as I did not see any response I try to write one.
Your code does not work for me, it gives me an error.
> week1 <- grep("(_PRO_001)",names(dmx3),perl=T)
Error in names(dmx3) : object "dmx3" not found
Seems that I do not have dmx3 available.
However if you want to do some computation based on a common value
you shall consult
aggregate, tapply, by or doBy package
and provide some simple example which everybody can reproduce.
Even sending us
str(dmx3) could result in better understanding of your problem and
maybe some more concise answer. Maybe also reshaping your data could
lead to some better aggregation possibilities.
On 15 Nov 2006 at 12:43, Christian Schulz wrote:
Date sent: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 12:43:01 +0100
From: Christian Schulz <ozric at web.de>
To: "'r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch'" <r-help at
Subject: [R] dynamic aggregation of many variables
> Hi,
> i have many variables for in example 4weeks and want to do
> aggregations, like mean standard , deviation etc..
> With mean it works but how i can calculate the standard deviation for
> the 4weeks and for every ID.
> many thanks & regards, christian
> week1 <- grep("(_PRO_001)",names(dmx3),perl=T)
> week1table <- subset(dmx3,select=c(ID,week1))
> week2 <- grep("(_PRO_002)",names(dmx3),perl=T)
> week2table <- subset(dmx3,select=c(ID,week2))
> week3 <- grep("(_PRO_003)",names(dmx3),perl=T)
> week3table <- subset(dmx3,select=c(ID,week3))
> week4 <- grep("(_PRO_004)",names(dmx3),perl=T)
> week4table <- subset(dmx3,select=c(ID,week4))
> mws <-
> (week1table[,2:117]+week2table[,2:117]+week3table[,2:117]+week4table[,
> 2:117])/4
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> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented,
> minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Petr Pikal
petr.pikal at precheza.cz