Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2365 matches for "cex".
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2012 Sep 02
Impact of cex changing as a function of mfrow
R 2.15.1
OS X (MLion)
I am aware that changes in mfrow / mfcol in par() affect cex (from help: In a layout with exactly two rows and columns the base value of ?"cex"? is reduced by a factor of 0.83: if there are three or more of either rows or columns, the reduction factor is 0.66).
I generate a multipage PDF in which mfrow varies such that cex is impacted. This affec...
2010 Jul 23
decimal seperator
...te_size <- data.frame(cbind(sites, size))
newdata <- (sapply(subset(site_size, select=c("size")), as.numeric))
rownames(newdata) <- site_size$sites
plot(newdata, ylab =" ", xlab= " " , axes = FALSE)#, type="h", lwd=16)
points(newdata, cex = 10, col = topo.colors(20), bg=topo.colors(20), pch=22)
lines(newdata, type="h", lwd=40, col=topo.colors(20))
axis(1, at=seq(1, 20, by=1), labels = FALSE)
text(seq(1, 20, by=1), par("usr")[3] - 0.2, labels = site2_labels, srt = 45,
pos = 1, xpd = TRUE)
reg.txt <- as.characte...
2019 Jun 19
point size in svg
Hello, All:
????? I'm unable to control the font size in plots to svg.? Consider
the following:
cex. <- 5
plot(1:2, cex.axis=cex.)
text(1:2, 1:2, c('as', 'DF'),
????????? cex=cex.)
????? When I open this in Gimp 2.10.4, the font size is tiny.? I also
svg('cex-svg.svg', width=15, height=15, pointsize=24)
cex. <- 5
plot(1:2, ce...
2001 Apr 25
Re: identify.default ignores any setting of cex (PR#660)
A follow-up to PR#660 (15 Sep 2000) from Brian Ripley:
> R 1.1.1 on Windows, but I think this is widespread.
> Using either
> par(cex=0.5)
> plot(1:10)
> identify(1:10)
> or
> plot(1:10)
> identify(1:10, cex=0.5)
> ignores the cex setting. The root cause is that par(cex=0.5)
> alters cexbase for the device but sets cex=1.0, and the internal
> text plotting routines use cex and not cexbase...
2011 May 11
mtext text size (cex) doesn't match plot
...am using mtext instead of the ylab argument in some plots because i
want to move it away from the numbers in the axis. However, the text
in the X axis,
for example:
par(mar=c(5, 5.5, 4, 2));
plot(data, main="plot name", xlab= 'X axis', ylab="",
font=2, cex.lab=1.5, font.lab=2, cex.main=1.8);
mtext('Y axis', side=2, cex=1.5, line=4, font=2);
This works fine, but if I then set
the text produced by mtext becomes much larger than the text "X axis"
produced by plot, despite their having identical cex specifi...
2007 Nov 07
strwidth and strheight for rotated text
.... I used strwidth and
strheight to compute the size of the box which is plotted with rect:
z <- rnorm(10)
# horizontal text works
x1 <- 5
y1 <- 0
label <- "Label"
cha <- paste(" ", label, " ", sep = "")
xh <- strwidth(cha, cex = par("cex"))
yh <- strheight(cha, cex = par("cex")) * 5/3
rect(x1 - xh/2, y1 - yh/2, x1 + xh/2, y1 + yh/2, col = "white")
text(x1, y1, cha, cex = par("cex"))
Now I would like to do the same with rotated text. I found two solutions:
- modify the par(&quo...
2011 Apr 29
Change the text size of the title in a legend of a R plot.
Is it possible to change the text size of the title in a legend of a R plot?
I tried to directly change the title.cex argument but it seems not to work.
Trying :
Horizo <- c(1,2,6,10,20)
legtext <- paste(Horizo,sep="")
legend("topleft", legend=legtext,col=col,text.col=col,lwd=lwd,
lty=lty,cex=1.1,ncol=3,title = "Horizons",title.col ="black",title.cex=1.4)
gives the...
2016 Aug 25
"plot.ts" doesn't respect the value of "pch" (+ blocked from Bugzilla signups)
I've had a chance to read the source more thoroughly. The chain of
events is as follows:
1. Local function `plotts()` is defined with argument `cex` that
defaults to `par("cex")`
2. `...` is passed to `plotts()`. If "cex" is an element in `...`,
inside `plotts()` the variable `cex` is assigned thereby (overriding the
default arg). Importantly, this means that the element "cex" is captured
and _removed_ from `....
2016 Aug 25
"plot.ts" doesn't respect the value of "pch" (+ blocked from Bugzilla signups)
...ss your "syntax checking" for a legal e-mail address.
The bug is easily reproducible on my machine as follows:
## start
# generate some data
y <- arima.sim(list(), 150)
# this will definitely dispatch to a ".ts" method
class(y)[1] == 'ts'
# compare and note that `cex = 0.5` has no effect
plot(y, type = 'b', pch = 16)
plot(y, type = 'b', pch = 16, cex = 0.5)
# it works if `y` is coerced back to a regular vector
plot(as.numeric(y), type = 'b', pch = 16, cex = 0.5)
# another way to see the issue
plot.ts(y, type = 'b', pch = 16, ce...
2001 Feb 22
cex= and plot(), title(), mtext()
using R 1.2.1 under LinuxPPC, using the default X11 graphics device, i
can't get the cex= argument for plot() and title() to have any effect.
works for text(), though. the text size for plot() and title() _is_
correct if par(cex=size) is called first. oddly, mtext() seems to pay
attention to cex=, but to ignore the value set by par().
for example,
> plot(1:5, 1:5, main="M...
2012 May 08
...op T-17 4.8") ## palynological zones tops
## To plot
# With this appear the first error
filled.contour(x, y, z = ito2,xlim=c(0,1500), col=c(rainbow(14, start = 4/6, end =2/5)),
plot.title = title(main = "CONTAMANA",
xlab = "AGES Ma", ylab = "SAMPLES", cex.lab=0.6),
plot.axes = { axis(1,at=c(seq(1,nrow(new.ages), by=100)),cex=0.7, cex.axis=0.7);
axis(2,at=c(seq(1,ncol(depths), by=1)),labels=c(depths),cex=0.3, cex.axis=0.7);
axis(3,at=c(Pal.zones), labels=c(Ta.zones),cex=0.3, cex.lab=0.3, cex.axis=0.7)},
key.title = title(main="Normalized\...
2017 Mar 25
Error in documentation for ?legend
Right, that's my point. The help page mentions a `title.cex`, like I said; saying that `cex` sets the default `title.cex` sure implies to me (and presumably to the other people whose discussion I linked) that a `title.cex` parameter exists. Since no such parameter exists, this bit in the documentation is misleading (suggesting that there is a `title.cex` pa...
2007 Mar 09
About "cex=": how to improve resolution?
...with a fixed circle and with a
series of point of different size. Here is a
"simplified" example:
The size of the points compared to the circle (of
radius 1) is important and bears a meaning.
But instead of having 11 points with increasing size,
I only obtain points of the same size when
cex=0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4 or cex=0.5/0.6/0.7 or
Please, does anyone know if there is a way...
2008 Dec 05
Trouble with gridBase and inset plots
par( mar = c(4.5,5, 2, 1) + 0.1)
#lines(time[1],ini_pop/1e6, "p",col="red",lwd=2,lty=1,pch=5 )
lines(time[time_end],8.25e7, "p",col="red",lwd=2,lty=1,pch=5)
axis(side=2, at=c( 7.4e7, 9.6e7, 1.18e8, 1.4e8),
2012 Apr 20
How to make nice tiny sized figures on graphic devices producing scalable vector output?
...question is what is the best method to create plots in R with their final physical sizes? I would like to create a good-looking figure by starting with let’s say win.metafile(“some.emf”, 3.35, 2) .
Of course all defaults will produce something unreadable, so I have to scale down everything with cex at least, and probably with lwd changes. I’ve tried something like below. But dashed (and all other) lines are still too thick, plotting symbols are undistinguishable etc. And in general it looks like a mess to override all possible values.
Is there a better way to downscale whatever is being p...
2017 Aug 03
switch of cex adjustment with mfrow?
> use
> par(mfrow=c(2,2), cex = 1)
This does work as written. But when I first checked single-call setting, an mfrow change to cex in the same call superseded cex=1; hence my suggestion to use separate calls to par().
Further checking confirms that the result of a call to par is dependent on argument specification order in th...
2001 Oct 22
cex/col/etc. in title(): documentation? (PR#1136)
There appears to be a mismatch between the documentation and behavior of
title(), or at least a clarification is in order. The documentation says
you can pass extra arguments from par() as "...". However, cex at least
is ignored. Later on in the documentation it becomes clear that you can
specify these extra parameters as part of a list.
I wouldn't say this is necessarily a bug (and there's certainly a way to
do what you want, if you read the rest of the documentation), but I will
say it didn...
2011 Mar 17
Help with Time Series Plot
Dear List,
This is an embarrassing question, but I can seem to make this work…How do I
change the font size on the xlab and on the numbers shown in the x-axis on
the time series plot below. The arguments cex.lab and cex.axis do not seem
to be 'passing' to the plot function.
plot(ts(rnorm(100), start=2004, freq=12),
ylab="RQI", xlab="My X lab", col="black", cex.lab=0.1, cex.axis=0.7)
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Feb 16
y-axis slightly cut-off after printing plots to tiff
2017 Mar 24
Error in documentation for ?legend
To whom it may concern:
The help page for ?legend refers to a `title.cex` parameter, which suggests that the function has such a parameter. As far as I can tell, though, it doesn't; here's an example:
> plot(1,1)
> legend("topright",pch=1, legend="something", title="my legend", title.cex=2)
Error in legend("topright&quo...