Displaying 20 results from an estimated 640 matches for "scatterplot".
2011 Jan 14
Question about scatterplot in package car
I am getting an error message from scatterplot:
> library(car)
> scatterplot(Prestige$income~Prestige$type)
Error in Summary.factor(c(2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, :
range not meaningful for factors
In addition: Warning message:
In Ops.factor(x[floor(d)], x[ceiling(d)]) : + not meaningful for factors
The command...
2012 May 19
Q - scatterplot, plot function & trellis linear regressions???
Hi R-listers,
Q1) What is the difference between the scatterplot and plot function?
Q2) I am able to make a graph with the scatterplot function:
scatterplot(DevelopIndex ~ Veg,
+ data = Turtle,
+ xlab = "Vegetation border (m)",
+ ylab = "Embryonic development index")
And have been successful. But I do...
2010 Apr 25
categorical variable in scatterplot (car)
Hello R folks,
I am encountering a problem with the following scatterplot function from the
car package:
> scatterplot(y~x|z)
where y and x are continuous (interval) random variables and z is a
categorical variable. When z is a categorical variable coded 1 or 2, I
(appropriately) get a scatterplot of y by x, coded by z. Similarly, when z
is a categorical variable...
2010 Feb 23
scatterplots in car package
Hi, using scatterplot in 'car' package.
There are 4 plots to be pictured together (ignore data used):
scatterplot(rnorm(100),rnorm(100),boxplot="",smooth=T) # scatter with
non-parametric fit
problem is that the last one comes ...
2012 Feb 10
Q - scatterplots
I was able to make a scatterplot but ...
1) what does the "86" mean? The "86" shows up on the graph as well.
> scatterplot (Shells/TotalEggs ~ Sector, data = data.to.analyze)
[1] "86"
2) Also how do you change the Y axis title? I don't want it to read
Shells/TotalEggs, instead I would like...
2012 Aug 11
using eval to handle column names in function calling scatterplot graph function
...;Distribution of ",xvar,sep=""))
boxplot(eval(parse(text = yvar))~HMA, ylab=yvar, xlab="HMA",
plot(eval(parse(text = yvarcol))~eval(parse(text = xvarcol)), main =
paste(yvar," by ",xvar, sep=""), xlab = xvar, ylab = yvar)
scatterplot(eval(parse(text = yvar))~eval(parse(text = xvar)),
boxplots='xy', data=subdf, main = "Testcase_ID=142")
When I execute the function:
plotvar(mydf,mydf$PARMNAME, "C_2TAMP","Amp_2T","C1")
everything seems to work until the scatterplot statement...
2010 Oct 15
multiple car scatterplots on one graph
R version 2.11.1 on WinXP
How do I get 3 scatterplots with marginal boxplots (from the
car package) onto a single plot?
I have a data frame called bank
> dim(bank)
[1] 46 5
x1 x2 x3 x4 pop
1 -0.45 -0.41 1.09 0.45 0
2 -0.56 -0.31 1.51 0.16 0
3 0.06 0.02 1.01 0.40 0
4 -0.07 -0.09 1.45 0.26 0
5 -0.10 -0.09 1.56 0...
2011 Jul 28
smooth scatterplot and geo map
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to understand how to draw a smoothed scatterplot on a geographic
map with R.
Have a dataframe with point locations (long, lat) and was able to simply
plot these points on a shp map by using the maptools package. However,
instead of having simply the raw points on the map, I would like to have a
"smoothed" scatterplot of the same superim...
2009 May 01
Plotting extra lines on scatterplot
Hello Everyone-
I'm in the process of slowly learning R and am having a little bit of
trouble plotting an extra line onto a scatterplot. I'm sure the answer
is quite simple but I am stumped.
The code I am using is:
headways <- read.table("headways.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",",
na.strings="", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
scatterplot(dechway~dechr, reg.line=FALSE, smooth=TRUE,...
2007 Jan 21
Scatterplot help
Hi my friends,
I'm trying to make a scatterplot like this.
1) I have a 3-variable dataset. They are ID, x, and y.
2) "x" is for the X-axis, "y" for the Y-axis, and "ID" is used to label all
the cases in the scatterplot.
3) After creating the scatterplot, I need to add both a X-axis reference
line and a Y-axis r...
2008 Feb 11
scatterplot in CAR
I am trying to use scatterplot function in CAR like the following:
I want to label X points and Y ponits using the different color.
Any idea for this?
2011 Feb 08
How to change labels in scatterplot?
Dear all,
I'm trying to use "scatterplot" from package "car" to get a scatterplot with
row-names as labels and I want my data to be divided into two groups defined
by the column "tresh". Leaving away the groups-command gives me the right
labels but they are not distinguished by colors according to "tresh"...
2009 Jun 09
scatterplot (car) legend modification
new to R and using the car package to do some scatterplots with ellipses
hoping to add the area and center points of each ellipse to the legend?
looking for some direction / ideas.... here is the script, the data is
golf shots end up by club.
x (dispersion), y (distance), group (Club)
thanks, sam
## usage: Rscript shotScatter.R infile outfile...
2012 Oct 23
scatterplot with wrong line offset
Hi All,
I'm trying to do a Scatterplot (package: car), and add a line (just for
There is my code:
2004 Dec 23
combination of scatterplot and image graph
Dear R users,
I'm interested in a combination of a scatterplot and an image graph.
I have two large vectors. Because in the scatterplot some areas are
sparsely and others densely populated, I want to see the points, and
I also want their color to be changed based on their density (similar
to a heat map). Is there a function that can do that?
Thank you,
2010 Nov 16
scatterplot with filled circles
for a simple scatterplot:
plot(X ~ Y, type = 'p', col = 'red')
this produces red-edged circles, but I want to fill in the circles.
can this be done? I checked '? plot' already but couldn't find what I was
looking for.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabbl...
2002 Aug 26
(CAR) Scatterplot and problems (?) with abline
Network Blitz
I'm trying to generate a graph to summarize Interest Rate Parity. This
involves a scatterplot of x against y where the x and y limits are set
so to center the graph on 0,0 and then adding each axis line and a 45
degree line. Using CAR's scatterplot (sample code below) everything
except the axes plot fine:
scatterplot( Interest.Rate.Dif ~ ForPrm| profit,
2006 Feb 01
Scatterplot color options in CAR package?
Hi All.
I'd like to change the default plotting colors used to construct a
scatterplot with regression line in the CAR package.
scatterplot(y~pred,smooth=FALSE, xlab="X", ylab="Y", lwd=2)
If I change the palette (e.g., palette(ranbow(6)), I can change the color of
the lines and points.
However, the axes and labels remain in black (i.e., the first color in...
2009 Feb 19
modifying legend in scatterplot matrix R
Hello R users,
I have some troubles to modify the "per default" legend in the
scatterplot.matrix using the car package. Here is my code:
scatterplot.matrix(~ a + b + c,
2011 Nov 07
Adding lines to scatterplot odd result when creating multiple plots
Dear R helpers
I'm attempting to create a matrix of scatterplots with X-Y mean lines and
regression lines added to each plot in the matrix. I have managed to create
the first plot I would like using scatterplot but have run into an odd
result when I use par() to set up the page to take multiple plot.
Specifically, the mean and regression lines appear to plot...