klebyn wrote:> Hi R Users,
> How to use the function polygon()
> together with the package scatterplot3d?
> I am trying to color below of the curves
> defined for the function density().
> I tried to use the site: R GRAPH GALLERY
> as tutorial.
> I tried to adapt the example of this page:
> [figure]:
> addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/RGraphGallery.php?graph=30
> [code]:
> addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/sources/source_30.R
> to my case but I do not obtain success.
> Somebody could give a tip to me, please?
> I am thankful anticipatedly.
> Cleber Borges
> #My code test
> ##############
> library(scatterplot3d)
> x=c(0.4, -1.2, .8, -.7, 0)
> d1 = density(x[1],bw=1.2, from=-3.0, to=3.0 )
> d2 = density(x[2],bw=0.8, from=-3.0, to=3.0 )
> d3 = density(x[3],bw=0.6, from=-2.5, to=2.5 )
> d4 = density(x[4],bw=0.5, from=-2.0, to=2.0 )
> d5 = density(x[5],bw=0.3, from=-1.5, to=1.5 )
> sx = c(d1$x,d2$x,d3$x,d4$x,d5$x)
> sy = c(d1$y,d2$y,d3$y,d4$y,d5$y)
> sz = c(rep(0.1,512),rep(0.2,512),rep(0.3,512),rep(0.4,512),rep(0.5,512))
> scatterplot3d(x=sx,y=sz,z=sy,type='l')
> ##############
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x <- c(0.4, -1.2, .8, -.7, 0)
d <- vector(length = length(x), mode = "list")
d[[1]] <- density(x[1], bw = 1.2, from = -3.0, to = 3.0)
d[[2]] <- density(x[2], bw = 0.8, from = -3.0, to = 3.0)
d[[3]] <- density(x[3], bw = 0.6, from = -2.5, to = 2.5)
d[[4]] <- density(x[4], bw = 0.5, from = -2.0, to = 2.0)
d[[5]] <- density(x[5], bw = 0.3, from = -1.5, to = 1.5)
x <- lapply(d, "[[", "x")
y <- lapply(d, "[[", "y")
z <- lapply(seq(0.1, 0.5, 0.1), rep, each = 512)
sx <- unlist(x)
sy <- unlist(y)
sz <- unlist(z)
s3d <- scatterplot3d(x = sx, y = sz, z = sy, type = "n")
for(i in rev(seq(along=d))){
s3d_coords <- s3d$xyz.convert(x[[i]], z[[i]], y[[i]])
polygon(s3d_coords, col = i, border = "black")
Uwe Ligges