Displaying 20 results from an estimated 379 matches for "timeseries".
2003 Jul 30
STL- TimeSeries Decomposition
...rently I'm working with the ts package of R and created a TimeSerie
from pixels extracted from satellite imagery(S10 NDVI data, 10 daily
composites). I'm trying to decompose this signal in different signals
(seasonal and trend).
When testing out the STL method is says => Only univariate timeseries
are allowed, but the current Timeserie I'm using is univariate! => The
problem is probably that this time series has to much noise so that it
consequently gives the following error.
> plot(stl(Timeserie))
Error in stl(Timeserie) : only univariate series are allowed. I also
import the dat...
2012 Dec 10
Removing named objects using rm(..)
When I import the library timeSeries I get (at least) the variable USDCHF
imported too.
I would like to delete it, but I cannot. As you can see below.
Clearly I am doing something wrong. What is it?
> library(timeSeries)
Loading required package: timeDate
> class(USDCHF)
[1] "timeSeries"
2008 Nov 16
inconsistency between timeSeries and zoo causing a problem with rbind
Dear R Users and maintainers of packages zoo and timeSeries,
I believe there is a recently introduced inconsistency between
timeSeries and zoo which is causing a problem with rbind. I had
previously reported that I was having problems with rbind in the
following code:
2008 Sep 04
modeling interval data, a.k.a. irregular timeseries
Greetings -- I've got some sensor data of the form
t1_1, t1_2
t2_1, t2_2
-- time intervals measuring starts and stops of sensor activity. I'd
like to see whether there's any regularity in it. Seems natural to
consider these data timeseries -- except most of the timeseries
packages and models assume regular ones, with a fixed frequency.
I wonder what's a good way to apply existing regular timeseries
packages to these data, and perhaps try some others? I like David
Stoffer's book a lot, yet he uses R's own ts meth...
2009 Jul 10
getting a timeseries element into a string
I have a timeseries object, ts, and want to get the first date in the series
into a string so I can concatenate it with a SQL query. Input and output are
shown below. I must be missing something very basic, but I can't seem to
pry the data ("2008-07-01") into a string variable. Any suggestions would
2011 Jan 27
Problem converting zoo object (daily data) to a timeSeries object
When I try to convert the zoo object to a timeSeries object, which would
allow me to utilize Rmetrics packages, I get an error message.
> Data<-read.zoo("c:\\DOWUBSPRICING.txt,na.strings="NA",sep="\t",header=T)
> is(Data)
> as.timeSeries.zoo(Data)
Error in .local (.Object, . )
Is this...
2010 May 07
timeSeries and optional S4 slots?
Question on timeSeries and S4 classes:
Consider the following:
data <- rnorm(5)
treg <- ts(data, frequency=4)
t1 <- timeSeries(data, as.Date('2010-04-15') + 1:5)
t2 <- as.timeSeries(treg)
Now both t1 and t2 are timeSeries objects, yet
t2 at ts is a valid slot, while t1 at ts is...
2011 Mar 11
dataframe to a timeseries object
I?m wondering which is the most efficient (time, than memory usage) way to obtain a multivariate time series object from a data frame (the easiest data structure to get data from a database trough RODBC).
I have a starting point using timeSeries or xts library (these libraries can handle time zones), below you can find code to test.
Merging parallelization (cbind) is something I?m thinking at (suggestions from users with experience on this topic is highly appreciated), any suggestion is welcome.
My platform is Windows XP, R 2.12.1, latest...
2011 Jul 04
[R-SIG-Finance] FinCenter in timeSeries with "merge", "cbind" and "rbind"
Hi R users:
When I try to merge or bind (cbind or rbind) two series,
both with a "FinCenter" different that GMT, the
result is "GMT" not the original financial center?
What am I doing wrong?
setRmetricsOptions(myFinCenter = "America/Bogota")
fechas <- format(timeCalendar(2010, sample(12, 6)))
datos <- matrix(round(rnorm(6), 3))
t1 <- sort(timeSeries(datos, fechas, units = "...
2007 Oct 02
zoo timeserie continuous? complete with NaN
...2-31 19:00:00 NA NaN
2005-12-31 20:00:00 NA NaN
2005-12-31 21:00:00 NA NaN
2005-12-31 22:00:00 NA NaN
2005-12-31 23:00:00 NA NaN
its much longer though...
As you can see, the values for 2005-12-31 17:00:00 miss. How can I let R show me if the timeseries is continuous and if not, to fill up with NaN values (i need a continuous timeseries). is there a function like complete.timeseries(missing=NA)?
Thanks fpr your help
2004 Jun 22
ts & daily timeseries
I have defined a daily timeseries for the 365 days of 2003 issuing:
myts = ts(dati[,2:10],frequency=365,)
> myts
Time Series:
Start = c(1, 1)
End = c(1, 365)
Frequency = 365
mytime = as.POSIXct(strptime(as.character(dati[,1]),format="%Y-%m-%d"))
contains the dates from "2003-01-01" to "200...
2010 Dec 07
help on timeseries
...26 25.11 25.56375 -1
2005-10-27 24.85 25.55410 -1
2005-10-28 25.53 25.55040 -1
2005-10-31 25.70 25.54830 1
2005-11-01 25.96 25.54650 1
2005-11-02 26.46 25.54890 1
2005-11-03 26.44 25.55180 1
2005-11-04 26.66 25.55685 1
msft <- as.timeSeries(get.hist.quote(instrument="MSFT", start="1986-03-31",
end="2008-09-10", quote=c("C"), provider="yahoo", retclass="zoo"))
msft <- cbind(msft,as.timeSeries(rollapply(as.zoo(msft
2011 Apr 04
How to speed up grouping time series, help please
I retrieve for a few hundred times a group of time series (10-15 ts
with 10000 values each), on every group I do some calculation, graphs
etc. I wonder if there is a faster method than what presented below to
get an appropriate timeseries object.
Making a query with RODBC for every group I get a data frame like this:
> X
14 3 2000-01-01 00:00:03 0.5726334
4 1 2000-01-01 00:00:03 0.8830174
1 1 2000-01-01 00:00:00 0.2875775
15 3 2000-01-01 00:00:04 0.1029247
11 3 2000-01-01 00:00:00 0.95...
2009 Mar 13
Rd \usage clause for an S4 replace method
Given S4 methods [ and [<-, how do I write the Rd-file usage clause for
the latter one?
What I have now is:
\S4method{[}{TimeSeries,TimeDate,missing}(x, i, j, ..., drop)
\S4method{[<-}{TimeSeries,TimeDate,missing,ANY}(x, i, j, ..., value)
which results in the following output:
## S4 method for signature 'TimeSeries, TimeDate, missing':
x[i, j, ..., drop]
2011 Mar 04
apply.rolling() to a multi column timeSeries
Hello there,
I am trying to compute the 3 months return momentum with the timeSeries x.ts,
which is just a subset of simple returns from a much bigger series,
> class(x.ts)
[1] "timeSeries"
[1] "timeSeries"
> dim(x.ts)
[1] 20 3
> x.ts[1:8,]
1996-01-31 0.15159065 -0.1333...
2010 Sep 02
Using library and lib.loc
Number 1 is the default R library tree on path1
Number 2 is another library tree on a server with all packages on path2.
When I set library(aaMI,lib.loc=paths2) it loads the package even if its not on default R library
When I set library(fOptions,lib.loc=paths2) it doesn't load because timeSeries is not on default R library (timeSeries is a required package for fOptions)
> library(fOptions,lib.loc=.lib.loc)
Le chargement a nécessité le package : timeDate
Le chargement a nécessité le package : timeSeries
Erreur : le package 'timeSeries' ne peut être chargé
De plus : Message d'...
2009 Nov 10
do.call and timeSeries
Does anyone know why the following code hangs on the do.call, but works
fine when I either comment out the require(timeSeries) or only do 2
levels of a for loop instead of 3?
Andrew Bierbryer
num <- 1
x.list <- list()
for ( i in 1:10 ) {
for ( j in 1:20 ) {
for ( k in 1:30 ) {
x.list[[num]] <- cbind(num,10)
num <- num + 1
2011 Nov 15
Creating Timeseries by manipulating data table
...ly time series for each region, where
region is an integer id and where each time point in the series is the
monthly average of rainfall for each location in that region.
Basically I know how to read the data as:-
but have no idea how to create the timeseries using R.
Any help would be appreciated.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Creating-Timeseries-by-manipulating-data-table-tp4042875p4042875.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2005 Mar 22
Convert timeseries to transition matrix
Hi All,
Does someone have an idea of how to cleverly convert a categorical
timeseries into a transition matrix?
Ie, I have something like:
x<- c(1,1,2,1,1,2,2,2,1,2),
And I want a matrix with counts and/or probabilities:
> tr <- matrix(c(2,3,2,2),2,2)
> tr
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 2 2
[2,] 3 2
Meaning that there are two transitions from 1 to 1, two from 1 to 2, th...
2011 May 23
getting time series into r
I am trying to get the following two timeseries (these are small subsets of the whole thing) into R so I can merge them using zoo.
Timeseries 1=[ Date...