On 7/16/06, Daniel Gatti <dmgatti at mindspring.com>
wrote:> O/S: Linux
> R version : 2.2.1
> The R server doesn't have http internet access. And the sys admins
> not install the R libraries that I requested. So I have downloaded the
> packages that I want to intall and have moved them into my home
> directory on the server. These are a series of *.tar.gz files. I want
> to install the R libraries in my home directory, but I can't get it to
> work. According to the install.packages documentation :
> install.packages(pkgs, lib, repos = getOption("repos"),
contriburl > contrib.url(repos, type), method, available = NULL, destdir =
> installWithVers = FALSE, dependencies = FALSE, type =
> repos: character vector, the base URL(s) of the repositories to use,
> i.e., .... Can be 'NULL' to install from local
'.tar.gz' files.
> contriburl: URL(s) of the contrib section of the repositories. ......
> Can be 'NULL' to install from local '.tar.gz' files.
> pkgs: character vector of the short names of packages/bundles whose
> current versions should be downloaded from the repositories.
> If 'repos = NULL', a character vector of file paths of
> '.tar.gz' files. These can be source archives or binary
> package/bundle archive files (as created by 'R CMD build
> --binary'). ......
> lib: character vector giving the library directories where to install
> the packages. Recycled as needed.
> So I have issued a command like this:
> >
install.packages(pkgs="~/Rdownloads/hgug4112a_1.12.0.tar.gz", lib >
"~/Rlib", repos=NULL, contriburl=NULL)
> Warning in download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available >
available, :
> no package '~/Rdownloads/hgug4112a_1.12.0.tar.gz' at the
> repositories
> As far as I can tell, I've given it the full path to the zip file, the
> directory in which to install the library and I've set the repository
> path to 'NULL' to indicate that I'm installing from an already
> downloaded zip file. But I'm missing something. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Dan
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> PLEASE do read the posting guide!
Put your packages, for example, in directory "/dir/of/pkgs"
and the package will be installed to "/dir/of/R/libs"
Best, Muhammad Subianto