Brian O'Connor wrote:> R-Masters,
> I need to produce high resolution line plots and place labels on the
> curves. It seems that cex must be high relative to the other cex
> values in order to produce sufficiently large & legible tick labels
> at high resolutions. But high cex values cause the curve labels to
> become gigantic when using Hmisc. I've struggled and searched the
> archives, but cannot find a way of controlling the sizes of the curve
> labels in this situation.
> These commands produce the problem on my PC using XP:
> png("trial.png", width=3000, height=2400, res = 600, pointsize=12
> par(ann=F, font.main=1, font.lab=1, font.axis=1, cex=5, cex.main=1,
> cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1,
> lwd=12, las=1, mar=c(4, 4, 2, 2) )
> x = seq(-2.5, 2.5, length=100)
> labcurve( list( One= list( x,sin(x)), Two= list( x,cos(x)),
> Three=list( x,(x*x)), Four= list( x,exp(x)) ),
> keys=c('1','2','3','4'),
keyloc="none", pl=TRUE )
> Thanks for your time.
cex.main .lab .axis etc. are relative so yo need for your case to
specify something like cex.axis=1/5
Not sure why you are using keys of 1-4 when you've already given nice
labels. I tried
labcurve( list( One= list( x,sin(x)), Two= list( x,cos(x)),
Three=list( x,(x*x)), Four= list( x,exp(x)) ),
pl=TRUE )
and got some nice output after reducing cex.*
Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chair School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University