CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* batch (1.0-0)
Thomas Hoffmann
Functions to allow you to easily pass command-line arguments into R
(primary use is linux), and functions to aid in submitting your R
code in parallel on a cluster and joining the results afterward
(e.g. multiple parameter values for simulations running in parallel,
splitting up a permutation test in parallel, etc.). See
`parseCommandArgs(...)' for the main example of how to use this
* bfast (1.1)
Jan Verbesselt
BFAST integrates the decomposition of time series into trend,
seasonal, and remainder components with methods for detecting and
characterizing abrupt changes within the trend and seasonal
components. BFAST can be used to analyze different types of
satellite image time series and can be applied to other disciplines
dealing with seasonal or non-seasonal time series, such as
hydrology, climatology, and econometrics. The algorithm can be
extended to label detected changes with information on the
parameters of the fitted piecewise linear models.
* bibtex (0.1-3)
Romain Francois
Utility to parse a bibtex file
* BioStatR (1.0.0)
Frederic Bertrand
This packages provides datasets for the book "Exercices et probl?mes
de statistique avec le logiciel R".
* boolfun (0.2.1)
Frederic Lafitte
This package can be used to assess cryptographic properties of Boolean
functions (such as nonlinearity, algebraic immunity, resiliency,
* BoSSA (1.1)
Pierre Lefeuvre
Sort sequence from genbank. Retrieve sequence information from genbank
(designed for viruses sequences and retrieve information such as
isolation dates and host). Detect group of sequences presenting
phylogeography signal. Read PDB file (protein 3D structure file).
* CCP (0.1)
Uwe Menzel to
Significance tests for canonical correlation analysis, including
asymptotic tests and a Monte Carlo method
* cubature (1.0)
Balasubramanian Narasimhan
Adaptive multivariate integration over hypercubes
* doMPI (0.1-3)
Steve Weston
Provides a parallel backend for the %dopar% function using the Rmpi
* GrassmannOptim (1.0)
Kofi Placid Adragni
Optimizing a function F(U), where U is a semi-orthogonal matrix and F
is invariant under an orthogonal transformation of U
* heavy (0.1-1)
Felipe Osorio
Estimation in linear mixed effects models using heavy-tailed
* Imap (1.01)
John R. Wallace
Zoom in and out of maps or any supplied lines or points, with control
for color, poly fill, and aspect.
* openintro (1.0)
David Diez
This package is intended to be a supplement to the Open Intro open
source book project. This package contains data sets used in the
book along with functions used to make the book's figures.
* r2dRue (1.0)
2dRUE is a methodology to make a diagnostic of land condition in a
large territory during a given time period. Was developed under the
DeSurvey IP.
* RcmdrPlugin.sos (0.1-0)
Liviu Andronic
Rcmdr interface to sos. The plug-in renders the sos searching
functionality easily accessible via the Rcmdr menus. It also
simplifies the task of performing multiple searches and subsequently
obtaining the union or the intersection of the search results.
* rngWELL (0.9)
Christophe Dutang
It is a dedicated package to WELL pseudo random generators. But it is
not intended to use it directly, you are strongly __encouraged__ to
directly use the 'randtoolbox' package, which depends on this
* SampleSizeMeans (1.0)
Lawrence Joseph
A set of R functions for calculating sample size requirements using
three different Bayesian criteria in the context of designing an
experiment to estimate a normal mean or the difference between two
normal means. Functions for calculation of required sample sizes for
the Average Length Criterion, the Average Coverage Criterion and the
Worst Outcome Criterion in the context of normal means are provided.
Functions for both the fully Bayesian and the mixed
Bayesian/likelihood approaches are provided.
* SampleSizeProportions (1.0)
Lawrence Joseph
A set of R functions for calculating sample size requirements using
three different Bayesian criteria in the context of designing an
experiment to estimate the difference between two binomial
proportions. Functions for calculation of required sample sizes for
the Average Length Criterion, the Average Coverage Criterion and the
Worst Outcome Criterion in the context of binomial observations are
provided. In all cases, estimation of the difference between two
binomial proportions is considered. Functions for both the fully
Bayesian and the mixed Bayesian/likelihood approaches are provided.
* SDMTools (1.0)
Jeremy VanDerWal
This is a set of tools that are useful for applications of species
distribution modelling.
* UScensus2000 (0.01)
Zack W. Almquist
US 2000 Census shape files and additional demographic data from the
SF1 100 percent files. This package contains a number of helper
functions for the UScensus2000blk, UScensus2000blkgrp,
UScensus2000tract, UScensus2000cdp packages.
* UScensus2000add (0.01)
Zack W. Almquist
US 2000 Census shape files and additional demographic data from the
SF1 100 percent files. This package contains a helper functions for
the UScensus2000addblk, UScensus2000addblkgrp, UScensus2000addtract,
UScensus2000add packages.
* UScensus2000cdp (0.02)
Zack W. Almquist
US Census 2000 Designated Places shapefiles and additional demographic
data from the SF1 100 percent files. This data set contains polygon
files in lat/lon coordinates and the corresponding demographic data
for a number of different variables.
* UScensus2000tract (0.02)
Zack W. Almquist
US 2000 Census Tract shapefiles and additional demographic data from
the SF1 100 percent files. This data set contains polygon files in
lat/lon coordinates and the corresponding demographic data for a
number of different variables.
* WMBrukerParser (1.1)
William Cooke
The package parses Bruker Ultraflex TOF mass spectrometry data and
experimental parameter files into R structures for further signal
processing and statistical analysis.
Updated packages
ade4 (1.4-14), alphahull (0.2-0), apsrtable (0.7-6), arm (1.2-12.02),
BayesX (0.2-4), Bchron (3.0), betareg (2.1-2), biclust (0.9.1),
bipartite (1.06), BoSSA (1.1), calibrate (1.6), caMassClass (1.8),
caret (4.31), caroline (0.1-7), cem (1.0.142), classInt (0.1-14),
clues (0.4.0), ConvergenceConcepts (0.9), ConvergenceConcepts (0.8),
corpcor (1.5.4), countrycode (0.3), crawl (1.1-0), cshapes (0.1-3),
cudaBayesreg (0.2-1), DBI (0.2-5), Deducer (0.2-2), deldir (0.0-11),
desirability (1.03), deSolve (1.6), difR (2.0), DiversitySampler
(2.0), dlmap (1.03), dplR (1.2.2), DTDA (1.2-1), e1071 (1.5-22),
ensembleBMA (4.4), Epi (1.1.10), epiR (0.9-22), eRm (0.11-0), estout
(1.0-1), fds (1.3), FinTS (0.4-4), flexmix (2.2-4), forecast (2.03),
forecast (2.02), forensim (1.1-3), fossil (0.2.3), FrF2 (1.0-3), ftsa
(1.3), GeneReg (1.1.1), ggplot2 (0.8.5), glmnet (1.1-4), gmaps
(0.1.1), gstat (0.9-66), gWidgets (0.0-39), gWidgetsRGtk2 (0.0-57),
gWidgetsWWW (0.0-14), heplots (0.8-11), HFWutils (,
histogram (0.0-23), histogram (0.0-22), HMR (0.1.1), HSAUR2 (1.0-1),
ic.infer (1.1-1), Imap (1.01), ineq (0.2-9), jointDiag (0.2), KFAS
(0.4.8), ltm (0.9-3), maptools (0.7-29), marginalmodelplots (0.4.2),
Matrix (0.999375-33), mclust (3.4), MCMCglmm (2.00), MCMChybridGP
(2.2), mda (0.4-1), mecdf (0.2.1), medAdherence (1.02), meta (1.1-5),
mi (0.08-04.07), mi (0.08-05), mmcm (1.1-0), MNM (0.95-1), mokken
(2.1), multcomp (1.1-3), OligoSpecificitySystem (1.2), Oncotree
(0.3.1), parser (0.0-7), pastecs (1.3-11), PBSadmb (0.61.44),
PBSmodelling (2.55.175), pedantics (1.01), pgirmess (1.4.3), pmg
(0.9-41), ProfessR (1.1-0), ProfessR (1.1-1), psy (1.0), psych
(1.0-85), R2jags (0.01-30.01), R2jags (0.01-29), rainbow (1.7),
randomSurvivalForest (3.6.0), randtoolbox (1.09), rattle (2.5.12),
Rcmdr (1.5-4), RcmdrPlugin.DoE (0.6-9), rconifers (1.0.0), Rcpp
(0.7.0), ReacTran (1.2), relations (0.5-5), RFreak (0.2-7), RInside
(0.2.0), rjags (1.0.3-13), ROCR (1.0-4), rootSolve (1.5), RQuantLib
(0.3.1), RSEIS (2.3-3), rsm (1.31), RSQLite (0.8-0), sampling (2.3),
sculpt3d (0.2-2), SDisc (1.19), season (0.2-3), sets (1.0-2), sfsmisc
(1.0-10), SIS (0.3), slam (0.1-7), slam (0.1-8), sos (1.2-4), sp
(0.9-52), spam (0.20-2), spatstat (1.17-4), spdep (0.4-56),
speff2trial (1.0.2), sqldf (0-2.0), statnet (2.1-1), stepPlr (0.92),
stringkernels (0.8.8), subselect (0.10-1), SuppDists (1.1-8), survival
(2.35-8), svcR (1.6.3), tcltk2 (1.1-1), TeachingDemos (2.5), timeDate
(2110.87), timeSeries (2110.86), tis (1.9), tkrgl (0.6.2), TSdbi
(2009.11-1), TSMySQL (2009.10-1), tuneR (0.2-13), twitteR (0.1.5),
VLMC (1.3-12), waveslim (1.6.3), WriteXLS (1.8.4), yhat (1.0-3)
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