CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* bigdata (0.1)
Maintainer: Han Liu
Author(s): Han Liu, Tuo Zhao
License: GPL-2
The big data package is a collection of scalable methods for
large-scale data analysis.
* boss (1.0)
Maintainer: Arend Voorman
Author(s): Arend Voorman
License: GPL (>= 2)
BOSS uses parameter estimates obtained without genotype to boost
standard one-step approximations, and precomputes as much as
possible without genotype (using boss.set) to minimize effort
* Distance (0.6)
Maintainer: David L Miller
Author(s): David L. Miller
License: GPL (>= 2)
A library that provides a simple way of fitting detection functions to
distance sampling data for both line and point transects.
Adjustment term selection, left and right truncation as well as
monotonicity constraints and binning are supported. Abundance and
density estimates can also be calculated if survey area information
is provided.
* FinAsym (1.0)
Maintainer: Paolo Zagaglia
Author(s): Paolo Zagaglia
License: GPL-3
This package accomplishes two tasks: a) it classifies implicit trading
activity from quotes in OTC markets using the algorithm of Lee and
Ready (1991); b) based on information for trade initiation, the
package computes the probability of informed trading of Easley and
O'Hara (1987).
* gammSlice (1.2-5)
Maintainer: Tung Pham
Author(s): Tung Pham and Matt Wand
License: GPL (>= 2)
Uses a slice sampling-based Markov chain Monte Carlo to conduct
Bayesian fitting and inference for generalized additive mixed models
(GAMM). Generalized linear mixed models and generalized additive
models are also handled as special cases of GAMM.
* GenOrd (1.0.1)
Maintainer: Alessandro Barbiero
Author(s): Alessandro Barbiero, Pier Alda Ferrari
License: GPL
The package implements a procedure for generating samples from
ordinal/discrete random variables with pre-specified correlation
matrix and marginal distributions.
* Lambda4 (1.0)
Maintainer: Unknown
Author(s): Tyler Hunt
License: GPL (>= 2)
This code provides 4 different estimates of maximized lambda4 (A split
half reliability estimate)
* leapp (1.0)
Maintainer: Yunting Sun
Author(s): Yunting Sun <yuntings at> , Nancy R.Zhang
<nzhang at>, Art B.Owen <owen at>
License: GPL (>= 2)
These functions take a gene expression value matrix, a primary
covariate vector, an additional known covariates matrix. A two
stage analysis is applied to counter the effects of latent variables
on the rankings of hypotheses. The estimation and adjustment of
latent effects are proposed by Sun, Zhang and Owen (2011).
is developed in the context of microarray experiments, but may be
used as a general tool for high throughput data sets where
dependence may be involved.
* lxb (1.1)
Maintainer: Bj??rn Winckler
Author(s): Bj??rn Winckler <bjorn.winckler at>
License: BSD
Functions to quickly read LXB parameter data.
* markdown (0.3)
Maintainer: JJ Allaire
Author(s): JJ Allaire, Jeffrey Horner, Vicent Marti, and Natacha Porte
License: GPL-3
Markdown is a plain-text formatting syntax that can be converted to
XHTML or other formats. This package provides R bindings to the
Sundown markdown rendering library.
* phenology (3.28)
Maintainer: Marc Girondot
Author(s): Marc Girondot
License: GPL-2
Functions to fit and test the phenology of species based on counts.
* RAFM (1.0)
Maintainer: Unknown
Author(s): Markku Karhunen, Uni. Helsinki
License: GPL-2
Fits AFM by Metropolis-Hastings, calculates theta and FST out of AFM
* SCMA (0.0)
Maintainer: Isis Bulte
Author(s): Isis Bulte and Patrick Onghena
License: GPL (>= 2)
A package for probability combining (additive and multiplicative
method) and for calculating some effect size measures on single-case
data (SMD, PND and PEM).
* skewtools (0.1.0)
Maintainer: Javier E. Contreras-Reyes
Author(s): Javier E. Contreras-Reyes
License: GPL (>= 2)
This package include functions related to following topics: 1.
Information Theory: Entropy and Mutual Informacion Index for
Multivariate Skew-t and Skew-Normal distributions. 2. Estimation of
Growth models parameters (Von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, Logistic and
Richards) using the robust ECME method via Heteroscedastic Nonlinear
Regression Growth model with scale mixture of Skew-Normal
distributions (Normal, T-Student, Skew-Normal and Skew-t). Include
Bootstrap and Jackknife methods to estimate the Variance-Covariance
matrix and Local Influence
* svKomodo (0.9-55)
Maintainer: Philippe Grosjean
Author(s): Philippe Grosjean
License: GPL-2
Functions to manage the GUI client, like Komodo with the SciViews-K
* tempdisagg (0.12)
Maintainer: Christoph Sax
Author(s): Christoph Sax, Peter Steiner
License: GPL-3
Temporal disaggregation methods are used to disaggregate and
interpolate a low frequency time series to a higher frequency
series. This can be done without additional information or by
exploiting the information contained in one or more indicators. All
disaggregation methods ensure that either the sum, the average, the
first or the last value of the resulting high frequency series is
consistent with the low frequency series.
* TUWmodel (0.1-0)
Maintainer: Alberto Viglione
Author(s): Juraj Parajka, Alberto Viglione
License: GPL (>= 2)
The model is a lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff model, following the
structure of the HBV model. The model runs on a daily time step and
consists of a snow routine, a soil moisture routine and a flow
routing routine. See Parajka, J., R. Merz, G. Bloeschl (2007)
Uncertainty and multiple objective calibration in regional water
balance modelling: case study in 320 Austrian catchments,
Hydrological Processes, 21, 435-446.
Updated packages
abd (0.2-2), acepack (1.3-3.1), agricolae (1.1-1), analogue (0.8-2),
ape (3.0-2), apsrtable (0.8-8), aroma.apd (0.2.2), arulesViz (0.1-5),
BHH2 (2012.04-0), bootstrap (2012.04-0), changeLOS (2.1),
clusterGeneration (1.2.9), cmm (0.4), cocorresp (0.2-0), coda
(0.14-7), corpora (0.4-3), ctarma (0.1.2), cts (1.0-10), dbEmpLikeGOF
(1.2.2), deldir (0.0-17), denstrip (1.5.2), DEoptim (2.2-0), difR
(4.2), directlabels (2.5), diveMove (1.3.3), DoseFinding (0.6-2), epiR
(0.9-40), etm (0.5-4), evaluate (0.4.2), evaluate (, Fahrmeir
(2012.04-0), fdth (1.1-7), FNN (0.6-3), forecast (3.20), formatR
(0.4), fortunes (1.5-0), frailtypack (2.2-23), GDD (0.1-13.1), gldist
(2160.2), gooJSON (1.0.01), gsubfn (0.6-3), gWidgets (0.0-50),
gWidgetsRGtk2 (0.0-80), gWidgetstcltk (0.0-49), hapassoc (1.2-5),
iGenomicViewer (2.4.8), indicspecies (1.6.2), informR (1.0.04), isocir
(1.1), LaplacesDemon (12.04.02), lazyWeave (2.1.3), lmm (0.5), lordif
(0.2-2), meta (2.0-1), metaLik (0.3), mirt (0.2.1), mixOmics (4.0-1),
mixtools (0.4.5), MplusAutomation (0.5-1), msr (0.4), mvna (1.2-2),
nsRFA (0.7-3), oce (0.8-7), OpenRepGrid (0.1.6), optmatch (0.7-3),
PairedData (0.9.1), paleoTS (0.4-3), PearsonDS (0.93), permute
(0.7-0), pgfSweave (1.3.0), phangorn (1.6-0), phmm (0.7-4), pmml
(1.2.30), pomp (0.41-1), PowerTOST (0.9-8), QTLRel (0.2-11), R.cache
(0.6.2), race (0.1.59), raster (1.9-82), rfishbase (0.0-8), rgr
(1.1.5), RMAWGEN (1.2.4), RNCEP (1.0.4), RNiftyReg (0.6.2), rrBLUP
(3.6), RSurvey (0.7-0), RTAQ (0.2), RTextTools (1.3.7), sampSurf
(0.6-2), ScottKnott (1.1-3), seewave (1.6.2), sendplot (3.8.10),
SenSrivastava (2012-04-0), simba (0.3-4), spgwr (0.6-14), StatMatch
(1.0.5), svDialogs (0.9-50), svDialogs (0.9-52), tables (0.6), tau
(0.0-13), textir (1.8-4), TinnR (1.0-5), tis (1.19), tmle (1.2),
treemap (1.0-4), UsingR (0.1-18), vegdata (0.5.7), x12 (1.0-0), yaml
(2.1.4), YourCast (1.5-1), Zelig (3.5.5), zipfR (0.6-6)
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