On Nov 15, 2010, at 4:43 PM, patze003 wrote:
> Hello Everyone -
> I want to print a number of results from lme function objects out to
> a txt
> file. How could I do this more efficiently than what you see here:
> out2 <- capture.output(summary(mod2a))
> out3 <- capture.output(summary(mod3))
> out4 <- capture.output(summary(mod5))
> out5 <- capture.output(summary(mod6))
> out6 <- capture.output(summary(mod7))
> cat(out2,file="out.txt",sep="\n",append=TRUE)
> cat(out3,file="out.txt",sep="\n",append=TRUE)
> cat(out4,file="out.txt",sep="\n",append=TRUE)
> cat(out5,file="out.txt",sep="\n",append=TRUE)
> cat(out6,file="out.txt",sep="\n",append=TRUE)
> cat(third,file="out.txt",sep="\n",append=TRUE)
> Here's an example of what I tried, but didn't work.
> for (i in ls(pat = "mod"))
> { out <- capture.output(summary[[i]])
> cat(out, file = "results_paired.txt", sep = "\n",
append = TRUE)
> }
You could have done something along these lines:
for (i in ls(pat = "mod"))
{ out <- capture.output( summary(get(i)),
file =
paste("results_paired",".txt", sep
= "."),
append = TRUE)
Note use of get() and not sending to an R object but rather using
capture.output()'s side effect strategy.
> --
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT