On 2/20/2006 5:43 AM, Laura Quinn wrote:> Hi,
> I am applying the following code to map pca loadings onto a 3d grid, my
> problem is this - the output only plots the spheres in the requested color
> (in this case "red") for the first argument. The sphere from the
> argument appear as flat dark circles. Also the text3d() command only seems
> to work for a couple of the positions, with no text added in most cases.
> Could anyone offer any suggestions?
A couple below, but you'll need to simplify your examples to get direct
answers to your questions.>
> g.pca <- prcomp(RtG , retx = TRUE)
> scale <- 0.4
> bg3d("black")
> amp <- 6
> zlim <- amp*range(z)
We can't execute this code, because we don't have z.
> zlen <- (zlim[2] - zlim[1])*100
> colorlut <- terrain.colors(zlen) # height color lookup table
> col <- colorlut[ ((z*amp)-zlim[1])*100+1 ] # assign colors to heights
> surface3d(x,y,z*amp,color=col)
> for (i in 1:30) {
> for (i in 1) {
This doesn't look right. You're using i for two different purposes
Duncan Murdoch
> pc <- g.pca$rotation[,i]
> pc.pos <- (pc > 0)
> if (any(pc.pos)) {
> spheres3d(xval[pc.pos],yval[pc.pos],6*zsamp[pc.pos],
> radius=scale*pc[pc.pos],color="red")
> }
> if (any(!pc.pos)) {
> spheres3d(xval[!pc.pos],yval[!pc.pos],6*zsamp[!pc.pos],
> radius=scale*pc[!pc.pos],color="blue")
> }
> lit=TRUE)
> text3d(sample[i,1],sample[i,2],sample[i,3],i,adj=0)
> }}
> Thanks in advance,
> Laura
> Laura Quinn
> Institute of Atmospheric Science
> School of Earth and Environment
> University of Leeds
> Leeds
> LS2 9JT
> tel: +44 113 343 1596
> fax: +44 113 343 6716
> mail: laura at env.leeds.ac.uk
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