Hi All -- I'm not sure this is the natural place for this question, but this list is the place with the best Sweave-TeXShop-sync discussion so far. My problem is that sync+Sweave+TeXShop works sometimes and not others, and it's not consistent. The failure, in which sync from PDF opens the .tex file instead of the .Rnw file, always comes after a code chunk. If I start from a simple example (below), sync works perfectly. But often when I change the R code (see example alternate code chunk below) , sync breaks after the code. In the example, if I click on "Maecenas eget dolor enim" in the pdf, TeXShop opens the tex file ("minSyncWithTable_failsSync.tex"). This outlasted restarting TeXShop and deleting all files except the .Rnw. Then I deleted a line within the code chunk and synced successfully. To confirm the importance of that particular line, I undid the deletion, but this did not break sync: I continued to sync successfully. Deleting all the files except the .Rnw didn't break sync again. Are there types of code in code chunks that break sync? Is there better way to troubleshoot sync failures? Am I missing a factor? Examples below. Thanks for your consideration. Following is my basic file that works - it always flips back to the .Rnw rather than opening the corresponding .tex file. <<< MINIMAL EXAMPLE % !TEX TS-program = Sweave2 \documentclass{article} \usepackage{Sweave} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} \begin{document} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. \section{dolor} <<>>n <- 5 for(i in 1:n){ print(i) } @ Maecenas eget dolor enim. \end{document} END MINIMAL EXAMPLE >>> Alternate code chunk: <<>>library(xtable) read.txt<-function (file="", sep="\t", header=TRUE,row.names=NULL, ...){ read.table(file, sep= sep, header= header, row.names= row.names, ...) } setwd("~/Documents/Dropbox/") ### Variable depth @ I use a Sweave engine called Sweave2.engine that contains the following: ### SWEAVE ENGINE FOLLOWS #!/bin/bash R CMD Sweave "$1" latexmk -pdf -silent -pdflatex='pdflatex -shell-escape -synctex=1' "${1%.*}" Rscript -e ".libPaths('~/Rlibs'); library('patchDVI');patchSynctex('${1%.*}.synctex.gz')" [[alternative HTML version deleted]]