That sound all very reasonable, so unless there are any protests I
will make the suggested changes on one of the next days.
Thanks a lot,
>>>>> On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 11:05:33 -0500,
>>>>> White, Charles E WRAIR-Wash DC (WCEWD) wrote:
> My subject line refers to a thread from June 2005 where I found
> explanations from Uwe Ligges and Friedrich Leisch as to what is intended
> by the R citation recommended within the software. Forgive me if I
> missed some points within the thread but when I found myself circling
> through messages I had already read, I stopped trying to follow it. I
> understand and mostly agree with how the R citation is currently
> suggested, though I would like to make two recommendations:
> (1) Include the version number in the citation.
> When editors realize I'm citing software, they want to know which
> version I am citing. Since the document we are citing (called the
> 'Reference Index' under the 'Manuals' link) actually
includes the
> version number anyway, I recommend that the R Development Core Team
> expand the reference to include that information. A suggested format
> follows:
> R Development Core Team (2005). R: A language and environment for
> statistical computing, reference index version 2.2.1. R Foundation for
> Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-900051-07-0, URL
> (2) Help editors find the cited document by (a) explicitly providing a
> citation link on the main web page for the R-project and (b) referencing
> the cited document on the web site by the name under which it is cited.
> Imagine the hapless editor following the R-project link expecting to
> find a document called "R: A language and environment for
> computing." They then Google the ISBN number and find it referring
> multiple versions of the software. <grin> With regard to the
> link, I recommend that it be called 'Citing R' and that it be
placed on
> the left side of the web page under the header called 'About R.'
> regard to the text on the page linked to 'Citing R,' I suggest
> like the following:
> The R Development Core Team recommends the following citation for the
> current major release of R:
> R Development Core Team (2005). R: A language and environment for
> statistical computing, reference index version 2.x.x. R Foundation for
> Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-900051-07-0, URL
> With regard to the version number, 2 is the major release, the first x
> is the minor release, and the last x is the patch level. The ISBN number
> covers both the software and the tightly bundled reference index. This
> number changes with each major release of R.
> ...
> Thanks for your time.
> Chuck
> Charles E. White, Senior Biostatistician, MS
> Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
> 503 Robert Grant Ave., Room 1w102
> Silver Spring, MD 20910-1557
> 301 319-9781
> Personal/Professional Site: