Since I've seen no reply to this so far, I will venture a few
questions / suggestions. I have not used nlme (nor nln for Maggie Zhu),
so I can not comment on the specifics. I have two general procedures
for debugging when I get a cryptic error message.
First, in R, I can get the source just by entering the name of the
function. I copy the results into a script file and trace the code line
by line until I identify what crashes the code. Then I can work to
identify what change I need to make, either to the code or prefereably
to my argument(s), to make it work.
Requestion "nlme" produces the following:
> nlme
function (model, data = sys.frame(sys.parent()), fixed, random = fixed,
groups, start, correlation = NULL, weights = NULL, subset,
method = c("ML", "REML"), na.action =,
control = list(), verbose = FALSE)
This is not particularly helpful by itself. However,
'methods("nlme")' returns the following:
[1] nlme.formula nlme.nlsList
I can list these two functions [or access them via getAnywhere if the
name is followed by an asterisk (*)] and get more detail.
Second, with a complicated function call like the two nlme examples,
I can try to delete or simplify arguments, e.g., delete terms from a
formula, until I get something that either changes or eliminates the
error message.
Finally, "PLEASE do read the posting guide!". It can help you formulate
a question to increase the chances of a useful reply -- and you may even
find the answer without waiting for someone on the list to reply.
spencer graves
rich at wrote:
> This concerns the "Clinical Study of Quinidine" example on page
> of the book "Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS" by Pinheiro
and Bates (2000).
> I have tried to reproduce the example, but get an error:
>>fm1Quin.nlme <- nlme(conc ~ quinModel(Subject, time, conc, dose,
interval, lV,
> lKa, lCl),
> + data=Quinidine,
> + fixed=lV + lKa + lCl ~ 1,
> + random=pdDiag(lV + lCl ~ 1),
> + groups= ~ Subject,
> + start=list(fixed=c(5, -0.3, 2)),
> + na.action=na.pass, naPattern= ~ !
> Error in solve.default(estimates[dimE[1] - (p:1), dimE[2] - (p:1), drop
> FALSE]) :
> system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number
> 6.61723e-17
> Note:
> - I am running R version 2.1.0 on Linux.
> - The only difference between the code in the book and the code above is
> that I use na.pass instead of na.include for the na.action argument, but
> I don't think this is significant.
> I would appreciate help from anybody who has been able to get this example
> work.
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> PLEASE do read the posting guide!
Spencer Graves, PhD
Senior Development Engineer
PDF Solutions, Inc.
333 West San Carlos Street Suite 700
San Jose, CA 95110, USA
spencer.graves at <>
Tel: 408-938-4420
Fax: 408-280-7915