Hi Patrick,
pm509 at york.ac.uk wrote:> Dear R-help list members,
> I am new to R, and having problems with plotting part of a time series. I
> have read in my data using read.table, and my 'time' column is
> as a numeric variable. When I convert this to a time format, I am no longer
> able to use its values on my x-axis. The problem is that I only want part
> of the time series to appear on the plot, ignoring the first 23
> measurements.
> I would be very grateful if someone could suggest a way of solving this.
Does my following example code help? I just reduce the limits on the x-axis.
myts <- ts(runif(480), frequency=12, start=c(1960,1))
title(main="Whole Timeseries")
plot(myts, xlim=c(1970,2000))
title(main="Limited X-Axis")
Hope this helps,