Prof. John C Nash
2009-Oct-30 14:05 UTC
[R] environment or other technique to isolate some private working information
In order to instrument functions for optimization or DE solving etc., I want to set up a private ensemble of working data somewhere in my workspace that won't collide with the problem-data. I can do this already with named objects within .GlobalEnv, but I'd like to have functions like fnmon.setup<-function( etc. ) { ... # create an environment monenv<-new.env(baseenv()) # then create some names in the monenv for a file of data to be written, # some counters, timers etc. } and within my function call a function<- ... that gets the appropriate infomation from the special area writes lines to the monitoring file and finally fnmon.stop<-.... to close things out. I've got it working with objects in .GlobalEnv as indicated, but attempts to do it as above cause failure to find the environment in the Likely I'm misreading the documentation on 'environment' somehow (it may be clear to folks who are deep into Lisp/Scheme, but not mere mortals). Or perhaps there is a better way to isolate the private collection of objects that will do the monitoring. I can provide the files to anyone wanting a tryout, but they are a bit long, and I suspect there is an "easy" approach that is eluding me. JN