Dear all, I've been learning biplot (Gabriel, 1971) and some days ago I sent for this list a procedural function with invitation for a collaborative package. Jari Oksanen made some suggestions and I agree with all. So, I reworked the function under the object-oriented programming (OOP/S3). I think it is now a good frame for more resources. Below it is the function and a small script to learn it: #==============================================================================# Name : biplot.s # Author : Jose Claudio Faria (DCET/USC/BRAZIL) # Date (dd/mm/yy): 9/6/2007 13:33:48 # Version : v1.1 # Aim : 2d and 3d (under scaterplot3d and rgl packages) biplot # Mail : joseclaudio.faria em #==============================================================================# Arguments: # x Data (frame or matrix: objects in lines variables in columns) # or a object of the class 'prcomp'. # lambda.ini First eigenvalue to be considered (default is 1) # lambda.end Latest eigenvalue to be considered # (default is 2 to 2d or 3 to 3d) # center Either a logical value or a numeric vector of length equal # to the number of columns of x (TRUE is the default). # scale Either a logical value or a numeric vector of length equal # to the number of columns of x (FALSE is the default). # weight Way of factorize: 'equal', 'objects', 'variables' # ('equal' is the default). # plot Logical to produce or not a graphical representation of # biplot (TRUE is the default). # rgl.use If TRUE the 3d scatter will be under the rgl environment, in # another way the scatterplot3d will be used ( the default). # aspect3d Apparent ratios of the x, y, and z axes of the bounding box. # clear3d Logical to clear or not a 3d graphical representation of # biplot before to make a new (TRUE is the default). # simple.axes Whether to draw simple axes (TRUE or FALSE). # box Whether to draw a box (the default is FALSE). # spheres Logical to represent objects as spheres (FALSE is the default). # sphere.factor Relative size factor of sphere representing points; the # default size is dependent on the scale of observations. # col.obj Color of spheres or labels of objects. # col.var Color of lines and labels of variables. # var.factor Factor of expansion/reduction of length lines of the variables. # graphical variables representation (<=1, 1 is the default). # cex Character expansion (for while valid only to graphics and # scatterplot3d, not to rgl, packages). #==============================================================================# Require 'rgl' and 'scatterplot3d' packages. #============================================================================== # check the necessary packages necessary = c('rgl', 'scatterplot3d') if(!all(necessary %in% installed.packages()[, 'Package'])) install.packages(c('rgl', 'scatterplot3d'), dep = T) # Plot 2d with 'graphics' packages plot.biplot.2d = function(scores, g, hl, lambda.ini, lambda.end, col.obj, col.var, var.factor, cex) { plot(scores, xlab=paste('PC', lambda.ini, sep=''), ylab=paste('PC', lambda.end, sep=''), type='n') text(x=g[,1], y=g[,2], labels=rownames(g), cex=cex, col=col.obj) arrows(x0=0, y0=0, x1=hl[,1]*var.factor, y1=hl[,2]*var.factor, length=0.1, angle=20, col=col.var) text(x=hl[,1]*var.factor, y=hl[,2]*var.factor, labels = rownames(hl), cex=cex, col=col.var) } # Plot 3d with 'scatterplot3d' package plot.biplot.3d.default = function(scores, g, hl, lambda.ini, lambda.end, col.obj, col.var, var.factor, spheres, box, cex) { require(scatterplot3d) graph = scatterplot3d(scores, type = if(spheres) 'p' else 'n', xlab=paste('PC', lambda.ini, sep=''), ylab=paste('PC', lambda.ini+1, sep=''), zlab=paste('PC', lambda.end, sep=''), grid=F, box=box, cex.symbols=cex, color=col.obj, pch=20) if(!spheres) text(graph$xyz.convert(g), labels=rownames(g), col=col.obj, cex=cex) for(i in 1:nrow(hl)) { graph$points3d(c(0, hl[i,1]*var.factor), c(0, hl[i,2]*var.factor), c(0, hl[i,3]*var.factor), type='l', col=col.var) } text(graph$xyz.convert(hl*var.factor), labels=rownames(hl), col=col.var, cex=cex) } # Plot 3d with 'rgl' package plot.biplot.3d.rgl = function(g, hl, lambda.ini, lambda.end, simple.axes, clear3d, aspect3d, col.obj, col.var, var.factor, spheres, sphere.factor, box) { require(rgl) size = max(g)/20 * sphere.factor if (clear3d) clear3d() if (spheres) spheres3d(g, col=col.obj, radius=size, alpha=.5) else text3d(g, texts=rownames(g), col=col.obj, alpha=.5) aspect3d(aspect3d) for(i in 1:nrow(hl)) { segments3d(rbind(matrix(0, nc=3), hl[i,]*var.factor), col=col.var) } text3d(hl*var.factor, texts=rownames(hl), col=col.var) if(simple.axes) { axes3d(c('x', 'y', 'z')) title3d(xlab=paste('PC', lambda.ini, sep=''), ylab=paste('PC', lambda.ini+1, sep=''), zlab=paste('PC', lambda.end, sep='')) } else decorate3d(xlab=paste('PC', lambda.ini, sep=''), ylab=paste('PC', lambda.ini+1, sep=''), zlab=paste('PC', lambda.end, sep=''), box = box) } plot.biplot = function(scores, g, hl, lambda.ini, lambda.end, rgl.use, simple.axes, clear3d, aspect3d, col.obj, col.var, var.factor, spheres, sphere.factor, size, box, cex) { n.values = (lambda.end - lambda.ini + 1) if(n.values == 2) plot.biplot.2d(scores, g, hl, lambda.ini, lambda.end, col.obj, col.var, var.factor, cex) else if(n.values == 3) if (!rgl.use) plot.biplot.3d.default(scores, g, hl, lambda.ini, lambda.end, col.obj, col.var, var.factor, spheres, box, cex) else plot.biplot.3d.rgl(g, hl, lambda.ini, lambda.end, simple.axes, clear3d, aspect3d, col.obj, col.var, var.factor, spheres, sphere.factor, box) } # main function biplot.s = function(x, ...) UseMethod('biplot.s', x) # x is 'data.frame' or 'matrix' biplot.s.default = function(x, lambda.ini=1, lambda.end=2, center=T, scale=F, weight=c('equal', 'objects', 'variables'), plot=T, rgl.use=F, aspect3d=c(1, 1, 1), clear3d=T, simple.axes=T, box=F, spheres=F, sphere.factor=1, col.obj=1, col.var=2, var.factor=1, cex=.6) { stopifnot(is.matrix(x) || n.values = (lambda.end - lambda.ini + 1) if(n.values < 2 || n.values > 3) stop('Please, check the parameters: lambda.ini and lambda.end!') x = as.matrix(x) x = scale(x, center=center, scale=scale) svdx = svd(x) s2 = diag(sqrt(svdx$d[lambda.ini:lambda.end])) # 'prcomp.default' of 'stats' package (and 'pca' of 'pcurve') is like the below! #s2 = diag(svdx$d[lambda.ini:lambda.end]) switch(match.arg(weight), equal = { g = svdx$u[,lambda.ini:lambda.end] %*% s2 h = s2 %*% t(svdx$v[,lambda.ini:lambda.end]) hl = t(h) }, objects = { g = svdx$u[,lambda.ini:lambda.end] %*% s2 h = t(svdx$v[,lambda.ini:lambda.end]) hl = t(h) }, variables = { g = svdx$u[,lambda.ini:lambda.end] h = s2 %*% t(svdx$v[,lambda.ini:lambda.end]) hl = t(h) }) if(is.null(rownames(x))) rownames = 1:nrow(x) else rownames = rownames(x) if(is.null(colnames(x))) colnames = paste('V', 1:ncol(x), sep='') else colnames = colnames(x) cnames = paste('PC', lambda.ini:lambda.end, sep='') rownames(g) = rownames colnames(g) = cnames rownames(hl) = colnames colnames(hl) = cnames scores = rbind(g, hl) rownames(scores) = c(rownames, colnames) colnames(scores) = cnames res = list(values=svdx$d, explained=round(sum(svdx$d[lambda.ini:lambda.end]^2) / sum(svdx$d^2), 3), objects=g, variables=hl, all=scores) if(plot) { scores = rbind(g, hl*var.factor) scores = rbind(scores, rep(0, n.values)) # to correct visualization plot.biplot(scores, g, hl, lambda.ini, lambda.end, rgl.use, simple.axes, clear3d, aspect3d, col.obj, col.var, var.factor, spheres, sphere.factor, size, box, cex) } invisible(res) } # x is of the class 'prcomp' biplot.s.prcomp = function(x, lambda.ini=1, lambda.end=2, ...) { stopifnot(class(x) == 'prcomp') if (!length(x$x)) stop(gettextf("object '%s' has no objects coordinates!", deparse(substitute(x))), domain = NA) if (is.complex(x$x)) stop("biplots are not defined for complex PCA!") n.values = (lambda.end - lambda.ini + 1) if(n.values < 2 || n.values > 3) stop('Please, check the parameters: lambda.ini and lambda.end!') # Go back from prcom, i.e, regenerate the x already scaled under 'prcomp' # due to necessity of different kinds of factoration! # I'm still in doubt if this is the best alternative! xreg = x$x %*% (solve(t(x$rotation) %*% x$rotation) %*% t(x$rotation)) #xreg = x$x %*% ginv(x$rotation) # another option biplot.s.default(xreg, lambda.ini, lambda.end, center=ifelse(x$center[1] == F, F, T), scale=ifelse(x$scale[1] == F, F, T), ...) } #==============================================================================# Name : biplot.s_to_learn # Author : Jose Claudio Faria (DCET/USC/BRAZIL) # Date (dd/mm/yy): 9/6/2007 13:33:32 # Version : v1.1 # Aim : to learn and to test the 'biplot.s' function # Mail : joseclaudio.faria em #============================================================================== #==============================================================================# to debug 'biplot.s' functions #==============================================================================#mtrace(biplot.s.2d, T) #mtrace(biplot.s.3d.default, T) #mtrace(biplot.s.3d.rgl, T) #mtrace(biplot.s.default, T) #mtrace(biplot.s.prcomp, T) # #mtrace(biplot.s.2d, F) #mtrace(biplot.s.3d.default, F) #mtrace(biplot.s.3d.rgl, F) #mtrace(biplot.s.default, F) #mtrace(biplot.s.prcomp, F) #==============================================================================# example: Gabriel(1971) #==============================================================================gabriel.1971 = matrix(c(98.2, 97.2, 97.3, 96.9, 97.6, 94.4, 90.2, 94.0, 70.5, 78.8, 81.0, 65.6, 73.3, 91.4, 88.7, 82.2, 84.2, 55.1, 14.4, 17.6, 6.0, 9.6, 56.2, 69.5, 31.8, 19.5, 10.7, 86.2, 82.1, 54.5, 74.7, 87.2, 80.4, 68.6, 65.5, 26.1, 32.9, 30.3, 21.1, 26.9, 80.1, 74.3, 46.3, 36.2, 9.8, 73.0, 70.4, 53.0, 60.5, 81.2, 78.0, 67.9, 64.8, 57.1, 4.6, 6.0, 1.5, 3.4, 12.7, 23.0, 5.6, 2.7, 1.3, 29.2, 26.3, 5.3, 10.5, 52.8, 49.7, 21.7, 9.5, 1.2), nr=8, byrow=T) dimnames(gabriel.1971) = list(c('toilet', 'kitchen', 'bath', 'eletricity', 'water', 'radio', 'tv set', 'refrigerator'), c('CRISTIAN', 'ARMENIAN', 'JEWISH', 'MOSLEM', 'MODERN_1', 'MODERN_2', 'OTHER_1', 'OTHER_2', 'RUR')) #==============================================================================# 2d with graphics package #==============================================================================x = gabriel.1971 bp1 = biplot.s(x, plot=F) bp1$val bp1$expl bp1$obj bp1$var bp1$all biplot.s(x, center=F, scale=F) biplot.s(x, center=T, scale=F) biplot.s(x, center=T, scale=T) biplot.s(x, lambda.ini=2, lambda.end=3) biplot.s(x, lambda.ini=2, lambda.end=3, scale=T) biplot.s(x, scale=T, weight='eq') biplot.s(x, scale=T, weight='ob') biplot.s(x, scale=T, weight='va') #==============================================================================# 3d with scatterplot3d package #==============================================================================x = gabriel.1971 bp2 = biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, plot=F) bp2$val bp2$expl bp2$obj bp2$var bp2$all biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3) biplot.s(x, lambda.ini=2, lambda.end=4) biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, spheres=T, box=T) biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, col.obj='gray', col.var='red', var.factor=.8) biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, center=T, scale=T, weight='eq') biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, center=T, scale=F, weight='eq') biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, center=T, scale=T, weight='ob') biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, center=T, scale=F, weight='ob') biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, center=T, scale=T, weight='va') biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, center=T, scale=T, weight='va', var.factor=.5) #==============================================================================# 2d associated with 'prcomp' function ('stas' package) #==============================================================================biplot.s(prcomp(gabriel.1971, center=T, scale=F), plot=T) biplot.s(prcomp(gabriel.1971, center=T, scale=T), plot=T) pc = prcomp(gabriel.1971, center=T, scale=F) biplot(pc) # to compare bp = biplot.s(pc) bp$val bp$expl bp$obj bp$var bp$all biplot.s(pc, lambda.ini=2, lambda.end=4) biplot.s(pc, lambda.end=3, spheres=T, box=T) biplot.s(pc, lambda.end=3, col.obj='gray', col.var='red', var.factor=.8) biplot.s(pc, lambda.end=3, weight='eq') biplot.s(pc, lambda.end=3, weight='ob') biplot.s(pc, lambda.end=3, weight='va') biplot.s(pc, lambda.end=3, weight='va', var.factor=.5) #==============================================================================# 3d with rgl package #==============================================================================x = gabriel.1971 clear3d() rgl.bringtotop(stay=T) biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, rgl.use=T) rgl.bringtotop(stay=T) biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, rgl.use=T, box=T, aspect3d=c(1.5, 1.5, 1)) rgl.bringtotop(stay=T) biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, rgl.use=T, col.obj=3, col.var=4, var.factor=.5) rgl.bringtotop(stay=T) biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, rgl.use=T, spheres=T) rgl.bringtotop(stay=T) biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, rgl.use=T, weight='eq') rgl.bringtotop(stay=T) biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, rgl.use=T, weight='ob') rgl.bringtotop(stay=T) biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, rgl.use=T, weight='va') rgl.bringtotop(stay=T) biplot.s(x, lambda.end=3, rgl.use=T, weight='va', var.factor=.09) rgl.bringtotop(stay=T) biplot.s(prcomp(gabriel.1971, center=T, scale=F), lambda.end=3, rgl.use=T, plot=T) Regards, -- /////\\\\\/////\\\\\/////\\\\\/////\\\\\ Jose Claudio Faria Brasil/Bahia/UESC/DCET Estatistica Experimental/Prof. Titular joseclaudio.faria em joseclaudio.faria em jc_faria em jc_faria em Tels: 73-3634.2779 (res - Ilheus/BA) 19-3435.1536 (res - Piracicaba/SP) * 19-9144.8979 (cel - Piracicaba/SP) * /////\\\\\/////\\\\\/////\\\\\/////\\\\\