Dear Bastian,
I'm afraid that I don't read German, but (as near as I can tell) since
you say that you're using the most recent version of R and have X11
installed, you should have the software you need. Just in case, you might check
the Rcmdr installation notes for Mac users at
Apparently, R is having difficulty connecting to X11. I'm copying this
response to Rob Goedman, who has often been able to help with Rcmdr issues under
Mac OS X.
John Fox
Senator McMaster Professor of Social Statistics
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-
>] On Behalf Of Bastian Wimmer
> Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 5:27 AM
> To: r-help at
> Subject: [R] Rcmdr seit heute nicht mehr ladbar
> Wenn man ihn mal braucht ist er tot. folgende Fehlermeldung ereilt mich
> seit heute beim starten des R Commander auf dem Mac:
> > library(Rcmdr)
> Lade n?tiges Paket: car
> Lade n?tiges Paket: MASS
> Lade n?tiges Paket: nnet
> Error : .onAttach in attachNamespace() f?r 'Rcmdr' fehlgeschlagen,
> Details:
> Aufruf: structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), class =
> Fehler: [tcl] invalid command name "image".
> Zus?tzlich: Warnmeldung:
> In fun(libname, pkgname) :
> couldn't connect to display "/tmp/launch-
> K8nELf/org.macosforge.xquartz:0"
> Fehler: Laden von Paket oder Namensraum f?r 'Rcmdr' fehlgeschlagen
> Ich bin ziemlich angefressen. Folgende erfolglose Versuche:
> - R neu installiert
> - x11 neu installiert
> - alle Ordner dabei gel?scht
> - Pakete neu installiert
> Nichts. Rcmdr will nicht mehr.
> --
> Beste Gr??e,
> Yours,
> Bastian Wimmer M.A.
> Research Associate at the Chair of Educational Psychology
> University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
> Dutzendteichstra?e 24
> 90478 Nuremberg
> Germany
> Phone: +49 (0) 9171 83924 84
> Fax: +49 (0) 3222 64968 14
> Email: bastian.wimmer at
> Web: (Chair of educational Psychology)
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