up
4:46PM 0 RESTful route aliases
4:44PM 2 HELP ME PLEASE: Can't get REST resource list !!!
4:15PM 0 search using 6 criteria
4:01PM 3 InstantRails newbie question
4:01PM 0 ****************Free sex pic downloads***********************
3:54PM 0 gem install problem
3:47PM 1 Integer column, decimal in the form partial
3:38PM 2 limiting access to a beta site
3:29PM 1 has_many + habtm on same model
3:26PM 0 How can i change the element in XML file?
3:20PM 0 setup server for action_mailer
3:01PM 6 User specific data in subdomains
2:53PM 1 in_place_editor_field
2:24PM 12 observe_field doesn't work
2:18PM 0 "ruby on rails" Projects and Jobs
2:06PM 7 Rails (and MySQL) on Linux - gem install mysql
1:55PM 0 How do I import data FAST? (AR-extensions)
1:47PM 2 Add image to CSV file
1:45PM 0 Version 1.2.1 Geego cms
12:45PM 0 Problem with restful_authentication
12:44PM 0 rendering images
12:07PM 0 Ruby on Rails project
12:05PM 1 RESTful authentication for REST web services.
11:49AM 7 nested controllers problem in production env
11:25AM 0 How can configure Ming in Ruby
11:23AM 0 REST: Did ActiveResource code broken ? Can't handle Resource.find(:all)...
10:10AM 1 How to display the rendering time of a page?
8:12AM 4 RedCloth formatting issues
7:20AM 7 schema_info always wants to be 3, even when set to 7
6:54AM 3 Bench mark and performance testing for rails
5:08AM 3 Create rails app using old version of rails
4:24AM 7 search conditons
2:54AM 1 Form submit onchange of dropdown
2:36AM 10 Session not working - new session being created for each request
1:43AM 1 help debugging ActionMailer with restful_authentication?
1:37AM 25 Trouble advancing date attribute
1:23AM 1 Problems running Rails
1:01AM 1 website/application administration patterns [in Rails]
12:33AM 0 Weird Production Errors with Magic/XML
12:00AM 5 Running commands from context of a view
Sunday November 11 2007
11:59PM 0 Tinymce plugin, any update?
11:49PM 0 File.chown
11:49PM 0 ActionMailer Difficulties
10:55PM 0 Rails 2.0 Compatible with Previous Prototype & Scriptaculous?
10:37PM 4 How to architect a global application [in Rails]
9:47PM 1 Importing Large Data Sets into Rails App
9:41PM 0 Save an RSS feed to a database
9:39PM 3 Forms containing checkboxes and collections/object lists
8:48PM 0 dynamically change which app a ruby process runs
8:40PM 0 render, respond_to, and rxml files
5:44PM 0 Ruby Going Full Throttle On CPU
12:51PM 1 Paypal Library - How to stop payments going to sandbox
10:05AM 4 2 "newbie questions"
10:03AM 3 sudo gem install problem
8:36AM 0 repeat two blocks of code of same db under dif conditions
6:22AM 0 Help refactoring a multi-page process
4:16AM 1 generate scaffold on multiple tables
3:59AM 0 Dynamic Routing
3:27AM 2 Display data from remote mysql database
Saturday November 10 2007
10:37PM 0 Trackback plugin
10:20PM 0 Radiant 0.6.4 - Gem Shaper Release
8:39PM 1 SQL/Model for Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought
8:01PM 1 Printing save error
7:04PM 1 Automatic data filtering
6:40PM 3 So confused -- logging in
6:32PM 1 onsubmit continues after return false
4:40PM 1 Weekly scheduling calendar
4:36PM 2 SessionExpiration plugin experience?
4:29PM 0 Find or create RESTfully
3:41PM 0 Options for distributed architecture
3:32PM 0 Sympact Technologies thanks the Ruby Forum Community
2:04PM 4 Migrations to load photos with attachment_fu?
1:40PM 0 Updade distinct model objects in different situations
1:00PM 0 Trade fair booth service in China
11:09AM 0 plugin extension?
10:53AM 1 Hosting ROR on godaddy
9:58AM 3 Wrapper Helper Help Please
8:45AM 0 children of childrens?
8:22AM 0 Rails engines
6:25AM 8 Where do I define a method so it's available to all models?
5:24AM 1 web GUI for Unit Test Results?
3:58AM 9 Engines vs. Plugins
1:12AM 0 Problem with image_tag!
12:28AM 3 Newbie question regarding single table inheritance
Friday November 9 2007
11:28PM 6 Unit Tests of Models w/o Tables
10:48PM 3 Rails 2.0: Release Candidate 1
10:29PM 1 rails theme support
10:06PM 7 css difference between IE6 and FF?
9:53PM 2 Where in the API do I find special column names
8:19PM 4 Array of Objects
8:01PM 0 Mailing List Application
7:31PM 3 Raw SQL in Migrations?
6:35PM 1 Script/Runner and passing parameters
5:13PM 1 PGP file encryption
5:02PM 0 Problem with Actionmailer/TMail & decoding Apple Mail Attachments
4:34PM 0 escaping from ilike
3:02PM 2 Backgroundrb alternative idea
2:47PM 4 Problem with flash[:notice]
12:24PM 3 RSpec Testing Problem with Namespace
12:24PM 6 text_field_with_auto_complete scrollbars
9:55AM 1 Problem with associatotions
8:52AM 5 Access Denied for user
8:24AM 12 How do you find all values that are not nil?
5:01AM 1 what is the difference between 2 types of rails installation
2:34AM 1 ruby on rails + ajax + iframe image uploader
12:50AM 5 Possible bug with has_many and Array#empty?
Thursday November 8 2007
11:08PM 2 Problem with client-side RJS using update_page
10:55PM 0 Help with string replacement in xml
9:28PM 5 subversion and rails?
9:28PM 13 Caveats of a single developer
8:56PM 1 acts_as_versioned and parent model methods
8:39PM 0 is there a way to color text rows in pdf/writer ?
8:26PM 0 acts_as_tree error
8:24PM 0 Models for external REST services
8:11PM 2 modalbox plugin or similar?
7:48PM 1 Updating HTML page through AJAX with XML response and XSL
7:48PM 0 periodically_call_remote helper
7:39PM 0 Development now resumed on PDF::Writer
6:40PM 3 options_from_collection_for_select
6:37PM 1 Model Callback.rb insidiousally breaks other models
6:24PM 0 Dynamic relation with eager loading
6:01PM 0 Facets GEM Install on Windows
5:52PM 5 Path for Mysql
4:29PM 7 Strange Sum issue
4:12PM 1 :dependent => :destroy
4:04PM 2 SystemStackError from redirect_to
3:33PM 1 to_xml follows different path for collections than for individual objects
3:01PM 4 Correct HABTM of use has_many :through?
2:58PM 3 proc objects in helpers
2:57PM 0 Pute
2:33PM 1 Running tests from another test case
2:14PM 7 Savage Beast plugin
12:37PM 1 validates_uniqueness_of with conditions
11:56AM 0 ruby on rails developer London
9:22AM 1 setting external database error
8:52AM 2 Model.update_attributes vs. Model.update in Edge Rails!
7:02AM 1 facebook on rails?
6:22AM 5 Rails byte-range request support
6:09AM 1 insert_html and cycle()
5:16AM 2 render partial collection locals
4:35AM 2 mysql-ruby gem using significantly more memory that mysql.rb ?
3:26AM 1 haproxy
1:01AM 0 JOB RoR Developer - Sydney Timezone
Wednesday November 7 2007
11:41PM 0 Model relations are not being made in controller
11:15PM 4 Canadian Rails Hosting?
10:50PM 1 where to trigger email notifications?
10:14PM 0 Upload Avatar on DreamHost
9:57PM 1 Inserting ROR into file within the public folder
8:59PM 6 Rich (or any) GUI Components for Rails
8:50PM 1 acts_as_nested_set having a different query in production and in developoment
7:38PM 2 Model Design question in Rails
7:37PM 0 Inviting users in highrise - random url
7:05PM 0 Sum and count in find
6:35PM 8 Rake::Task Multiple Invokes
6:16PM 0 OpenSocial with Ruby on Rails
6:08PM 0 Record update problem - empty SET clause
5:01PM 0 Problem (and solution): ActiveMerchant and Ruby 1.8.4
4:43PM 0 Single Table Inheritance
4:36PM 2 Linking to Files( ie. PDF, DOC etc... )
4:04PM 2 Attachment_fu : Possible to delete record if no file present?
3:09PM 1 Is this mysql create table able to be written as a migration?
3:04PM 0 IF you want earning easy money click on the link below!
3:00PM 0 Start Earning Easy Money while sitting at your Home By Best Affiliate Programme
2:56PM 0 Start Forex Trading as low as US50$
2:50PM 0 Earn Money Online! No Registration Fees. Guaranteed Payments.
2:48PM 7 Help on loop
2:21PM 4 Action Mailer Problem, please help
1:03PM 0 getting DIM values over link_to
11:57AM 1 Migrating from InstantRails
11:12AM 2 Testing the contents of an http response
11:11AM 2 links always go to 'localhost'
10:38AM 4 inheriting tests in testcases
10:20AM 2 Running Java code in rails
10:11AM 4 Frustrating "require" problems
9:05AM 1 supporting iso-8859-1
8:47AM 5 installing rails
8:30AM 0 observe_field for partial?
7:50AM 2 Setting headers in sent_file response
5:26AM 2 How to test partial
5:11AM 1 select where url param
1:59AM 0 7000+ beautiful Russian women
1:18AM 0 How To: Override Initialize
1:18AM 5 DoubleRenderError... again. ;-)
1:02AM 1 script/console and session
12:47AM 2 RESTful Design - beyond CRUD: shopping cart implementation
12:32AM 2 Initiating a GET request in parrelel w/o waiting for respons
Tuesday November 6 2007
11:35PM 0 New Email Veracity Plugin
11:03PM 2 Replace rhtml view with rjs
10:33PM 1 bin/mongrel_rails to make it play nice with monit
10:25PM 0 Nested Resources + :name_prefix
10:02PM 3 many partials in one view
9:54PM 2 If Components are going away, how does one build a portal?
9:44PM 0 Which one is the real backgrounDrb?
8:28PM 4 Radio button problem
7:53PM 1 install rails plugins when behind a proxy
7:40PM 2 Valid options from hash
7:25PM 5 Implementation ideas for a unique identifier
7:01PM 1 using page variables in rjs templates
7:00PM 6 Problem accessing item using has many through
7:00PM 1 how to install plugins?
6:59PM 1 to Enable a disabled text_field onclick of radio button?
6:37PM 1 RailsLodge - Now tagging / documenting gems
6:35PM 2 has_many :through problem
5:54PM 8 selecting data with two join tables
5:41PM 2 force the download
5:39PM 18 Setting up rails environment on Leopard
5:28PM 2 passing a parameter only if not blank
5:06PM 2 Scaffold for boolean fields
3:04PM 1 Suggested Authentication Plugin?
2:01PM 2 Automatic marshalling with DB access
1:06PM 0 accounts with multiple users and routing...
12:59PM 7 Why is this migration trying to re-create schema_info?
11:52AM 2 Drop down list problem!!!!!!!!
11:04AM 4 Primary key storing strings
11:00AM 3 Scaffold Broken?
10:58AM 1 Difference with :null
10:50AM 3 Urgent!!!! responds_to_parent error
10:23AM 2 Trouble using drop down box
10:16AM 1 Ruby on Rails
9:46AM 0 London Ruby User Group - 12th Novemeber, 2007
9:46AM 0 Javascript Validation
8:47AM 5 Newbie question
7:36AM 2 retrieving values from combo box
7:19AM 1 gem freezes
7:04AM 2 attr_accessor
4:29AM 1 table search question
4:29AM 6 image uploading
3:56AM 0 Developers and Program Managers Needed Ruby on Rails, NYC, DOE Full-Time
3:09AM 1 searching table question
1:41AM 2 Pre-dev questions
1:22AM 1 Views/Controllers for polymorphic association
12:33AM 8 Modeling a Database
Monday November 5 2007
11:23PM 2 HABTM and REST
10:59PM 4 2 different databases in 1 application? MySQL & Informix
10:39PM 2 an optional params
10:36PM 4 Testing anomaly
10:09PM 0 loading fixtures into oracle
10:06PM 3 Barcode Generation : Code 128
9:58PM 1 Configuration For ROR on Apache 1.3
9:17PM 5 Problems testing w/ seconds at runtime
9:11PM 0 how to use subdirs in the models directory
8:32PM 0 Ajax - attachment_fu - rmagick and iframe
8:23PM 0 Create acts_as_xxx for a controller?
8:10PM 4 "We're sorry, but..." in development mode?
7:35PM 1 *name in Rails routes?
7:22PM 4 Help! Made "search&replace" in whole app, nothing works anym
7:06PM 0 attachment_fu migration failure
7:01PM 0 date_select with 2i and 1i getting mashed
5:53PM 3 link_to & others really necessary?
5:48PM 1 plugin not found?
5:41PM 2 begore_filter and XHR/Ajax calls
5:10PM 5 How To: Build shell equivalent of a rails app
5:04PM 14 Can someone please help me? I think i'm going crazy! [bug]
4:39PM 3 acts_as_versioned conflicts?
4:22PM 0 Authentication: is a guest a user or an "exception"?
2:05PM 0 November Houston RoR/Ruby Meeting
12:50PM 3 Private API in REST
12:32PM 0 Will method value be cached?
12:24PM 112 Content Management in rails
11:40AM 4 Executing .rb file within view
11:13AM 0 Scruffy > MVC architecture?
10:48AM 5 Resetting session of particular user
8:29AM 4 getting rake abort when doing rake rails:freeze
7:12AM 4 Coercion to child class? (between classes)
6:59AM 0 loading config items dynamically with YAML?
6:34AM 0 calling a method after deliver
6:25AM 3 Catch-22 in association through join model
6:22AM 0 http://googleblogg3r.blogspot.com/ - Watch these huge women rub and tug their way out of almost any situation.
6:02AM 0 prototype toogle() problem
5:57AM 3 explanation of method
4:06AM 3 How to get rails command to default to MySQL instead of SQLite?
2:54AM 7 managing time sensitive data
12:04AM 5 scaffold in Rails 2
12:01AM 0 Stress test an action?
Sunday November 4 2007
11:46PM 1 Howto: Leopard Rails Development Stack
10:27PM 1 Create and read XML
9:49PM 0 Problems with flash messages and characters like ü ö ä
9:38PM 0 rfacebook + attachment_fu - path question
9:22PM 1 How do I get the latest trunk version?
9:06PM 12 scaffold not listing my colums from database
9:03PM 0 model design question
9:00PM 3 multiple HABTM ..
8:42PM 6 Missing model error
8:06PM 0 Malline Templates?
8:01PM 7 Searchable Rails API Docs?
6:26PM 4 Hidden URL
5:13PM 1 collection_select default value?
4:09PM 5 Two models one form. A lot of headache
2:53PM 0 RoR Conference in Madrid November 22 and 23
2:46PM 0 header of rhtml template
11:47AM 5 link_to_remote and form_tag
10:41AM 2 Ranges in RESTful resources
10:38AM 0 Multiple databases - sites sharing same schema, code and webserver(webserver cluster)
8:22AM 4 HTML class or id for form_tag's
7:56AM 0 creating an array of key-value pairs for options_for_select
6:33AM 2 Localized time -- Is there any way I can get the users's time zone?
5:51AM 1 Migrations: best practices.
5:30AM 0 How can I set the session cookie "compact privacy policy"?
5:14AM 0 Which callback method should I use?
12:56AM 0 file upload problem from some systems.
12:49AM 1 Create ActiveRecord instances from a custom query?
Saturday November 3 2007
9:28PM 2 Caching using ||=
8:27PM 0 RESTful dynamic select tags
8:27PM 8 ActiveRecord AssociationProxy magic?
7:19PM 4 How make utilities for models and controllers?
7:16PM 0 SQL Server Pagination code here if you need it
5:59PM 3 Birthdate validation
5:42PM 1 mysql output
3:37PM 1 File upload
3:28PM 0 Access the stack trace
3:15PM 0 http://manuals.rubyonrails.com didn't working?
12:48PM 2 Rails and REST
11:34AM 1 model caching reloading in development is making things slow
9:58AM 18 How to display thumbnail image with the product..........
8:07AM 9 Ruby web controls
7:10AM 2 FaceBook and GoogleMaps
4:55AM 4 logout & deleting cookies
4:26AM 0 Creating docs for drb, need help
3:43AM 1 Newbie: What is WSDL?
3:40AM 1 installing plugin offline
2:58AM 4 averages in rails? Like an average user rating???
2:45AM 2 Upcoming Rails workshops?
2:38AM 6 has_many and the << operator ?
12:58AM 15 How update model from within its own finder method?
12:31AM 0 Why are both of these validations not working?
Friday November 2 2007
10:59PM 6 Newbie trying to teach himself relationships (dangerous)
10:44PM 0 HTML::Selector syntax help
10:43PM 0 How to edit many-to-many -- rhtml setup?
10:38PM 4 A "User has_many :files", a "File has_many :users" - How?
9:47PM 1 SQL Server, is ODBC driver better than ADO ?
9:43PM 2 Problem with form update and multiple submit
9:16PM 0 paginator within a paginator
8:59PM 1 Presentation slides from a five day introductory Ruby on Rails course available for free
8:37PM 3 Trouble writing to db in test
8:19PM 3 Offline Documetntation
7:50PM 2 Question about environments and rake
7:31PM 0 Mailr setup
6:53PM 2 Stress and Performance testing for Rails
6:26PM 1 1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes - Very Strange
6:16PM 1 Upgrading from old gems/engines to new. MyApp won't start
5:46PM 5 form_for question
5:26PM 4 observe_field - problems saving form values
5:03PM 6 is there a "has_one ..., :through" ?
4:38PM 2 update/update_attribute questions
4:11PM 0 Embed JS/RJS from remote
3:56PM 0 Customisable WebParts type interface in Rails?
3:50PM 2 Schema design
3:46PM 0 Functional testing and controller ivars
3:38PM 0 uninitialized constant CreateDatabase
3:28PM 3 ruby-oci8 build fails
2:27PM 2 Querying and returning an array rather than an object?
1:57PM 4 executig a script from a page
1:34PM 3 To few arguments exception - redirect after many to many association creation
1:14PM 7 How Do You Encrypt URLs?
11:59AM 1 uninitialized constant ActAsAuthenticated
11:38AM 0 Polymorphic Associations - Customer & Supplier have Phones
11:30AM 0 Triggering an AJAX request
11:23AM 9 RESTful show or index?
11:05AM 0 Usin JRuby within a Rails project
10:59AM 3 Date Issues + Oracle + RoR
9:56AM 0 Constant Synthesis not found , rake Aborted !
8:59AM 0 error when starting web server from environment.rb
6:57AM 0 Newbie's guide to deploying Rails app
6:19AM 4 Login Redirect - Hacking the session[original_uri]
5:12AM 5 generating xml tags with a period(.) in the tag name generating xml tags with a period(.) in generating xml tags with a period(.) in the tag name the xml builder gives me error
4:42AM 2 opposite of h()
4:01AM 0 Problems during install of mongrel
2:50AM 2 paginate question
1:25AM 0 public directory not updating
1:05AM 1 Sports Match Model
12:33AM 0 Adding custom callbacks to auto_complete_field ?
12:33AM 6 How know record was found?
12:00AM 0 DATE_FORMATS and functional tests
Thursday November 1 2007
11:45PM 1 CSV Upload Problem
11:18PM 2 How extend model attributes?
10:49PM 1 newbie: need to delete object in loop
10:39PM 0 defaults in routes
9:29PM 0 attach database in active record with sqlite3
9:25PM 0 PDF files are being cached in my browser
9:14PM 0 Log to email
9:02PM 1 Easy Enumeration Classes
8:26PM 2 Photo selling application
7:11PM 4 Complicated controller find with lots of has_one and boolean filters
6:38PM 2 Payment system with hold option
6:29PM 5 Help with RJS
6:17PM 7 action in a action from an other controller
6:01PM 0 How to avoid components?
5:51PM 2 Freeze an app to earlier rails version
5:40PM 7 Serving a FLV through rails
4:37PM 0 RSpec, nested routes and :path_prefix
4:35PM 0 Ruby on Rails developers /manger - up to 140K base
4:09PM 2 How do You Transform User-inputted URLs into Links?
4:02PM 4 MySql Errors On .save
3:54PM 4 Mongrel 1.1 Gem no showing up
3:07PM 2 A question about accessing a controller's helper
2:04PM 0 Using view helpers from a controller
12:07PM 11 generating a mysql call across table
11:24AM 5 system hangs while running gem install rails
11:19AM 0 problem with Rake task execution on textdrive server.
11:02AM 3 Restore session from session_id
10:57AM 1 Learning REST: Multiple routes to the same resource?
10:02AM 2 manuals.rubyonrails.com not online
9:41AM 7 Slicehost Down
8:32AM 1 Default value for collection_select
8:20AM 0 Urgetn Openings for RoR Programmers
8:12AM 0 Error edit user view page
8:00AM 2 Sorting has_many - via parent association
7:39AM 0 Session for Multi-Page Flow and complex objects
7:30AM 1 How to pass data from a view to a partial rendered in a layout?
6:55AM 2 rflickr search tool display total returned photos
5:40AM 1 Prepared SQL Statement Support in Rails
3:46AM 0 Problem with lighttpd exiting hourly
3:24AM 1 Does HAProxy need Apache
3:01AM 5 monster method (too hard for my skill level)
12:50AM 2 Session data in observer
12:06AM 3 shopping cart help