That would do the trick :
x <- rnorm(50)
y <- rnorm(50)
color <- rep("blue",50)
color[(x>0)&(y<0)] <-"red"
color[(x<0)&(y>0)] <-"green"
color[(x<0)&(y<0)] <-"yellow"
abline(h=0) #just to check
abline(v=0) #just to check
Derek Margetts a ??crit :
>Thanks again Andy and Uwe for you help on my previous
>post of ploting lm coef and means. With your
>direction, I was able to expand and generalize the
>function to meet my requirements.
>Follow up question: Is it possible to make the points
>different colors depending on which quaderant they
>fall into?
>The data frame contains two variables (x and y)
>Quad 1 = x>mean(x) & y>mean(y) would be blue
>Quad 2 = x>mean(x) & y<mean(y) would be red
>Quad 3 = x<mean(x) & y>mean(y) ....
>Quad 4 = x<mean(x) & y<mean(y) ....
>R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
>PLEASE do read the posting guide!
Romain FRANCOIS : francoisromain at free.fr
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Etudiant en 3eme ann??e
Institut de Statistique de l'Universit?? de Paris (ISUP)
Fili??re Industrie et Services