On Nov 29, 2012, at 5:18 AM, Thiago Luiz Nogueira da Silva wrote:
> Hello,I would like to know if there is residue analysis after the Cox model
and make the adjustment for my random cluster?
Is this in 'coxme' or in 'survival'. If in 'survival'
then there are "residuals" functions and when I run the generic
'residuals' function on a coxph fit using the second to last example on
the`coxph` help page (whose formula includes a cluster term) I get no errors.
But you said a 'random cluster', so is this supposed to be a coxme
model? A year and a half ago Terry Therneau was observed on this list to
"Residuals methods for coxme would be an important addition and is on my
to-do list. (But as my wife would point out, so is a bathroom remodel and she
isn't holding her breath.)"
(Can one nominate an 18-month old posting for a fortune? This could be the first
entry in the 'bathroom humor' genre for fortunes.)
I just checked to see if there were a new `residuals.coxme` function in version
2.2-3 but don't see one.
David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA
markmail.org/search/?q=list:org.r-project.r-help+coxme+residuals#query:list:org.r-project.r-help coxme residuals+page:1+mid:eodxspnzjqgopw5m+state:results