Dear R users, I'm interested in a combination of a scatterplot and an image graph. I have two large vectors. Because in the scatterplot some areas are sparsely and others densely populated, I want to see the points, and I also want their color to be changed based on their density (similar to a heat map). Is there a function that can do that? Thank you, b. __________________________________ Send a seasonal email greeting and help others. Do good.
On Wednesday 22 December 2004 22:37, bogdan romocea wrote:> Dear R users, > > I'm interested in a combination of a scatterplot and an image graph. > I have two large vectors. Because in the scatterplot some areas are > sparsely and others densely populated, I want to see the points, and > I also want their color to be changed based on their density (similar > to a heat map). Is there a function that can do that?Perhaps not exactly that, but you might be inerested in the hexbin package. For example, library(hexbin) plot(hexbin(x = rnorm(5000), y = rnorm(5000))) Deepayan
Hello, you can fit a density using MASS::kde2d and then do a contour plot (?contour) and scatterplot your data : x <- rnorm(500) y <- rnorm(500) require(MASS) d <- kde2d(x,y,n=50) image(d) contour(d,add=T) points(x,y,pch=20) Romain. bogdan romocea a ??crit :>Dear R users, > >I'm interested in a combination of a scatterplot and an image graph. >I have two large vectors. Because in the scatterplot some areas are >sparsely and others densely populated, I want to see the points, and >I also want their color to be changed based on their density (similar >to a heat map). Is there a function that can do that? > >Thank you, >b. > >-- Romain FRANCOIS : francoisromain at page web : (en construction) 06 18 39 14 69 / 01 46 80 65 60 _______________________________________________________ Etudiant en 3eme ann??e Institut de Statistique de l'Universit?? de Paris (ISUP) Fili??re Industrie et Services
bogdan romocea wrote:> Dear R users, > > I'm interested in a combination of a scatterplot and an image graph. > I have two large vectors. Because in the scatterplot some areas are > sparsely and others densely populated, I want to see the points, and > I also want their color to be changed based on their density (similar > to a heat map). Is there a function that can do that? >This looked much like a function in the "plotrix" package, and I found it was quite easy to modify one of the functions to do what I think you want. Try installing "plotrix" and sourcing this function. color.scale<-function(x,redrange,greenrange,bluerange){ ncolors<-length(x) if(length(redrange) > 1) reds<-rescale(x,redrange) else reds<-rep(redrange,ncolors) if(length(greenrange) > 1) greens<-rescale(x,greenrange) else greens<-rep(greenrange,ncolors) if(length(bluerange) > 1) blues<-rescale(x,bluerange) else blues<-rep(bluerange,ncolors) colormatrix<-cbind(reds,greens,blues) colvec<-apply(colormatrix,1,,scale.up) return(colvec) } Then: x<-rnorm(20) y<-rnorm(20) densities<-apply(as.matrix(dist(cbind(x,y))),mean)) plot(x,y,col=color.scale(densities,c(0,255),0,c(255,0)) I've made up the color endpoints, of course. This looks so useful that I will include it in the next version of plotrix. Jim