Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "ncolors".
Did you mean:
2004 Dec 23
combination of scatterplot and image graph
Dear R users,
I'm interested in a combination of a scatterplot and an image graph.
I have two large vectors. Because in the scatterplot some areas are
sparsely and others densely populated, I want to see the points, and
I also want their color to be changed based on their density (similar
to a heat map). Is there a function that can do that?
Thank you,
2003 Jan 21
[R] proposal: lattice/levelplot: panel.catlevelplot
...sel = ( zcol[subscripts] == i.col )
, fill = col.regions[i.col]
#------ EXAMPLE -----------------------------------------------------------
example1.catlevelplot.esoph <- function( ... ){
ncolors <- nlevels( esoph$alcgp )
print( levelplot( ncases ~ agegp * alcgp | tobgp, data=esoph
, main = 'esoph data set'
, sub = 'tobgp'
, cuts = ncolors
, layout = c( 4, 4 )
, scales=list(
x = list( labels = le...
2007 Jul 07
color scale in rgl plots
I'm trying to make a 3d plot using rgl in which the size and color of
each point corresponds to certain attributes of each data point. The color
attribute, let's call it X, is scaled to go from 0 to 1. The
rainbow(64,start=0.7,end=0.1) palette is perfect for what I want but I
don't know how to take that palette and pick a color from it based on
the value of X for a given data
2008 Feb 26
Multiple lines with a different color assigned to each line (corrected code)
Sorry, I just realized I didn't type in the correct
names of the variables I am working with, this is how
it should be:
for (i in summ$tx) {
Thank you,
2000 Apr 14
Rd2Sd conversion: files (PR#520)
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="plot.mefista.Rd"
\title{Plot an object of class mefista.}
%- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here.
\item{mef}{An object of class \code{mefista}.}
\item{draw.style}{Values: 0 - linear, 1 - \code{\link{image}}, 2 -
\code{\link{contour}}, 3 - \code{image()} \emph{and} \code{contour}
superposed, 4 - \code...
2009 Jul 15
Read PNG file and display with more than 256 colors RGDAL
...a 256 color scale.
A code example is below:
png(file="file.png", 4000,4000)
myTile <- readGDAL("basemap.png",silent=TRUE); #basemap.png is a PNG file returned from googlemaps
myTile at data <- myTile at data[,1:3]
col <- SGDF2PCT(myTile,ncolors=256) ## myTile is a spatialGridDataFrame with 3 bands
myTile$ind <- col$idx ## add the colour index to the data frame
myTile <- as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(myTile["ind"],1,2)$z;
attr(myTile, "COL") <- col$ct;
attr(myTile, "type") <- "rgb"...
2008 Jul 02
Insert text in data.frame
Dear R-helper,
I wonder if anyone can help me. I am trying to convert a dataset to a
format recognizable by a software onboard a research vessel but I am
having problems with some steps.
I have a data frame as follows:
Conc Lat Lon Depth
Point0000 56.25 -5.65 70
Point0001 56.55 -5.35 85
Point0002 56.25 -5.65 65
Point0003 56.37
2010 Nov 24
4. Rexcel (Luis Felipe Parra)-how to run a code from excel
the resulting plot does not contain the color labels i.e. the
variable names of my data table, even though they exist and are
included as column names of tableToCluster.
I also tried the following line:
plot(self_Organising_Map, type="codes", codeRendering = "segments",
palette.name=rainbow, main = "Kohonen Map of Clustered Profiles \n
Codes", zlim =colnames(self_Organising_Map$codes))
but it had the same result.
If you could please help with what argument I should use to show the
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