Thanks very much for you reply.
My data has 3 independent variable and the fourth one is the group variable. I
adapted the code that you gave me in the following
way (d is my original data structure, contains the grouping variables and
independent variables)
G <- d$groupvariable
x <- t(d[11])
y <- t(d[12])
z <- t(d[13])
s3d <- scatterplot3d(x, y, z, type = "n")
for (g in unique(G))
bxp.stx <- boxplot.stats(x[G==g])
bxp.sty <- boxplot.stats(y[G==g])
bxp.stz <- boxplot.stats(z[G==g])
# whiskers
lines(s3d$xyz.convert(bxp.stx$stats[c(3, 3)], bxp.sty$stats[c(3, 3)],
bxp.stz$stats[c(1, 5)]))
lines(s3d$xyz.convert(bxp.stx$stats[c(3, 3)], bxp.sty$stats[c(1, 5)],
bxp.stz$stats[c(3, 3)]))
lines(s3d$xyz.convert(bxp.stx$stats[c(1, 5)], bxp.sty$stats[c(3, 3)],
bxp.stz$stats[c(3, 3)]))
# box
lines(s3d$xyz.convert(bxp.stx$stats[c(3, 3)], bxp.sty$stats[c(3, 3)],
bxp.stz$stats[c(2, 4)]), lwd = 3)
lines(s3d$xyz.convert(bxp.stx$stats[c(3, 3)], bxp.sty$stats[c(2, 4)],
bxp.stz$stats[c(3, 3)]), lwd = 3)
lines(s3d$xyz.convert(bxp.stx$stats[c(2, 4)], bxp.sty$stats[c(3, 3)],
bxp.stz$stats[c(3, 3)]), lwd = 3)
# median
s3d$points3d(bxp.stx$stats[3], bxp.sty$stats[3], bxp.stz$stats[3], pch = 18,
col = "red")
Just a thought. I understand that you wrote the scatterplot3d package. May be
you could add a 3dboxplot function to that package
(something like the one above but better coding).
Many thanks for your help.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Uwe Ligges" <ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
To: "Rishabh Gupta" <rg117 at ohm.york.ac.uk>
Cc: <r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: [R] grouping in scatterplot3d
| Rishabh Gupta wrote:
| >
| > Hi,
| > Thanks very much for your reply.
| > I think what I was hoping for was a 3d version of boxplot.
| > Box plot will give me a median, the quartiles and the upper
| > and lower range for each group. If there is a function that
| > would give me the same information but for 3d plots, that is
| > really what I was hoping for.
| Not really easy, but a quick hack can be done along the following lines
| with scatterplot3d (in CRAN package of the same name):
| # data:
| z <- rnorm(100)
| x <- sample(1:5, size = 100, replace = TRUE) # categorial
| y <- sample(1:5, size = 100, replace = TRUE) # categorial
| # set up the plot without drawing, and save the returned functions
| # (see ?scatterplot3d section "Values"):
| s3d <- scatterplot3d(x, y, z, type = "n")
| # Just a double loop, not speed issues if looping for such a plot -
| # or plot cannot show anything:
| for(i in unique(x)){
| for(j in unique(y)){
| # calculate boxplot stats for this each plot group:
| bxp.st <- boxplot.stats(z[x==i & y==j])
| l <- length(bxp.st$out)
| # plot outliers:
| if(length(bxp.st$out) > 0)
| s3d$points3d(rep(i, l), rep(j, l), bxp.st$out)
| # calculate "whiskers" and plot them:
| lines(s3d$xyz.convert(c(i, i), c(j, j), bxp.st$stats[c(1, 5)]))
| # calculate "box" and plot it:
| lines(s3d$xyz.convert(c(i, i), c(j, j), bxp.st$stats[c(2, 4)]),
| lwd = 3)
| # plot the median:
| s3d$points3d(i, j, bxp.st$stats[3], pch = 18, col = "red")
| }
| }
| Uwe Ligges
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