On Nov 10, 2012, at 11:57 AM, bgnumis bgnum wrote:
> Hi All
> I have to run multiple stimations and to compute Likelihhod ratio.
> If I compute ls function with coef and summary I can extract
"outputs" that
> I need.
Do you mean "lm"?
> I am not able to find something similar to log liklihood....
You can use glm' with family="gaussian". Deviance is -2*LL
> Can you pease tell me running a ls function x on y how to extract if
> posible LR statitic or Likelihood or Log likelihood.
Of you can look at the code and see how it does it.
> Many thanks in advance. If you send me some manual or webpage guide I will
> be very happy.
Please read the Posting Guide. There are many helpful ideas about how to get
further information and avoid the appearance of cluelessness.
David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA