Hi Assa,
First off, please don't cross-post. This is really an R-help question,
as it is about the R language rather than a specific BioC package.
Assa Yeroslaviz wrote:> dear all,
> I have a problem with a masked object in a package we created here.
> we make a package for a workflow of internal analysis of microarray data.
> to create the package we used:
>> install.packages(pkgs="affyAnalysis", repos=NULL)
>> R CMD INSTALL affyAnalysis
> Erzeuge Verzeichnisse ...
> Erzeuge DESCRIPTION ...
> Erzeuge NAMESPACE ...
> Erzeuge Read-and-delete-me ...
> Kopiere Code-Dateien ...
> Erzeuge Hilfedateien ...
> Fertig.
> one of the classes in the package is a S3 packge and has the name
> "preprocess".
> using the package require various packages. one of them is affyPLM, which
> also have a S3 class named preprocess.
> Each time I'm using the program i get the message:
>> library(affyPLM)
> Lade n?tiges Paket: affy
> Lade n?tiges Paket: Biobase
> Welcome to Bioconductor
> Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type
> 'openVignette()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
> 'citation("Biobase")' and for packages
> Lade n?tiges Paket: gcrma
> Lade n?tiges Paket: preprocessCore
> Attache Paket: 'affyPLM'
> The following object(s) are masked from package:affyAnalysis :
> preprocess
> The following object(s) are masked from package:stats :
> resid,
> residuals,
> weights
> The preprocess command in the affyPLM package needs an affybatch object to
> work with.
> our preprocess is as such definiert:
> preprocess <- function(x,...) UseMethod("preprocessExpData")
> preprocessExpData.expData <- function(data){
> require("vsn")
> data <- list(ExpressionSet=vsnrma(data$AffyBatch),
> baseDir=data$baseDir,experimentName=data$experimentName,
> pData=pData(data$AffyBatch))
> class(data) <- c("expSet","list")
> return(data)
> }
> when using the workflow we have and coming to the point of preprocesswe get
> the following error message:
>> ex <- preprocess(ed)
> Fehler in preprocess(ed) :
> argument is expData threestep requires AffyBatch argument is list
> threestep requires AffyBatch
> I would like to know if there is a way of using both preprocess commands
> without the need to rename ours. They both use different object structure
> an input and as far I understand the adventages of OOP in R it should be
> able to recognize this differences, but how?
You need to take advantage of the namespace mechanisms available to you.
The affyPLM package has a NAMESPACE file, and your package should as
well. If you need preprocess from affyPLM, you can simply call it as
which will ensure that you get the function you want. You can do the
same with the function from your package (affyAnalysis::preprocess).
> Thans in advance for your help
> Assa
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